Once upon a time, Anna Yoshizaka was the star of the Seven Sisters High track team. Her life as a runner came to an end when she was struck by a drunk driver, breaking both her legs in such a fashion that she would never compete again. Bitter over the loss of her sole ambition and aspiration in life, Anna descended into a suicidal depression, convinced there was nothing more for her in life. From there, it was a few short steps to becoming a part of the Masquerade; though she stays with the group not out of any idealism or thought for reform, but to show others that a realization of the futility and pointlessness of everyday existence is merely one catastrophe away.
Running Fas- Wait No, Enjoys The Feel Of The Wind Whipping Through Her Hair, Her Loathing Outshines The Sun, Ennui, Alcohol Makes A Body Bitter, Possibly The Only Sane Person On Her Team, Not Crazy, Just Really Depressed