Nagisa Renge

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Nagisa Renge
Lotus Shore
Full Name 連花ナギサ(れんげなぎさ)
Arcana XX - Judgement
Nature Persona-User
Gender Female
Height 145 cm (4'9")
Date of Birth March 14th, 19??
Age  ??, appears 12-14
Guardian Dragon White Dragon
Persona Miao Shan
Weapon Dual Knives
Faction Strega
Team Cult of Personality
Voice Actor Yukari Fukui (For Reference)
Player Ayu Ohseki
Social Stats
  • Expression: 2 - Not Quite Human
  • Knowledge: 2 - Patchwork Self-Education
  • Courage: 5 - Ain't Afraid to Die
  • Understanding: 2 - Look, She Is Trying
  • Diligence: 4 - 'Til the End of Time
  • Nagisa's first name means "seashore," while her last name means "lotus." The lotus flower is a symbol of enlightenment in Buddhist; Nagisa is the last name of Kaworu Nagisa from Evangelion fame, which can also be a girl's first name.
  • Nagisa is a v. good cook as a result of helping out in various soup kitchens and homeless shelters in Sumaru City. She's esp. skilled at managing to make something v. tasty out of relatively few ingredients, particularly ones that don't normally seem like they'd go together; she just has a knack at telling what will taste unexpectedly good together and in what proportions, like strawberries and black pepper, and beef and chocolate. Part of this is because when she goes to libraries, she likes reading cookbooks, which are frequently full of tips for making a meal extra-delicious. Her tendency to hang out at libraries and read all day also means that she has a very patchwork education.
Logs and Cutscenes (Incomplete, Shamelessly Stolen from Daisuke)
  • Precocious Kids are Cute - In which Daisuke Itami decides a small teenage dying girl to be the worst type of mutant creature amongst the living. (Nagisa Renge, Daisuke Itami, Takahisa Kandori, Yoh Yamagatani) IC: April 5, 2010 (OOC: October 10, 2010)
  • Monsters (Part 2) - In which the worst type of mutant creature amongst the living tries to test Daisuke's value of life and gets something entirely different. (Nagisa Renge, Daisuke Itami) IC: April 7, 2010 (OOC: October 12, 2010)
  • Ripples - In which an injured Nagisa asks Daisuke his opinion on a recent run-in with the sisters of one of her victims. Much chattering and annoyance ensues. (Nagisa Renge, Daisuke Itami) IC: April 12, 2010 (OOC: October 17, 2010)
  • The Nature of Opportunity - When Kyo Enda comes to Omoikane to have a certain job performed about a certain group of troublemaking teenage girls, Daisuke Itami senses opportunity. And in the completely terrible way. (Daisuke Itami, Kyo Enda, (Cameo: Nagisa Renge)) IC: April 17, 2010 (OOC: October 22, 2010)
  • Most Important Meal of the Day - In which Daisuke Itami arrives at Omoikane to find someone has decided to interpret his words slightly more literally than he intended. Lively debate ensues. (Nagisa Renge, Daisuke Itami) IC: April 26, 2010 (OOC: October 31, 2010)
"The beauty of life can't be appreciated by people who take it for granted."
Profile And Skills

Profile: A sweet, friendly, fragile-looking young girl who often has her head up in the clouds, Nagisa Renge is not someone most people would consider a danger. It is true that Nagisa possesses a certain childlike, wide-eyed air about her that makes her seem as if she's above the terrible things about the world, and being an utterly honest person, she never fakes her smiles or compliments. However, this also means she can be cruelly blunt without intending to or realizing it. This is, from the viewpoint of most people, far from the worst part about her. As a girl who has been dying for years and finally realized how beautiful life is during a particularly violent fit, Nagisa believes that the way to make people understand this and save them from their own suffering is to visit upon them a similar situation--that is to say, death.

Skills: She Loves You So She Has To Kill You, If You Meet The Buddha On The Road..., What Exactly Is "Yandere"?, This Is Who I Really Am Inside, Eyes In Their Last Extremity, When Cicadas Cry...



Combat Information


Nagisa is understandably not very physically strong or enduring. She will get up from strong hits and keep going, but this is a result of her mental fortitude rather than any physical ability to soak hits. She is, however, very fast and nimble--one has to be when one is a frail little girl ekeing out a life in the slums of a very large city--and because of the aforementioned mental resilience from after her "rebirth," she has a particularly strong affinity for magic. Her luck is probably about average or a little below, because while she's had a pretty rotten life, Nagisa does not think of herself as unfortunate. Nagisa uses a pair of knives in battle, and as such would do Slashing damage.

Special: Moksha - In Buddhism, "moksha" refers to the release/liberation from the chain of reincarnation and ascendance to enlightenment. This would consist of Nagisa running forward and leaping nimbly around her target with a flurry of knives aimed for critical points, and would probably be much heavier on debuffs than actual physical damage, as well as perhaps a DOT attribute to represent bleeding from multiple cuts.

Persona Information and Resonance
"I am thou... thou art I. I am Miao Shan, she who forgives all..."

In Buddhist mythos, one of the most popular bodhisattvas is Guanyin, known in the west as the Goddess of Compassion, who watches over the world--her full name, Guanshiyin, means 'Observing the Sounds/Cries of the World'--until all suffering is gone from it. One legend posits that the person who would become Guanyin was a Chinese Princess named Miao Shan, who wished to marry a doctor instead of a wealthy man who'd improve the standing of the family. Her father, enraged by this, sentenced her to hard labor until she relented, but Miao Shan instead begged to be allowed to become a nun at a Buddhist temple. Her father permitted this, but had the monks there heap more and more hard work on her; however, because her goodness was so great, animals would come and help her complete them. Frustrated, her father set fire to the temple, and Miao Shan put on the fires with her bare hands without being hurt. Frightened, her father sentenced her to death, and her executioner attempted to kill her in various ways that failed to work (an axe and a sword to the neck shattered, arrows refused to find their mark) before finally attempting to strangle her with his bare hands in desperation. Miao Shan, understanding that not dying would mean that her would-be executioner would suffer, forgave him and allowed herself to take on his karmic debt before being strangled to death. When she fell into hell, her kindness and compassion was so great that the hells began to turn into Paradise, and Yama kicked her out of his realm before she could destroy it and sent her back to Earth. Miao Shan is Nagisa's starter Persona, with the eventual intent that it will ascend into Guan Yin. Miao Shan represents Nagisa's desire to help people even at the cost of her own health, and her forgiveness for those that made her suffer and tried to kill her.


Sense: An absolute calm, acceptance of all things, serenity. Sound: Waves rolling on the shore. Smell: Cherry blossoms and lotus flowers.

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