Tohru Adachi

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Tohru Adachi
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Personal Information
Real Name 足立透(あだちとおる)
Aliases Fumbles, Adachi, Tohru
Arcana 0 - Fool REVERSE
Nature Persona-User
Gender Male
Age 27
Birth Date February 1, 1982
(2/1/1984 in canon)
Preferred Weapon Handguns
Organization Information
Faction [[NWO
Teams On the Take
Job Bumbling Detective(?)
Divisions Hot Fuzz
Assignment Inaba PD
Persona - Magatsu Izanagi
OOC Information
Origin Persona 4
Voice Actor Johnny Young Bosch
Mitsuaki Madono

"Oh man, are we ever gonna catch this perp? It's like he just disappeared... --H-huh!? You were listening!? Don't worry! Just leave it up to the police, kids--we'll have this case wrapped up in no time!"



Secretly frustrated by how he was assigned to the sleepy country town of Inaba but doing what he can to make the best of it, Tohru Adachi is the very definition of the bumbling detective. Partnered with the more serious, dour, experienced detective Ryotaro Dojima, Adachi by contrast acts mellow and friendly, if unsure of himself and with an unfortunate tendency to take things more lightly than he should, which has led to his fellow policemen to look at him as incompetent and the joke of the department. In some ways, he is, too; he can jump to conclusions, talk out loud to himself about cases in front of civilians, and get distracted from important case details. Still, even if he messes up sometimes (a lot of the time), he's dedicated to the work he's applied himself to (what little of that there is), and when it comes down to the wire, he's much cleverer than he often lets on (probably).


EWWW DEAD BODIES EWWWW EWWWWW, Loveable Buttmonkey, Exciteable, Always Getting Told To Shut Up, He Really Should Shut Up Actually, Then Again How Else Would The Party Get Their Plot-Sensitive Information?, Dojima's Coffee Jockey, Mind Like A Steel Trap (No, Really), Getting Run Off By 15-Year-Olds, Fluffy Hair, Faildetective, No Luck With Women At All, MY CABBAGES!!!, If He's The Brains Of The Police Force Then No Wonder We Need High School Students To Solve Our Murder Mysteries, Gyges? What?, There's Something To Do Here After All...


Ryotaro Dojima: Adachi's boss and partner, who he's been working under since he was transferred to Inaba late February/early March. Although they frequently drive each other crazy, and their interactions outside of work are typically awkward, and Dojima sometimes flat-out pisses Adachi off (and vice versa), there is a level of trust there between the two of them. Adachi often eats over at the Dojima residence when he just doesn't have the money to eat anything on his own.

Enoha Koinose: Adachi's girlfriend, an Inaba resident and employee at Yomenaido Book Store, whom he met in Port Island during the Dark Hour while SEES and Strega were having a knockdown brawl. She asked him out, and their relationship has progressed deeper and deeper from there. He's even privately started to teach her how to shoot a gun. In spite of everything, they are genuinely crazy about each other, and Enoha has entrusted Adachi with secrets about herself she's never told anyone else. Adachi (mostly) trusts her in return.

Thora Kobayashi: Yasogami High School student, half-Japanese, and Oni of Osaka, their relationship started out rocky when Adachi and Dojima were sent to investigate the murder of Thora's mother and her mother's murderer. Since then, Adachi has managed to get closer to Thora, to the point where he can get away with calling her "Thora-chan," and she likes and trusts him and regards him as an older brother figure.

Mitsuru Kirijo: The leader of SEES and Gekkoukan High School student. They first met in Paulownia Mall while Adachi was snooping around about the Dark Hour using an Inaba-local complaint about some priest working in the mall, and continued to run into each other. Mitsuru was the one who first sensed that Adachi had a Persona, and when he summoned Badimo (the Rank 1 Hierophant Generic, because like hell he was going to show her Magatsu Izanagi), she accepted him as an ally to SEES. Mitsuru likes and more or less trusts Adachi, although she does think he'd kind of a tard.

Shinjiro Aragaki: Recently returned SEES senpai and Gekkoukan HS student. Mitsuru assigned him to train Adachi, which he did with his usual gruffness. Recently, Adachi learned that he was a murderer, and when Shinjiro found out he knew, the two of them had a very direct conversation. Ironically, in spite of the fact that Adachi tore Shinjiro to shreds, the two of them ended up closer as a result. Shinjiro saw some of Adachi's crocodile intelligence behind his doofy exterior and respects him for telling it to him brutally straight, and Adachi's come to realize that he and Shinjiro have quite a bit in common after all.

Nanako Dojima: Dojima's six-year-old daughter. Adachi's looked out for her, protected her, and kept his promises to her, and even once told her a bedtime fairy tale starring her called Little Red Riding Nanako-chan. Nanako consequently likes Adachi quite a bit, and Adachi thinks she's a good girl, too.

