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(These masks that we wear; weave such an intricate fate; dance with me tonight.)

Revision as of 02:13, 2 May 2010

Port Island - Gekkoukan HS

A very new school constructed roughly ten years ago, Gekkoukan's construction was funded by the Kirijo Group. Furnished with many of the modern conveniences newer buildings enjoy, it has an academic reputation to match via the school's motto: "Two in harmony surpasses one in perfection."

The main building consists of three floors. One's homeroom is determined by their grade. The higher the year, the higher the floor one's homeroom is located. Light grays and blues are the predominant colors of the hallways with some brown for contrast, making the campus appear bright and clean even on the dimmest of days... if sometimes coming off as cold and uninviting.

Most classrooms have a blackboard on either end of the wall perpendicular to the doors, and two monitors up towards the front. A vendor in the main lobby sells snacks and school supplies through most of the day, if the need arises.

As a curious note, sick students generally prefer to go to the restroom instead of properly seeing the school nurse, whether they are fatigued or even ill. Odd as it may sound, this usually does the trick for all but the worst cases, seeing them back in class with renewed vigor before long.

The annual masquerade ball for the local high schools has this year been allocated to Gekkoukan High School. The main gym on the campus has been requisitioned for this event, the Art Club having volunteered to come up with the appropriate decorations. The theme was more towards an honest-to-Mozart masquerade ball, as opposed to a generic Halloween party and they have done qutie an admirable job. Faux chandeliers mask the flourescent ceiling light fixtures, elegant drapes line the walls, and even the Music Club has provided a string quartet. It is quite the enlightenment set up!

The floor is, of course, left empty for those who wish to participate in the waltzes. A DJ has also been brought in for some more livlier fare for later, he's currently working with a couple students in dressing his gear appropriately for the occasion. This may also explain the powdered wig he's wearing along with his sunglasses. There's a line of refreshments off to the other side, punch and other standard fare ready for whoever's danced themselves crazy thirsty. All that's needed now are the partygoers!

Among the first of the arrivals is a goddess. A tiny one, but a goddess nonetheless. She's wearing her familiar bright pink and red jumper with the matching booties, her knee-length jet black hair tied into a more managable one-third ponytail that sways with each bouncy step she takes. There's also the obligatory jewel centered on her forehead, and, yes, this time she did bring a piko-hammer.

It's That Skuld, only a couple inches taller and a few years older. The bright brown eyes and winning smile, however, can only belong to one centerfielder. "Wow, I kinda feel underdressed. Eh, it'll be fun!" Making a 'piku' sound, Hinata boldly steps onto the dance floor. Now if only Nee-chan and Nee-san were here to complete the set...

A silver-haired boy arrives dressed in a rather fancy, if archaic western outfit: A fine white cuffed and collared shirt, black dress pants, topped off by a large black high-collared cape. Based on makeup giving a certain blanchness to his skin and a suspiciously realistic looking pair of fangs in his mouth, one can only assume he's dressed as some manner of classical vampire. Those who know him would still recognize him rather readily as Souji Seta.

Curiously, Souji casts his silver eyes about the area, trying to spot anything of interest going on.

Annie are you OK? Annie, are you OK? Are you OK, Annie.

Someone has come to the party dressed as Michael Jackson from his Smooth Criminal video. There isn't the slightest bit of mystery of who that guy is, either. You all know who I'm talking about.

Kanji Tatsumi.

No of course not. It's Fumiya Watanabe. He enters the ball wearing a white suit, which would look startlingly similar to the suit his shadow wore in his TV dungeon, for anyone here who had seen it; either in the dungeon or on the Midnight Channel. He also wears a white fedora to go with the suit, and a single glove crusted with rhinestones because... well why not? It doesn't match the specific costume from the video, but it's not like anyone's going to point that out.

This is also one of the rare occasions where Fumiya is NOT wearing his trademark sunglasses. Given that his unusual hairstyle is also covered by the fedora, it might be somewhat difficult to identify him. Unless you REALLY know him.

However, just to make it easier for everyone, Fumiya moonwalks onto the dance floor. Woo!

Anise Thompson arrives in what she deems to be 'fashionably' late, about eleven minutes in. She's dressed in a wrapped white toga with sandals on her otherwise bare feet. With her head adorned by an olive branch wreath and a quiver (with a bow and arrows, no less) on her back, she is most likely Artemis (or Diana, if you'd rather). She doesn't arrive 'with' anyone because she doesn't particularly know anyone, still being new to Yasogami High School. But she strides into the gym as if she owns the place and manages to turn a couple of heads, because her costume looks like it would be pretty cold in the October air.

Wait, is this really Yukino Mayuzumi? Is this really her? It doesn't look anything like something she'd wear at any time. But this is indeed Yuki. She's dressed in a grey and black striped baseball player's uniform. The jersey fits her just fine, although there's no number or name on it. The leggings she wears are a dark grey, almost black color, with grey socks and black shoes on her feet. A matching baseball cap is on her head, and she even has a baseball glove and ball with her. She walks in and looks around, waiting to see if there's anyone she knows.

