Shinjiro Aragaki

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Shinjiro Aragaki
Personal Information
Real Name 荒垣 真次郎
Aliases Shinji, ~*Senpai*~
Arcana V - The Hierophant
Nature Persona-User
Gender Male
Age 18
Birth Date August 11th, 1991, noon
Preferred Weapon Heavy Axes
Organization Information
Faction SEES
Divisions Interceptor
Assignment Gekkoukan High, Third Year (nominally)
Persona - Castor
OOC Information
Origin Persona 3
Voice Actor Kazuya Nakai



There you go :U.

On a less sardonic note, particular PMUSH-specific quirks are listed in Trivia.

Notable Social Links

Because I've decided to be a terrible recluse about what Shinjiro really thinks of anyone (SO FAR), have this graphical representation instead:


Castor, the mortal son. One of the Dioscuri, sons of Zeus and Tyndareus. Castor was fated to die, having been born a man, but his immortal brother Polydeuces opted to share his immortality. This allowed both brothers to live one day on Olympus as gods, but the next day as shades in the underworld.

Shinjiro's lack of total control over his Persona is something like 'Shadow Possession Lite.' It arises from his lack of internal harmony or coherence between what he is, and what he tries to be. There is a sharp schism between the face he presents to the world, and his actual nature: which is heavily-repressed, and embodied by his Persona. Castor, when he was first manifested, was an accurate reflection of Shinjiro; but since the accident he has found himself denied and suppressed to a psychologically-unhealthy point.

The drugs in particular have had a detrimental effect. While they do succeed in suppressing Personae, they also drive them a little mad through the damage they cause. Though Shinjiro has stopped using, Castor has not yet regenerated the damage. He is in near-constant conflict with Shinjiro's conscious self, and occasionally finds outlet in uncontrolled rages: typically when Shinjiro is too weakened or overwrought to properly restrain him.

Despite recent events within the TV (Log of that TV scene), Shinjiro has not reconciled himself wholly with his actual nature. He is not ready to let himself be what his first impulse would have him be. Nor is he quite ready to admit that he is by nature violent, and angry, and resentful-- that he is not as ideal as he presents himself to be, but has an ambition rivaling Akihiko's to -get there-.

Nonetheless, he is now more comfortable with many of the issues he had previously denied than he used to be (for one, he is no longer suicidal; for another, he is more willing to form relationships; and lastly, he has stopped using the suppressants). Castor has shown a little progress, proving easier to keep passive and under wraps than he had been previously... though he is still far from tame, particularly when let out-- or when Shinjiro is too upset to pay 'control' much attention. Ironically, due to the suppressants, Shinjiro is less experienced at naturally controlling a Persona than many of his underclassmen...


Castor's appearance has altered in view of the the fact Shinjiro's psychology is slightly healthier, as a direct result of the events in the above log. In the past, the instability and self-destructiveness of Shinjiro's mind manifested itself in Castor's incomplete, lamed appearance; with a little more mental stability comes a more complete horse and rider: four-legged, stable, and alert.

Castor changes from day to day, as befits the myth. One day, it's a skeletal horse bearing a rider impaled upon a spear, and the beast will have clear control of the aggregate. The next, it's a living horse with a living rider, who wields the spear that had previously impaled him, and has full control of his mount.


Shinjiro's resonance is oddly dualistic. On the one hand, it's a wild, chaotic thing, a bestial aura comprised of violent impulsiveness, resentment, and anger held rigidly under control. Restraint of a wild warhorse is the most prominent impression it gives off, due to Castor's reputation as a horse-tamer. It impacts like a punch in the face even on weaker detection abilities, and is part of the reason even 'mundanes' don't trouble him that much.

Beneath that, however, stronger detection powers might catch a hint of the presence that tries to hold those reins: a wise, beneficent figure who receives and teaches, which befits both Castor's role as a protector of sailors in storms at sea, and Shinjiro's Arcanum of the High Priest.

Detection based on the traditional five senses picks him up as dry dead horse bones, straw, old steel, worn leather-- and beneath all that the dry death, a hint of the sea.