Souji Seta: Dojima's 17-year-old nephew, Yasogami HS student, and KDA co-leader with Naoto Shirogane. The two of them get along pretty well, though they're not precisely close. Souji owes Adachi a favor thanks to Adachi helping out with a fiasco involving Shiro Koda and the Dojima residence.

Yosuke Hanamura: Yasogami HS student and Souji's friend/partner. Actually is really quite similar to Adachi. Yosuke has talked to him a lot privately about case details, asking for his help and advice; he's also displayed suspicions towards him that Adachi's managed to allay. Yosuke is aware of Adachi's status as SEES ally, though not quite to what extent.

Aigis: SEES anti-Shadow combat robot and Gekkoukan HS student. Aigis thinks that Adachi is the best detective ever and a totally trustworthy guy. Adachi once told Dojima that Aigis was a robot, and got hit upside the head for his "joke."

Kanji Tatsumi: Yasogami HS student, Adachi is his parole officer ever since he got arrested for assault on fellow student Michiru Fukase (which was actually a mistake/misunderstanding, but that's how it turned out). Kanji is not very impressed with Adachi, but did save him and Nanako once from Tomomi Fujimori when she tried to kill them. Adachi may or may not still be his parole officer, as Kanji dropped after a long period of being idle, so Kanji might well be off parole by now!

Ran Itoh: SEES senpai and Gekkoukan HS graduate. She likes Adachi and thinks he's just an adorable Fumbles, and came to him for love advice concerning Shinjiro. Adachi thought that was really quite funny, actually.

Kagura Enjou: NWO employee and forensic scientist stationed in Inaba after the murders. Sex bomb and massive tease, who twice has pulled Adachi into private quarters at the police station and used her wiles on him. Kagura has mixed feelings on him after he attempted to take that second pouncing a step further, but overall thinks he's harmless and appreciates the fact that he came to help save her when she got stuck in Tartarus.

Tomomi Fujimori: Strega co-leader with Takaya Sakaki and St. Hermelin HS student. She has frequently used Inaba as her chaos playing grounds, assaulting and attempting to murder people there, and getting away with it since having a Shadow-Possessed form means there's no way to reliably pin her crimes on her. Adachi hates her guts.


  • In canon, Adachi states that the only reason he became a detective was so he could legally carry a gun. On P-MUSH, more specifically, he was watching a TV show about cops and detectives and thought that the kind of power they wielded, as symbolized by the fact that they could legally carry guns and were meant to protect those who couldn't, was incredibly attractive and liberating, especially given how his parents were pushing him to get the exact same job they both had, i.e. government secretary. He didn't actually intend on becoming a detective, though, until the very last minute, when on the way to an interview for a secretary position, he saw in the same building a civil service exam for becoming a policeman was soon to happen, so he filled out an application and took the exam last minute. He missed his interview and never got offered a secretary position, but he did end up following up on the police exams and eventually getting a position as detective.
  • His mom and dad were in the NWO since very close to the beginning, being massive admirers of Tatsuzou Sudou as fellow members of the government. Adachi thus, under his parents' guidance and string-pulling, interned under certain members while he was still in college and was prepped to join until he ditched the route he was going and became an NWO detective.
  • The mistake he made... is a secret. However, he had just been promoted to police captain a week before it happened, and it involved his very first mission as captain. Because of his parents' influence within the NWO and the sensitive nature of what happened, he just barely managed to escape getting publicly dismissed outright and instead was demoted and shipped off to Inaba, where at the time it was thought nothing important was happening or would happen.
  • While police work is far less glamorous and awesome than he originally imagined it would be, and he sometimes regrets having become a policeman, he has never regretted becoming a policeman over a secretary.
  • Adachi is a college graduate. His major was probably something basic and generic, and the extraneous courses he took were all over the map in terms of focus and interest. Part of why he's so poor is because he has so many student loan bills to pay; another part is that his parents, who were never pleased with him becoming a cop in the first place, refuse to help him out in any way after he got demoted.
  • Cabbage was something he got into while being a poor college student. It's cheap, it has some nutrients, maybe, and you get a lot for your money. Now that Adachi has ridiculous amounts of bills to pay, he eats cabbage, among other cheap food products, all the time.
  • Adachi has only had two girlfriends prior to events on P-MUSH, both of whom he slept with, both of them during college in spite of his trying to get a girlfriend since his first year of high school. The first one broke up with him on account of him being too clingy and jealous, and the second ended up cheating on him, then dumped him when he found out.
  • Adachi has terrible personal habits. He showers and brushes his teeth, but he doesn't eat regular meals and he can't be assed to brush his hair or consistently not sleep in his regular clothes unless he's got someone to impress--and in Inaba, there are very few people he'd bother to try to impress.
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