While Masumi's sensibilities and choice in aesthetic have already been distinctly feminine for the last several years of his life, tonight he has made the decision to take that choice several steps further, arranging his costume in such a manner that even the most observant would mistake him for a female. This masquerade is aided immensely by skin and hair that have long been carefully cultivated to acheive a smooth softness that most genuine females would be envious of.

The costume itself is of Princess Zelda in her Twilight Princess incarnation, a character that Masumi personally finds to be a great paragon of the exact sort of gentle subtlety and cultured grace which he craves so deeply in himself -- or 'herself,' as we shall refer to 'her' for the duration of the evening.

There are many ways in which such a costume could go wrong, but Masumi seems to have avoided all of them. It is elegant in its simplicity, choosing at times to sacrifice bits of 'perfect faithfulness' to instead create a costume that is both believeable and distinctly lacking in obvious cheap plastic parts or articles of clothing. The fake elf ears are subtle enough to not break the image.

The gloves and dress are genuine ball attire that rely on proper color scheme, overall design, and some personal alterations to affect the appropriate image, while a mixture of ormolu varnish, cubic zirconia, and an artistic touch allow for the tiara and Hylian crest crossing the chest to appear quite genuine on a highschooler's budget. Masumi's long hair lent itself easily to the proper braiding, and the proper dying finished the job.

Masumi arrives alone and just a little bit late -- it took longer than she expected to get her hair just right -- and walks into the gym with an elegant poise that is entirely natural. It is her ability to carry the proper air of soft, subtle strength and almost etheral grace that makes the costume and intended image entirely complete. More than a few stares are received despite not showing any of her (nonexistent) cleavage.

Masumi doesn't head immediately for the dance floor, instead making a path towards the refreshment table. Perhaps she is looking for someone to extend an invitation.

Enter the Raven.

They are wearing black tights, showing a wiry build. A mantle of black feathers is carefully layered along the shoulders and back, giving the impression a feathered body. BEneath each arm, a piece of fabric has been attatched in the fashion of a cloaklike wing, rows of feather highlights painstakingly embossed in violet, fading to black. Each hand is covered in a black glove with glittering silvery highlights at the tips, the flash instinctively drawing eyes.

They wear a mask, a porcelain drama mask lacquered black, the eyes rimmed with scarlet. The mask itself sneers in a twist of the classic tragedy expression. shaped and affixed with a long beaklike structure that gives more the impession of a raven or crow rather than being a literal display. When light pierces the eyeholes, red irises flick back, staring out towards the object of its attention. The mask moves seamlessly into a cowl of feathery black that merges with the mantle itself, completely obscuring the person within.

The Raven walks into the hall, looking over those present with a gaze. Some get more attention than others, but it does not speak as the person, whoever it is, moves further into the room.

Feel the power of love~

Not many people would recognize Yuuka Chiba straight off. She's not wearing red-rimmed glasses for once, having splurged her allowance for short-term red-colored contact lenses. She has a cheerful smile on her face. She's wearing a ver long, thick, blonde wig, that covers her own brown mass nicely. She has on a headpand with two very large, pointed 'ears' that hang over slightly. She has on red heart-shaped earrings.

She is wearing a simple, skin-tight, red leotard. Over that she wears a white vest with a bhigh color and frills around the edges, tied at the neck with a red ribbon into a bright bow. She has a pair of 'sleeves', simple white columns of frilled cloth tied to her upper arm carefully with red ribbons tied into red bows. Attached to the bac of the leotard is a red tail ending in a spade shape, with a white ribbon tied into a bow around it. She wears a simple red mini-skirt over the leotard to make the costume appropriate. She has on a pair of red, comfortable, heels.

Ladies and gentlemen, Fallen Angel Yuuka - Flonne, excuse me, has entered the building.

More students fill in, not as many notables but enough of the background filler that it becomes pretty busy along the walls. That's the quartet's cue. Powdering their faces one last time, they raise their bows and begin to play a lovely little waltz. Just something to start the mood. A few of the students make their way to the floor, taking each other hand in hand to glide across the floor. Or their best attempt at gliding.

Skuld, meanwhile, has made her way to the refreshments to eye the selections. She already has a tiny plate of apple slices ready as she watches everyone come through the doors. Senpai may still have a cold, but one has to have hope! There's a 'Wow!' as a real life Zelda comes to join her, though something seems a little off about the Hyrulian princess. The baseball player likewise gets a thumbs-up in between apple chomps.

She doesn't quite recognize Flonne yet. Its the Clark Kent effect in action.

Entering the room!

A large blonde wig was on her head, big and poofy.

The rest of the figure is covered in furs, but not too well covered, enough to reveal the femine figure beneath it, but unfortinately, this person is not stacked lika Alya yet.

The face is inmistakable...

It's Minagi, looking at herself a bit self conciously. "I dunno...maybe this wasn't such a good idea." She mutters to herself.

