The Lovers

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"There is both joy and wonder in coming to understand one another..."



The Lover represents those forces that bring people together in interpersonal relationships. These relationships are not always physical, as The Lover also works within ideas, movements, events, and groups. The Lover also confronts those personal beliefs (as opposed to communal beliefs from the Hierophant) that shape their values and how they will make the important choices in the world. It's easy for the Lover to get bogged down when their choices take them further away from who they want to be. Sometimes, some might find The Lover shallow or concerned with unimportant things. But The Lover can find a way to establish strong bonds with others when they finally decide what is truly important to them.

Persona Traits

Lovers Personae, as befitting their nature as beings that reinforce and create bonds with others, are very focused on healing and recovery. They also commonly use status effects to help their friends and weaken their enemies before using their various attack abilities.

Sample Personae

  • Queen Mab, a fairy who brings dreams of wish-fufillment
  • Raphael, an Archangel called the Healer from God
  • Narcissus, a beautiful man in Greek mythology who fell in love with his own reflection
  • Cybele, a Mother Goddess of primitive times, responsible for nature and fertility

Example Persona Wielders

Defining Traits

Love relationship, Union, Passion, Sexuality, Pleasure, Humanism, Desire, Personal beliefs, Individual values, Physical attraction, Connection, Affinity, Bonding, Romance, Heart, Choice, Doubt, Difficult decision, Dilemma, Temptation

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