The Tower

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- XVI -
"In order to build anew, that which lingers must first be destroyed."



The Tower is a dangerous force. Pride and ambition comes before the fall, and the Tower is often dedicated to a shattering, cataclysmic change for something or someone. Other times, the Tower has already fallen, and is working to sort themselves through the detritus that remains. The Tower is not always destructive, but the changes they make can be radical... Though that change might be in their own lives. Unlike the erosion of the Hanged Man, the Tower's breakdown can often leave collateral damage. The Tower may be visionary or villainous, but it is up to the Tower how long they can sustain themselves before they collapse... and how much it might cost them when they do.

Persona Traits

Tower Personae tend to be offensive, possessing a high number of physical abilities and statistics leaning toward dealing and enduring damage. However, as one might expect, they often have dangerous weaknesses that can be exploited despite their power.

Sample Personae

  • Cu Chulainn, son of Lugh and Celtic folk hero
  • Bishamonten, punisher of evildoers and guardian of the North
  • Chi You, sagacious king who fought the Yellow Emperor

Example Persona Wielders

Defining Traits

Chaos, Sudden change, Impact, Hard times, Crisis, Revelation, Disruption, Realizing the truth, Disillusion, Crash, Burst, Uncomfortable experience, Downfall, Ruin, Ego blow, Explosive transformation

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