As Souji glances around, he doesn't seem able to immediately recognize anyone at first. The elegantly dressed woman seems ever-so familiar, but he can't seem to place his finger on it. The girl dressed as Skuld seems to elude him completely. Flonne he has a guess for, and the ressurected Michael Jackson was dead obvious as Fumiya. The Hellenistically dressed foreign girl seemed particularly familiar. Wasn't she the new girl he had heard about recently? Curious, he makes his way over to her.

"Hey, don't I recognize you?" he asks and smiles amiably, bearing his prop (?) fangs.

He then casts a quick wave towards Minagi, who he also recognizes, as she enters. He doesn't keep his eyes on her for too long. She was pissed at him for some reason, after all.

Masumi recognizes a handful of people here and there from school (though the only PC among that number is Souji Seta, and hey that's actually a really good costume there; the fangs elicit a small smile), but can't approach any of them for Obvious Reasons. She actually finds that its an almost refreshing opportunity to break away from her usual circle and perhaps meet some new people.

A small nod and a soft, friendly smile is given to Hinata, the girl in front of her at the refreshment table. "Hello," she offers congenially as she delicately stacks a small assortment of light snacks on a plate, taking particular care so as not to mar the long, elegant white gloves with anything. Masumi is thus far doing a very good job of not showing the fact that she's injured, though knows very well she'll pay for it dearly later. The observant may still notice the occassional tight wince or stiff movement.

Anise's green eyes sweep across the room as she seeks out a vict-- that is to say, someone that looks like they would prove to be interesting. As she does so, Souji catches her eye with his approach and in doing so, potentially seals his own doom. A smile spreads across Anise's face and she advances on Souji in turn. "I'm Anise. I believe we go to the same school... Yasogami, yes?"

Anise is both brazen and forword, as her next statement (a statement mind you, not a question) is "Dance with me." She follows up this strong suggestion/demand/outright order be grabbing at Souji's elbow to lead him towards the dance floor. It is /then/ that she worries about asking for Souji's name. "I'm dreadfully sorry, but I haven't caught your name yet." She explains, her Japanese is slow and stilted due to her imperfect mastery of the language. It's still new to her. "I've been so very busy settling in that I fear I haven't had the time to meet terribly many of my classmates yet."

The Raven smoothly moves across the room, past the observers and towards a lonely-looking girl. He gestures, crooking a hand in invitation to her. A moment later, the pair are dancing across the room, the Raven guiding the uncertain girl through the paces of the dance. He moves with practiced ease, his movements taking the pair through the pattern and merging with the rest. Even with the complicated costume, it seems like the Raven is capable of keeping himself from getting tangled up with her.

For now, to the dance.

Meanwhile, Yuki has been surveying the general area, and then shrugs before heading over to where the refreshment table. She looks at what's going on there, and then looks to the two girls there. "Don't think I know you two, do I?"

There is silence from the cheerful fallen angel, Yuuka shaking her head and the wig so that two little red devil wings can be seen. Flitting her way around the dance floor, she avoids the refreshments table, rather certain she recognizes Hinata underneath that Skuld. Then, on the floor, there is Souji getting kidnapped, and she giggles, a chirp of noise.

"Go, go, Artemis." She says to Anise solemnly, recognizing the outfit for what it is, giving Souji a small smirk. Walking around that poor pair(poor? Maybe for Souji...) she keeps walking across the floor, watching The Raven. Curiously, she quotes, "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary..."

Minagi continues forward, towards the refreshment table!

It was why she was even here! Well, because she liked people here, she guessed, but she was mostly here for the foooooooood!

Minagi waves towards Skuld! Then towards the Raven, who she was sure she met that one time, but not sure...it was a good costume.

Minagi stares stary-eyed at the table, wondering what to get first.

Skuld is too busy admiring the princess's costume that it takes her a moment to realize she's being addressed. "Ah, uh, hi!" she waves frantically, not realizing its her piko-hammer hand until it bangs the table. Whoops. "Eh-heh, that's a really beautiful costume you have!" The baseball player gets a wave when she approaches, only to have the second-class goddess's attention taken by a flash of grey hair on the dance floor. Ah, she recognizes him now! She'll just wait until after he's done with this dance to go say hi! And she definitely recognizes that cavewoman, and, wow, that Michael Jackson is really cutting up the floor! If only she had the camera to take a picture for mom!

Ah, and that raven costume is quite elegant as well! "Its amazing how much work everyone's gone through," she asides to Zelda. "I kinda feel like I cheated since one of my teammates made this for me." The hammer waves over to a Nanoha on the dance floor, who waves back with a squee and her plushie Yuno. "I just had to agree to one condition."

The next day, pictures of the world's most cheerful Skuld went up on cosplay.jp.

Aigis is late to the party.

However, Aigis is dressed up as a robot, which seems to fit well. In fact, the costume is really realistic, it's almost like it's not a costume. But luckily there is a flaw to her robot costume. She is wearing a paper bag over her head and a cardboard slab of her chest. The paper bag has two holes cut out and little antennae sticking out at the sides. The cardboard slab has the word 'ROBOT' helpfully ascribed. Otherwise she's just as she normally is...on a Tartarus Raid.

