Yuriko Yamamoto

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Revision as of 00:18, 7 March 2011 by Strangeshrimp (Talk | contribs)

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Yuriko Yamamoto
Aliases Yuriko, Yuri
Arcana XIII - Death Reverse
Persona Ker
Nature Shadow-Possessed
Gender Female
Preferred Weapon Knives
Faction Strega
Teams Snow Queens
Job Suicide Girl
Origin Persona 1
"You don't get it, do you? You don't worry nearly enough. How can you live your life being so damn carefree?!"
Profile And Skills

Profile: Sometimes people just can't handle the pressure, Yuriko Yamamoto certainly couldn't. As she's gotten older and gotten closer and closer to graduation, Yuriko's lived in fear of the day that school comes to a close for her and she's forced to make her own way in the world. She moves through school like a ghost these days, her temper on a hair trigger after Tomomi got done playing off her fears of an unhappy adulthood as some boring Salary Man's wife.

Skills: Doesn't Have Chidori's Advantage, Wishes She'd Had Chidori's Advantage, Just Sort Of Drifting Along, Hollow, It's Not The Fall That Kills You But The Sudden Stop At The End Sucks, Nothing Really Scares Her Anymore, Look At Her Wrong And She'll Rip Your Face Off, Good Morning Heather

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