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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
01:21, 5 February 2012KingLeoPortrait.jpg (file)24 KBLustrare 1
03:21, 5 February 2012Kichiro01.jpg (file)54 KBKotoludi 2
03:50, 5 February 2012Nika01.jpg (file)47 KBKotoludi 1
03:54, 5 February 2012Noriko01.jpg (file)39 KBKotoludi 2
05:22, 5 February 2012Priestess.png (file)12 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for The High Priestess card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
05:23, 5 February 2012Magician.png (file)15 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for The Magician card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
05:24, 5 February 2012Empress.png (file)15 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for The Empress card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
05:25, 5 February 2012Emperor.png (file)14 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for The Emperor card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
05:26, 5 February 2012Hierophant.png (file)15 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for The Hierophant card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
05:28, 5 February 2012Lovers.png (file)15 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for The Lovers card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
05:57, 5 February 2012Chariot.png (file)15 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for The Chariot card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
05:58, 5 February 2012Fortune.png (file)16 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for The Wheel of Fortune card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
05:59, 5 February 2012Strength.png (file)15 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for Strength card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
05:59, 5 February 2012Temperance.png (file)14 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for the Temperance card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
06:00, 5 February 2012Sun.png (file)16 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for The Sun card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
06:02, 5 February 2012Death.png (file)17 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for the Death card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
06:03, 5 February 2012Judgement.png (file)14 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for the Judgement card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
06:04, 5 February 2012Hanged.png (file)16 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for The Hanged Man card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
06:05, 5 February 2012Moon.png (file)15 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for The Moon card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
06:06, 5 February 2012Star.png (file)15 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for The Star card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
06:06, 5 February 2012Tower.png (file)16 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for The Tower card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
06:07, 5 February 2012Devil.png (file)15 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for The Devil card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
06:08, 5 February 2012World.png (file)15 KBStrangeshrimp (Official game art for The World card, from Persona 3 and Persona 4.)2
01:14, 6 February 2012Yisa3.jpg (file)46 KBBatCountry 2
14:03, 6 February 2012Izo.jpg (file)29 KBJukebox 2
14:03, 6 February 2012IzoHermit.jpg (file)47 KBJukebox 2
14:06, 6 February 2012Daimon.png (file)10 KBJukebox (Combined kb of all 3 images = less than 150kb limit for one image!)2
16:43, 6 February 2012Selfyyoko2.png (file)43 KBRiskygamble 1
17:03, 6 February 2012Newranprofile.png (file)130 KBRiskygamble 1
23:20, 6 February 2012Queenportrait.jpg (file)28 KBLustrare 1
06:42, 8 February 2012Nanami.jpg (file)137 KBNimriye ('Shopped image, thnx to Mikiya for the help. Close enough!!)1
03:57, 9 February 2012Benihime.PNG (file)144 KBKotoludi 2
04:16, 9 February 2012Lisa.gif (file)17 KBKotoludi 2
04:16, 9 February 2012300px-Eros.gif (file)57 KBKotoludi (lisa + eros pic is less than 150kb total)1
04:19, 9 February 2012Alistair1.jpg (file)12 KBKotoludi 2
04:20, 9 February 2012Cheshire1.jpg (file)71 KBKotoludi (alistair + cheshire pic is less than 150 kb total)2
04:20, 9 February 2012Akira01.jpg (file)59 KBKotoludi 2
04:27, 9 February 2012Redqueen.png (file)76 KBKotoludi (nika + queen file size is less than 150kb total)2
04:29, 9 February 2012Rui01.jpg (file)31 KBKotoludi 2
04:32, 9 February 2012Mephistopheles.jpg (file)50 KBKotoludi (mephisto + kichiro = less than 150kb total)2
04:34, 9 February 2012Vahman.png (file)62 KBKotoludi (vahman & noriko file size is less than 150kb total)2
14:49, 10 February 2012Hajime and Mayumi.png (file)93 KBTlynn2002 7
15:07, 10 February 2012AkariPortrait.png (file)115 KBTlynn2002 4
03:51, 12 February 2012Ginji.jpg (file)36 KBKotoludi 1
05:21, 12 February 2012Chizuru.jpg (file)13 KBKotoludi 1
06:08, 12 February 2012Eikichi.jpg (file)42 KBKotoludi 2
05:53, 14 February 2012Magni.gif (file)124 KBAlpha8087 2
03:35, 20 February 2012Tatsuyaicon.JPG (file)29 KBTacchan 2
08:12, 28 February 2012Mariko o.jpg (file)126 KBAre any of you guys into "anime" 2
08:34, 4 March 2012DaisukeProfile.png (file)52 KBGeneparmesan 1

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