  • Weapon: Heavy axes, maces, hammers, zweihanders, stop signs, anything that looks like he shouldn't be able to wield it one-handed the way he does. Current choice is a double-bladed axe about half his height.
  • Body: Dark red peacoat. More rarely, normal person clothes.
  • Feet: Boots. Well-worn, with a slight heel.
  • Accessories:
    • Badly-made twine bracelet. Worn hidden under his sleeve. A total mystery, which he never talks about.
    • Heavy copper-and-steel braided ring. Gift from Ran. Occasionally worn on the hand, more often worn on a chain around his neck (due to not wanting to break it on someone's deserving jaw).

Social Statistics

  • Courage: 5 - Fucking Iron
  • Diligence: 5 - Suicidally Stubborn
  • Expression: 0 - Goddamn Rude
  • Understanding: 2 - Depends On Topic
  • Knowledge: 2 - What's 'Attendance'
  • Street Smarts: 5 - Undisputed Alpha

Random Trivia

  • Shinjiro is not full-blooded Japanese. His mother was Japanese and his father was a Russian. He doesn't really know this for sure himself, since he was orphaned at such an early age and since not that much is known about his parents. It's not obvious in his features, they're more Asian than anything else, but nonetheless he still looks 'different' enough (especially in bone structure, eye color, and height) to make his life more difficult than it strictly had to be (being teased, not being adopted because he was visibly not a pure-blood, continuing discrimination, etc.).
  • He is OCD about cleanliness. It's a compulsion that comes primarily from his time on the streets. Having seen and endured some of the most horrible conditions possible, especially when he first ran out into the street, he's gotten a little freakish about keeping clean now that he's returned to proper civilization. That shit isn't something he needs to experience again, now that he can avoid it. It just drives him crazy to see people living in untidy squalor, not taking full advantage of their posh living environments. As such, he cannot stand Junpei's room.
  • He supported himself doing the absolute bare minimum in order to stay alive. This included working(??) just enough to have money for food: whether legitimate work, illegal work, or supplementary gambling on the side (it is now typically unwise to play mahjong against him). Life was fairly horrible early on, but after hitting a stride and cleaning up a little, he was able to get work in kitchens. He's well-known (and generally well-liked) by many proprietors along Iwatodai and Paulownia. This is also, incidentally, how he got quite so good at cooking; he always had natural talent, but working in kitchens helped refine it.
  • His connections with local businesses also helped in terms of basic shelter, cleanliness, necessities; the more kind-hearted of his erstwhile 'employers' eventually came to trust him enough to occasionally help him out. Some have even let him grab a shower and a spot on their floor to overnight when it's cold or raining.
  • Shinjiro also haunted a lot of net cafes over the past two years. It's probably how he got to know about Darkside.
  • Shinjiro's "accident" wasn't quite as simple as "Castor jumped out of his head against his will, without being called, and started going nuts." The reaction he has to it-- to ostracize and kill himself-- seems a little extreme if he wasn't even directly responsible for his Persona being out in the first place. Here he has a little more culpability; he made a conscious decision to summon his Persona, even in tight quarters, in the hubristic belief that he could handle it and that he would prove himself, his control and his competence by being the one to chase down the Shadow. Probably, something had happened a few days before that implicated his self-confidence-- maybe he was thinking about his upbringing as an unwanted orphan, maybe he'd just argued with Akihiko about his lack of full control-- and he wanted to prove everyone wrong and show what he was worth. So he brought Castor out, and pushed him, and while he was being reckless he lost control and killed somebody. Hence why he punished himself so hard and insisted against it when people told him it wasn't his fault. This was all in his head, so no one else knew that this was how it really happened; which is why no one understood his extreme need to punish himself.
  • Shinjiro gets migraines occasionally, usually caused by dissonance between himself and his Persona.
  • Shinjiro's Evoker holster is a black leather concealment holster, designed to be worn at the hip. It was a gift from Mitsuru/Kirijo Group back when Shinjiro was still with SEES. Despite it being designed to carry one of the very things that most bothers him, it's one of his more treasured possessions due to the fact of who gave it to him (along with his multipurpose pocketknife from the orphanage).
  • Shinjiro fucking loves Pochacco. Shinjiro will also kill your fucking ass dead if you ever find out he does.
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