"Click. Boop." Aigis says, "Happy Halloween. Beep."

Minagi looked up at Aigis and giggled!

"That's really clever, Robot-san!" Minagi says, trying to not give her away, because MINAGI IS A GENIUS AND HAS FIGURED OUT HER IDENITY!

Souji's eyes widen as he's adressed so forcefully and abducted to the dancefloor by the agressive British girl. He wasn't one to object to a pretty girl wanting to spend time with him, however. He calms down well enough in a few moments, too. Smiling warmly, he introduces himself at her request, "Souji Seta. Nice to meet you." He found her slow speaking somewhat endearing, particularly as it contrasted with her apparently forceful demeanor.

In the coming moments, Souji proves to be not a half bad dancer. He's hardly a deity of the dancefloor, but he can keep a rythm without hurting someone. His silver eyes turn to the Fallen Angel as she approaches, to whom he replies with a simple nod and smirk before she trots off.

"Oh, thank you," Masumi replies demurely to the compliment of her costume, offering an appreciative smile. She takes a moment to glance hopefully across the crowd, as if seeing if any charming young men are going to approach her and ask for the dance. It's just not quite the same when you have to do the asking yourself.

A third girl joins them at the refreshment table. "Hikari," the costumed Masumi says pleasantly by way of introduction when the other girl says she doesn't think she knows either of them. She seems to have no difficulties in meeting new people.

"Not everyone's craftsy," she offers encouragingly when Skuld says she feels like she cheated. "I'm sure a lot of people here purchased or at least had help with their costume -- my sister actually had to help me with the braiding. I'm not quite that good yet." Cue a small internal sigh.

The Raven continues to dance with the girl, his movements sweeping he across the floor. As the words of the infamous poem are recited, however, the Raven looks up, glancing over one shoulder with a crimson eye towards Yuuka. Did the Raven hear? If it did, how? It's way over there! Regardless, the gaze of the Raven turns back to the girl as he leans in close, as if whispering something to the girl. She nods, and turns, making her way off of the dance floor and out of the hall. Where is she going?

The Raven straightens, turning towards Yuuka... And as a pair of dancers pass, the Raven is no longer there, having merged into the flow of the crowd and making its way towards the place where there are a number of people standing around and socializing.

"Hikari?" Yuki says, looking inquisitively at Masumi. "Well, I'll accept that." She says with a nod. "Nice to meet you nonetheless." She looks between the two girls, before turning to Hinata and smirking. "Nice costume if I say so myself. You're a fan of AMG also?"

"Likewise." Anise replies to Souji as she allows him to lead in the dance, at least. "So tell me, Souji," She leaves off honorifics, being a dirty foreigner, "Do you know a, hm... ah, right. Yosuke Hanam... mura. Hanamura, that was it. An interesting fellow... I think he was intimidated by me. Can you believe that, little me?" She smiles. It is a predator's smile. "Is he normally skittish?"

Hikari? "Pff, you're totally Princess Zelda," the second-class goddess winks playfully. "That's the spirit of the masquerady, you can't reveal yourself until... the... end?" She had wondered what Aigis would come dressed as, but this... this has Skuld busting out laughing. She's totally going to win costume of the night now!

"Hee-hee, uh..." Oh right. "My friend's costume," she hammerpoints towards Robot-San. "Isn't it cute?" Cough. "Hey, its still amazing work you did! And, uh, you could say that," she coughs again. "Let's just say I'm a big fan of Skuld." Hey, where did that raven go? He was dancing there a minute ago!

Aigis waves to Minagi. "Thank you." Pause. "Mysterious Individual Named Anonymous Gone Incognito." There's a hidden code there.

She turns her head to see Souji getting manhandled by a lady, again. It hasn't been this bad since the time with Ai, really. and then, a moment after, she looks back towarsd Skuld. She hops up once and then waves excitedly at her~.

Yuuka briefly facepalms at Aigis. Her tail shakes as does her blonde wig, even as the Raven heads towards her and the lady friend leaves. She does not blink as the dancers twirl between them. She does blink when The Raven disappears, hmming quietly. "And the raven, never flitting, always sitting..."

She frowns, for some reason.

"Ah, yes," Zelda says with a slight flush at her mistake. Her gaze follows Skuld's pointing across the floor, at the girl dressed up as a robot. She nods in agreement. "Very much so," she agrees to the assessment of the costume's cuteness, seeming to take Skuld's small outburst in stride. "She has amazing talent."

Minagi looks blankfaced at Aigis' words.

"Uh..." she says, slowly trying to peice it together...

"Uh..." she says again, and instead, shoves some yummy snacks into her mouth. "I don't get it Sempai!" she says, with a cute smile.

"Doesn't she? Hey, uh, Robot-san! Cavegirl-san!" Skuld uses her hammer to motion them both towards the small refreshment party, "Over here! We've got punch and apples!" Aigis can convert both into robot-nutritious fuels, right? "I want to introduce you to my new friends!"

Meanwhile, Yuki goes to get herself some punch and take a drink herself. She didn't do that much talking, but she is thirsty nonetheless.

