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- XIII -
"Beyond the beaten path, lies the absolute end."

"It matters not who you are, Death awaits you."



Death is often maligned and feared as the end. But without the end, the new cannot begin. Everything comes to an end eventually, and Death stands upon the cusp of the old and the new. Death can be an agent for powerful transition, but is often feared for its destructive potential, because often to create anew, the old must be destroyed. This capacity for dramatic, overwhelming change often takes Death with it, because even Death must obey this great law. In the end, Death must learn to use their power for change in both themselves and the world responsibly, in order to open the door to their path.

Persona Traits

As one might expect, Death Personae have an extreme predilection for Dark skills. It's very rare for a Death Persona to not have one. Similarly, they also share a tendency for a weakness to Light skills. Otherwise, Death Personae use an array of offensive skills to bring the end to whatever they face.

Sample Personae

  • Pale Rider, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
  • Samael, the angel of Death
  • Mot, Mesopotamian god of death

Example Persona Wielders

Defining Traits

Ending of a cycle, Loss, Conclusion, Sadness, Transition into a new state, Psychological transformation, Finishing up, Regeneration, Elimination of old patterns, Being caught in the inescapable, Good-byes, Deep change

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