The Empress

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- III -
"Celebrate life's grandeur... its brilliance... its magnificence..."



The Empress is the archetype of feminine strength and motherhood. The Empress represents abundance and natural forces at work within the world, as well as the search for sharing with others that abundance. The Empress often understands the value of the senses we share, and the richness that fulfilling them can impart to a person. Health, beauty, and understanding of natural forces, and caring for others are all things the Empress often finds easy, though when unmoderated this can quickly turn back upon them.

Persona Traits

Empress Personae share a number of traits with Priestess. Both share a tendency for healing and Ice elemental spells, but Empress tends to focus on more offensive applications, as well as status ailment infliction and management, as befitting the Empress' more assertive nature.

Sample Personae

  • Leanan Sidhe, a fairy of Irish myth that gives inspiration to artists and takes human lovers
  • Gabriel, Archangel and Messenger of God
  • Skadi, a Frost Giantess called the Snowshoe goddess
  • Mother Harlot, Queen of a thousand blasphemies

Example Persona Wielders

Defining Traits

Mothering, Fertility, Sexuality, Abundance, Material prosperity, Pleasure, Comfort, Power, Nature, Delight, Desire, Physical attraction, Health, Sensuality, Beauty, Satisfaction

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