Manhandled? Perhaps, perhaps. Souji was sort of used to putting up with this sort of thing now, and he really didn't mind. At least she wasn't as hard to open as some people he knew. He did wish she'd give him her name, though. Maybe she thought he knew already or something. Nevertheless, he smiles to hide any nervousness he may have when she asks about his friend. He then proceeds to answer, "Yosuke's a pretty godo friend of mine, yeah." Chuckling a her remark, he adds, "well, he's not had very much luck with women, you see." Another nominee for understatement of the year.

Souji looks about. He and Anise were gradually beocming the only ones still on the dance floor proper.


"Sure I will partake of the human beverage known as 'punch'." Aigis says. She's pretty good at being a robot, maybe not the best person ever, but it's like she has prior experience. Maybe this is an old costume.

She heads towards the table and pours herself a glass. She doesn't drink it, though. "Is this compatable with all engines?" She asks of Hinata.

Minagi smiles at Hinata, "Sure! I like punch...and candy...and..." She might go on if you let her.

"And cookies...and pie...and cake! Especially cake!"

Masumi doesn't try to mask the impressed look which crosses her face when 'robot-san' walks up; Skuld's friend puts on a very good affectation to go along with a very good costume. She hopes her own impersonation is nearly as good. "Well, you certainly seem to have the act mastered," she says with a friendly smile and a small laugh.

There's another pause from Yuuka, then she once again shakes her head and wanders over to the refreshment table, nibbling on ... something sweet. Something sweet, indeed. HEr eyes are on Souji, /very/ amused.

Anise replies with a quiet, 'hrmmm' sound to Souji's responce. "How unfortunate for him. But I don't blame him, I haven't found it to be a totally uncommon reaction in the past." She draws in her less-then-perfect grasp of the local language. "But /you/..." She continues, her eyes dancing about the dance floor. Fewer people out here. That means more are watching because they're some of the most eye-grabbing things to look at. Well... she can certainly use /that/ to have a little fun with her new 'friend'. "You, aren't intimidated at all. I shall have to keep my eye on you."

And only good things can come of that, for certain.

"I'm Anise." She says, warmly. "Anise Thompson. If you really aren't intimidated, then you should stop by the target range after school sometime. I'll be waiting." And because she /knows/ that people are watching and that they'll talk, the New Girl leans up and kisses Souji, lightly, on his cheek. Scandal will start almost instantly.

But then Anise, with a self-satisfied smirk, compounds things by breaking off from her dance partner, giving him a little curtsy (as best as one can be expected to manage in a toga, of all things!), and walks off. She quickly loses herself in the crowd.

Yuki stretches a little before looking at her watch. "Oh no, I forgot I have something else to do." She takes a moment to say goodbye to both Hinata and Masumi, noting how happy she was to meet them, before heading off.

Skuld can't help it, she giggles again at Robot-san and nods eagerly. "I'm sure it is! Its good for all engines: Mobile Suit, Arm Slave, or Gunman!" Wait, how does a goddess know about giant robots? Ayla's exuberance only has her even more giddy, and she gestures the hammer towards the table. "We goddesses have provided a great many snacks for you! Just no cake, I think Belldandy is saving that for Keichi." And this time she may not have replaced the chocolate with pumpernickel either!

Hmm. Zelda seems to be lost elsewhere, ahh, and why should she not be? Look at that free peck he just picked up! "Wow!" But now the vampire's alone on the dance floor, and Skuld's matchmaking instincts kick in. She sidles up to the princess, winking slyly, "Now's your chance! Go on 'n say hi!"

"Gunman too?" Aigis assumes she's one of those because she has guns. She tilts her head, pondering, and looks down at the punch. Hmm. Hmmm.

"Halloween is so confusing." She murmurs to herself before looking towards Masumi. She blinks twice, and then smiles, "Why, thank you, Miss." She dips her head. "I really appreciate the compliment."

Carefully, she takes a small sip of the punch.

Yuuka feels the presence of the Raven before seeing it, as the person threads its way through those people around then and he appears, stepping out from between a pair of socializing students and arriving beside Yuuka's position. The fluttering feel of fallen feathers as the Raven looks to Yuuka, lacking busts of Pallas to sit upon as it quietly comments in a whisper, leanind in towards Yuuka.

Quath The Raven: "Nevermore."

Minagi is broken from her naming of treats to wave at everyone at the desert table.

"I think Gunmen were the best designed mechs. I have mananged to get away and watch a lot more anime these days, cuz you know...I don't have an after school job anymore, and I am caught up on my school work!" Minagi says, giving a smile to everyone around her.

Masumi frowns just a little at Skuld's urgings, allowing herself a gentle sigh. "It's just not quite the same..." But she hasn't received any invitations thus far -- no one quite forward enough to approach a girl they don't know? Because of course no one knows her here.

"No, you're right, I should," Zelda finally says more resolutely to her new friend. "I'll come say hi again sometime before the ball is over." A parting wave is given to Skuld and Robot-San, and then she walks out onto the dance floor with a poised, graceful gait.

