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m (Created page with '; 10/18/2009 (4/20/2010 OOC):Wataru Hoshimoto gets tossed into the sewers, wanders into the Lurker's territory. Gets closer to death than he probably realizes. [http://docs.googl…')

Revision as of 20:29, 28 September 2010

10/18/2009 (4/20/2010 OOC)
Wataru Hoshimoto gets tossed into the sewers, wanders into the Lurker's territory. Gets closer to death than he probably realizes. Log
10/20/2009 (4/22/2010 OOC)
Kazuo, having scraped together a bit of money, finds the Lucky7 for some actual food, and talks a little with Hinata Itoh. Log
10/26/2009 (4/28/2010 OOC)
Masumi Hayashi has the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and is almost made into a meal for the Lurker. Log
11/16/2009 (5/19/2010 OOC) - Broken Fragments (Cutscene)
News of Lunarvale being tugged away into its own private hell stirs old memories...
11/20/2009 (5/23/2010 OOC)
Masumi finds himself the target of the Lurker's hunt again, but this time manages to get to some help at the Lucky7 in the form of Sayaka Takuma, Hinata and Kanon Itoh. Log
11/25/2009 (5/28/2010 OOC)
Thora Kobayashi encounters the Lurker Beneath, and manages to dissuade it from turning her into a meal. Log
11/30/2009 (6/02/2010 OOC)
Shinjiro Aragaki finds himself the next target of a hungry Lurker, manages to convince it to go elsewhere. Log
12/08/2009 (6/09/2010 OOC)
The Lurker tries to eat the Potential Hitoshi Taniguchi. Initiate SEESbomb! Log
12/27/2009 (6/28/2010 OOC)
Another Dark Hour, another hunt. But this time the prey has some protection... protection that seems a little out of control. Log
12/30/2009 (7/01/2010 OOC)
Mysterious doors start appearing to various people, and what lies behind them are things they'd probably prefer to leave behind. Log
The Door (Cutscene): Things start to go very badly for a few people as the past comes calling.
12/31/2009 (7/02/2010 OOC)
The path is opened, and the outside world discovers the Desert of Time. Log
1/03/2010 (7/05/2010 OOC)
An excursion into Dis finds perhaps more than they bargained on. Log
1/07/2010 (7/08/2010 OOC) *Temporal Ripple Event! Timestream forked!*
A second expedition into Dis that learns firsthand why you do not call up what you cannot put down. Log
Kirijo Group SEES Post
Hinata is missing! More Kirijo Infodump.
Even More Kirijo Infodump!
1/08/2010 (7/09/2010 OOC)
Aigis is feeling a bit out of sorts, so goes to see Dr. Kagayama for a talk and a tune-up. Log
1/12/2010 (7/13/2010 OOC)
The hunt is on for the Keys of Time! SEES Boardpost
A pair of Keyholders have a chance to discuss their situation in peaceful circumstances. Log
1/16/2010 (7/18/2010 OOC)
Aigis confronts the good doctor about his Key and his choices. Log
1/21/2010 (7/23/2010 OOC)
The first of the Keys is taken from its Bearer. SEES Boardpost
1/25/2010 (7/28/2010 OOC)
Kazuo and Mitsuru have a talk... that does not go exactly as planned. Log
Escape (Cutscene): A desperate man takes desperate measures to protect that which is dear to him.
1/27/2010 (7/30/2010 OOC)
Aigis goes to break the news to Kazuo's familyas to just what is actually going on. It goes about as well as could be hoped. Log
1/28/2010 (7/30/2010 OOC)
Kazuo's Key is taken by SEES after a hunt through the sewers and internal friction. Log
Kazuo is remanded into Kirijo Labs custody for containment due to being an acknowledged Shadow Possessed.
Hinata and Minako pay a visit to the (ex?)doctor as everything starts crumbling down, and give him a bit of hope for the future. Log
1/29/2010 (7/31/2010 OOC) Overmap Patch Removed
Timeline resumes normalcy in regards to Kazuo's patch.
1/31/2010 (8/02/2010 - 8/06/2010 OOC)
Kirijo Group Observational Report (Cutscene)
2/25/2010 (9/01/2010 OOC)
Mitsuru and Enoha try to get some information out of the still-captive Kagayama. Things do not go as planned. Log
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