The Kuzunoha Detective Agency, operating out of Sumaru City, is a private investigative service that can be hired by both the public and law enforcement. KDA is known for catering to an exclusive and allegedly powerful clientele, and has a reputation for being extremely effective at solving crime. Privately, however, the police will confess that some of their cases tend to be...a bit odd. All business is conducted out of Sumaru City, but rumour has it KDA has agents and branch offices all over Japan, forming a giant intelligence-gathering web, each of them operating in secret, often from each other. Most recently, KDA has been hired to learn the truth behind the strange occurences that have been plaguing Japan, and a roving agent of the KDA has been given permission to open a branch in one of the hotspots - a little country town called Inaba.
Members of the KDA tend to approach people who show exceptional investigative ability or an affinity for the supernatural to join, whether it be as an active agent or simply a contact on local happenings.
The Chief (???): The head of the KDA is a mystery wrapped in an enigma sheathed in even more secrecy. He (or she?) passes orders down over the phone, radio or written messages, and is never seen in person. Either no one knows the Chief's true identity, or if they do then they aren't telling. Most people think it's the deceptively somnolent Todoroki, who certainly doesn't put forth the impression of a genius investigator...
Naoto Shirogane (Fortune): The legendary Detective Prince, Naoto is descended from a long line of genius investigators, and has recently been contracted by The Chief to lead the KDA's investigation in Inaba region.
Souji Seta (Fool): A second-year transfer student living with his uncle and cousin while his parents work abroad for a year. A new and powerful Persona-user, he leads a small group of students hunting a mysterious killer.