Masumi approaches Souji slowly, the beating of her heart against her chest entirely genuine, experiencing the briefest moment of dizziness as the sheer /surrealism/ of it all washes over her. No words readily spring to mind that can actually describe the sheer depth of surrealism -- and...excitement? It's so hard to sort through the powerful rush of emotions. "May I have this dance, sir?" she asks demurely, flushing a little.

"Putting it that way, yeah." The boy should be asking after first, that's the way things are supposed to be. But there are a lot of ladies and only one very handsome vampire. Sometimes, though, you gotta steal second - and Zelda proceeds to do just that. Without all the sliding and getting her skirt all dirty.

"Sure! I'll want to know who you are when we're revealing!" Obviously there's a very pretty girl underneath all that! Why does that thought feel a little off? The second-class goddess shrugs it off and just watches from the sidelines for now, hands clasped eagerly as the dance is asked. C'mon... say yes... say yes...

Vampire Souji is left standing there, pale white even aside from his makeup. He stands there sweating bullets for a few moments. Like a thirsty man in the desert eyeing an oasis, he looks towards the punch bowl. After that experience, he could certainly use a refreshment. He casually makes his way to the table, pouring himself a plastic cup of bervage and wasting no time downing a good portion of it.

Souji takes thsi time get a good glance at all of the others at a table, getting a good feel for who everyone was now that he was up close with them. He couldn't help but snicker amusedly at Aigis' outfit.

Then, a strange girl he had not known from school approaches. Nodding politely with a faint smile, he accepts her offer, following her out to the dance floor. As he does so, he can't shake the -bizzare- feeling he's seen her somewhere before.

Yes! Skuld fistpumps, then moves to high-five Minagi. "This is gonna be so /adorable/! ... Hey, you've been watching Gurren-Lagann too?" Since when did goddesses watch giant robot anime anyways? "Uh, not that I, Skuld, second-class goddess would lower myself to such, uh, boy stuff!" There's a conspiratorial glance to each side, and she whispers, "We'll talk about this back at the dorm later."

"However, I, Cave woman, love boy things and super robots!" Minagi says with a smirk. She high-fives Skuld, and gives her a thumbs up. She would have to spend some time sitting and watching things with Hinata later, er, she means Skuld.

"Ayla need to hunt Dino king."

It's a minor adrenaline high, Masumi tells herself as her and Souji walk out onto the dance floor. That's all it is. He's seen you before, so there's an elevated risk that he'll see through the disguise. You're just experiencing a minor adrenaline high from the thrill of that risk, like the con-artist that gets a high just from the challenge of deception itself.

So why doesn't it feel that way?

"Would you be so gracious as to lead?" she asks softly as they reach the dance floor, finding herself flushing again. It's merely the adrenaline, she tries to remind herself.

"But of course," Souji nods slowly and pulls the girl into a slow dance as proper music seems to conveneintly start playing. Again, he proves quite the competent dancer. He can't help but feel rather comfortable around this woman. Of coruse, after someone like Anise, anyone would be an improvement.

"So," the silver-haired vampire curiously asks, "what should I call you? I'm guessing you don't go to Yasogami."

Aigis looks towards Minagi, having trouble if she's playing some manner of 'part' or being herself. Hmm.

Fallen Angel Yuuka had nearly fallen asleep, while seeking out the Raven. However, he's suddenly there, and she can't help but to squeak slightly, staring at him. "So you quoted, so it seems." She says gracefully. "Except I am no Edgar Allen Poe, my dear Raven." She twirls away from him with a bow and a soft giggle, wandering towards Alya, Skuld, and Hi-Nu. She frowns at Skuld, slightly, humming the finale song from the Movie as she approaches the second-glass goddess. "Skuld, isn't it?" She says. Speaking, it is clearly Yuuka.

It might help if Hinata was familiar with the movie. She had been a little hesitant, wondering if mixmatching what she knew about the Norns and about goddesses would result in her Persona wielding a piku-hammer of her own someday. She's learned enough now, though, that she's been poking at finding manga tankubons and anime DVDs. It sounds like a fun show! "Yeah, that's me," she beams back to the Fallen Angel. "... Flonne, right? Waaiiiit..." She knew someone who was going as her! "Yeah, Flonne!" Your secret's safe with her, Yuuka!

Idly, she reaches over to Aigis's chest box and presses the first 'O'. "Boop."

The Raven gives the impression of smiling behind the mask. "There are many chamber doors on which I could gently rap." She leaves The Raven behind, and it moves along, making its way towards the very interesting gathering by the punch table., simply quietly busying himself with the contents as he listens to the proceedings nearby.

Aigis is booped. she looks down at her chest, and looks back up to Hinata. She nods to her and then--

--reaches towards Hinata intending to poke her on the chest too.

"Beep." she says, very seriously, an incredibly thoughtful expression on her face. This is important business, here.

The dance begins, and Souji takes the lead while Masumi follows. She seems to have an intuitive feel for both the music and for her partner's movements, following each step smoothly and gracefully, complementing him perfectly as if she already knows where he's going to move next. But despite her best efforts and the pain medication, she can't keep back the occassional wince as fresh injuries are pulled at.

