Nika Rumyantseva

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Nika Rumyantseva
Full Name Nika Rumyantseva
Arcana XII - The Emperor (REVERSE)
Nature Persona-User
Gender Female
Date of Birth April 9, 1991
Age 19
Faction New World Order
Occupation College Student..?
Persona The Red Queen
Weapon Combat Shears
Eyes Green
Hair Blonde
Height 5'6"
Voice Actress Aki Toyosaki
Social Stats
What Is Fear?
Never Giving Up
Weapon: Vdovodel
Body: Latest Fashion
Feet: Stiletto Boots
Accessory: Father's Rosary
  • Nika is a devout Catholic. Utterly devoted. Scarily devoted.
  • She is almost as devoted to her faith as she is her father, Daniil Rumyantsev.
  • Her dad is totally played by Liam Neeson.
  • It is very likely that anyone with ties to Sumaru PD have access to her "colorful" history of misdemeanors and one assault charge.
  • Her course of study at Sumaru University is Advertising with emphasis on Design.
  • Yes, she is Yakuza. She works as a leg breaker and drug pusher, usually focused on Sumaru University's campus and surrounding areas.
  • While she can speak Japanese, she is not entirely fluent; she still speaks with in broken Japanese on occasion.
  • She is fluent in Russian (obviously) and comfortable with English--however broken it may be.
  • Her weapon, 'combat shears,' are a pair of curved daggers connected at the neck of the blade's hilts by a wing nut-like fastener to create a lethal pair of working scissors about the size of gardening shears.
  • She calls it Vdovodel. (Widowmaker)
  • She is trained in Boevoe Sambo and some System techniques thanks to her father, Daniil.
"It's no fun and games until someone gets hurt."
Profile And Skills

The daughter of a former Russian Spetznas dishonorably discharged from Russian military in the late nineties during the Chechen war, Nika's life has been wrought with one hardship after another. Having moved from St. Petersburg at a young age, adapting to Japanese society was also difficult for Nika Rumyantseva. Yet despite the rough spots--which include a few brushes with the law and making for a colorful rap sheet--she has seemingly changed for the better. An active college student at Sumaru University, she's outgoing, cheerful and the life of the party, a fashionista and certainly an interesting character thanks to her exotic features. But beneath all the makeup, designer shades and expensive clothes lies something deeply chaotic and unhinged, a girl that is known for keeping some rather peculiar and unscrupulous company and possessing some peculiar habits.

Killer Queen, Finds the "FUN" in DYSFUNCTIONAL, In God We Trust, Interests Include: Fashion, Religion, Torture, Using and Abusing, Mildly Masochistic, Supremely Sadistic, My Father, My Hero, Carving Her Own Future--Literally, Her Love For You Is Like A Truck, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!


Suckerrrrr. Coming when I de-lazy.


Also coming when I de-lazy.

Persona and Resonance
"I am thou, thou art I... Queen of Hearts, the Red Queen. Madness is the key to our power; with it, all shall kneel before us.

The opposing piece to Wonderland's bizarre White Queen, the Red Queen is passion and fury without restraint to the White Queen's puzzling nature and barely-contained madness. She, the Red Queen is the embodiment of a cruel monarch, the mad Queen that rules her land in fear with the guillotine. She lacks pity for her subjects, holds no quarter and is very much like a child in her irrational behavior and temper and outbursts of anger. Against the White Queen, the two are forever engaged in battle, opposing one another for as long as they exist.

Over time, and in the various re-imaginings and retelling of Lewis Carroll's Alice saga, the Red Queen has become synonymous with the Queen of Hearts, evolving from her stuffy, traditional monarch role into the role of the truly Mad Queen, a woman driven by her intense, unbridled passion, anger and switch-quick temper. Where the White Queen suppresses her madness and seeks to deny that which ultimately defines her, the Red Queen relishes in it. Her madness and fury drive and inspire her acts of cruelty upon her most devoted subjects. The Red Queen cannot and will not ever understand the White Queen's perspective in the game; those who are held back do not succeed or restrain themselves, after all. They are only doomed to fail, as they are too weak to grasp victory in the Game.

Red Queen needs no King; as such, she fits perfectly the role of Reversed Emperor largely because she is in a seat of power and gladly abuses her power over those she governs. Her rule is THE rule, and there is no King in her way to hold her back and keep her madness in check. Like the role of the Queen in chess, she is boundless and without restraint, THE piece capable of the most action and movement on the board, her territory. Though the Red Queen knows well the rules of the chessboard, she is glad to forgo them in favor of advancing her ambitions and desires, crushing whoever and whatever along the way, no matter the price.

SENSE: A sensation that inspires a gut-wrenching fear, makes one's stomach twist and break out in cold chills. Impending doom and absolute dread. A feeling of stifling oppression.
SMELL: The scent of sweet raspberry and strawberry tarts and Earl Grey tea. Underlying the delicious smell there's a scent of sharp copper, the familiar scent of blood.
SOUND: The sound of a steady beating heart, reaching a pounding pulse. The harsh sound of metal grinding against a whet stone.

Notable Social Links

Ave Maria by Christina England Hale
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and in the hour of our death. Amen.

Sicking F^cking by Yoshitaka Hirota & Ryo Fukuda ~ "The Red Queen"

In Your Honor by the Foo Fighters ~ "Daniil Rumyantsev"
In your honor, I would die tonight, for you to feel alive.

Stupid Girl by The Rolling Stones ~ "Yisa Taimiev"
The way she powders her nose, her vanity shows and it shows, she's the worst thing in this world.

The Fear by Lily Allen
And I am a weapon of massive consumption, And its not my fault it's how I'm programmed to function.

Sick, Sick, Sick by Queens of the Stone Age
Simple as this I'm in love with the risk, I know what I've done, but tell me what did I miss.

Paranoid Android by Radiohead
When I am king, you will be first against the wall, with your opinion which is of no consequence at all.

Heads Will Roll by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
Looking glass, take the past, shut your eyes.

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