Meanwhile, her head continues to pound relentlessly with thoughts and intense emotions which refuse to be silenced or rationalized away. Is it truly a simple adrenaline high? Perhaps it is the intense surrealism of it all. Or maybe there's something more, something deeper. Maybe. The opportunity to, just for a night, fulfill the feminine role he's always so admired? The opportunity to experience a pinnacle moment of the beauty and grace he's always craved?

"Hikari," she answers to Souji's inquiry with a soft smile, apparently disregarding the tradition for holding the masquerade until the end of the night. Apparently. "Oh? Why is that?" she asks demurely, for the moment neither confirming nor denying his assumption.

Hinata really should watch the movie. That and piku-hammers are kind of awesome, so Yuuka wouldn't think twice of her Persona having one either. Then again, it is Yuuka, who sometimes has a interesting imagination. She gives a thoughtful hrm, looking at Hinata.

"Yup, I'm Flonne~ I wish Laharl was here." Yuuka says brightly, watching Aigis beep. You have not set a valid Email attribute. &Email me=Name@Mysite.Com. If you want it kept private, put a ! in front of the email address.

!!! Skuld has been beeped! How will she respond to such a precarious provocation!? Simple, she gives a silly giggle and would totally hug the robot but that would crush her box and completely ruin her costume! "I think next year, we'll have to do you up like a real Gundam, Robot-san! Or... or a princess!"

"No Laharl?" She remembers Blaise mentioning his costume, "How about a mysterious masked man in red?" Who is conspicious in his absence, now that she catches herself. At least 'Hikari' is enjoying herself out there! Its always nice to see someone enjoying their dream!

Which may or may not bring us to the Raven. "Hey! Awesome costume," she thumbs-up over. "That must've taken you some time to put together too!"

Aigis smiles at Hinata, and lowers her head. She isn't blushing, but she pokes the ground with her toes. She is not exactly capable of the blush thing. But poking the ground with her foot? Sure, she can do that. She has no idea who Laharl or Flonne are, but Flonne sounds evil.../horribly evil/. And scary. But the costume, isn't, really.

The Raven looks up from the table, where he had been pondering where best to do... whatever he's going to do while wearing a full mask. Sometimes, an overly complex and thorough costume has its own disadvantages!

He looks up to Skuld, and his head bobs for a moment. "Thank you. I enjoy the wearing of costumes and masks a great deal. I have been hoping to use this costume in a play in the near future." He pauses, looking over tho others present. "What made you choose that costume?" He asks Skuldnata.

Yuuka freezes at Hinatas' comment about a masked man in red.

"The phantom could not be here tonight. I need to go run and do something." She stops by Skuld to whisper into her ear for a moment.

Before Flonne'ing off to the bathroom.

What is a Flonne? A cheerful skip.

"Well," Souji smirks wyly as he compliements her, "I'm pretty sure I'd remember a face like yours, and I can't seem to recall you." Even though she DID seem familiar, he was certain it was not from school. The pair danced on gleefully, Souji thankfully completely oblivious to who 'Hikari' really was.

At the whisper, there's a sudden flush to Skuld's cheeks and she watches the little demon skip off with a stunned, yet incredibly happy, grin. Alas, the phantom could not be here, but there is always the next masquerade. Perhaps then this goddess will have her own... uh... she was kinda young for boyfriends, wasn't she?

Oop. That's a very good question, Mr. Raven, and she has an answer ready right away! "I'm the youngest of three sisters," she nods, "So it kinda matches! My Nee- uh- Belldandy even got us matching keychains too!" Which she would totally show off only her celphone is somewhere inside this costume and she's not entirely sure where all the pockets are.

Masumi's smile deepens, heart beats faster as Souji takes the opportunity to extend the compliment she so hoped that he would. Predictable, perhaps even cliche? Maybe. Likely, even. But it didn't really matter.

She hadn't expected this when she first came, when she first made the decision to step out and take the risk of a masquerade that went beyond a simple costume. To assume a completely different identity that she'd always admired, often mimicked, but never before tried to /live/. The brush of the dress against her legs, the complete freedom from the stereotypes and expectations that never had quite felt right, being seen, instead of strange or different or at least mysterious -- but seen as beautiful.

Several long moments pass in blissful silence, the only sounds that of the music playing so gently in the background, and the soft sound of footsteps moving in time. The alluring reverie of the dance. "I attend Seven Sisters in Sumaru," Masumi says finally as if just remembering to answer the question, voice low and soft. "And you, sir? What should I call you?" she asks afterwards.

Aigis focuses on drinking her punch. She thinks this is so bizarre. Humans pretending to not be humans. It's like what she does, excepts she's a robot pretending not to be a robot--and not very well! Except now she has to pretend to be a human pretending to be a robot. Bwa ha ha~.

No, Aigis tells herself, be nonchalant. You are serious. serious robot. "Matching keychains acknowledged." She says.

"Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld." The Raven replies. Why did he use the mythological names instead of those from the anime? "You and your sisters are most fortunate to have each other." The Raven tilts his head, birdlike, as he blinks. "Perhaps the maiden would enjoy a dance?" He holds out a silver-tipped hand. "There's still time left tonight."

Verdandi? She could've sworn she said Belldandy. Maybe this is a very mythologically savvy Raven! The offer is considered in a fraction of an instant, and she gently takes the hand "Yeah, there is, and I really would!" So he's not senpai, its alright, right? One dance can't hurt! Even if there's something about waltzing with a dark and mysterious stranger that is oddly romantic.

Robot-san gets another giggle. She makes such a good robot! For a robot.

The Raven walks with Hinata, heading to the dance floor, but he does pause to admire Aigis' 'costume'. "You have a fascinating costume. It's very detailed in many ways. Keep up the good work."

A moment later, he draws Hinata to the dance floor, and brings her around to begin. "Are you ready, Skuld?" He asks.

It seems she has met someone as appreciative as she is! Skuld does wonder, however, as to why he would choose such a costume. Maybe he just likes birds! She's drawn to the floor easily, finishing her turn with a curtsey. "Ready whenever you are, uh, good sir!"

"Souji Seta, nice to meet you," he says with a placid smile, enjoying HIkari's company. He felt in her a sense of peace that he feels in a few others of his close friends. It was quite a change from his agressive, almost wild previous dance partner. As the dance concludes, he lets her go gently nods his head.

"Thank you for the dance," he says calmly.

Yuuka Chiba-Flonne eventually wanders out of the bathrooms, sliding her cellphone into a pocket.

She promptly blinks at the disappearance of Minagi, but the pairing of Skuld and The Raven get a soft whistle of surprise out of her.

Aigis waves after the Raven. "Thank you very much." She says. adjusting her cardboard robot sign proudly.

The Raven gives a florid bow, his arms and wings spreading out as he does so with a flourish.

"Excellent. Let us begin." The Raven rights himself, taking up Hinata's hands gently and beginning to take Hinata through the paces of the dance. He gives faint cues as they dance, allowing Hinata to use them as prompts if she decides to do so. "A masquerade ball is fascinating. So many sights, and colors, and sounds. We all get a moment to put on our masks and pretend to be something we're not." There is an amused note to his voice as he gives Hinata a spin, then draws her back in. "Do you believe that the masks we wear say something about us, maiden Skuld?"

It was something of a strange feeling meeting someone for a second time. A different identity, such different connotations and feelings. "And thank you, Souji," she says softly as the two separate. It's so hard to maintain poise with the blood rushing in her ears like the sound of a passing train, the warmth blossoming in her face, her heart pounding loudly in her chest. So many new emotions, at once foreign and inviting. What does it all mean?

"Perhaps we'll meet again some day," she says with a faint wistfulness in her voice, giving Souji one last smile before finally turning and heading back to the refreshment table.

The cues are appreciated, its not until Skuld starts dancing that she realizes she has no clue just how one does a waltz. She's always been a quick learner, however, and she easily picks up the leads. "That's true, its all so colorful and majestic," the goddess nods along thoughtfully. Ah, an elegant spin is matched by a pirouette that may be a bit faster than anticipated. She recovers quickly enough however to be pulled back in. Why hello there-

Masks. 'Each of us wears many masks as we progress through life. Who you are even now may also be such a mask.'

The goddess stares blankly for but that moment, then quickly smiles the awkwardness away. "I don't know? I did this 'cause I think it'd be kinda fun, not having to be me for an evening!" There's a hesitance to the answer, the faint hint that something may have been left out.

The Raven manages to keep up with the speedy pirouette, and continues to guide Skuld along the path of the dancers. The red eyes blink at Skuld's hesitant answer, but he still continues. "All of us want a chance to be something we're not allowed to be, don't we? The old fairy tales of Cinderella and the Ugly Duckling, the simple possibilities that we deny ourselves. We all enjoy a chance to relax and let our imagination take hold." He glides along the floor, weaving with Hinata through the dancing crowd. The Goddess and the Raven. Perhaps it could be a fairy tale of its own someday. "So many dreams, this cruel world crushes beneath its heels..."

He's good. Really good. In one moment, Skuld - no, Hinata - is imagining herelf in a fantasy ball scene, dressed far more appropriately than this costume. "Yeah, its good to have dreams!" In the next, she wonders if her partner could be someone else, someone just as charming and perfect behind those red eyes and sweeping moves. It would be incredibly romantic, which may be her getting a little ahead of herself.

Such intrigues are completely shattered, however, at those last words. "Eh?" Her step falters again, a little more obvious though she picks right back up. "That's kinda depressing, don't you think?"

Who is this strange masked man? The Raven turns, nodding as she makes her observation. "Depressing... Perhaps. But it's a choice we have to make, isn't it? Shall we keep the dream alive a little longer?" He bends, sweeping Hinata back for only a moment, before he brings her back upright int the gliding and twirling steps of the dance. "It would be lovely to be be able to allow our fantasies to last forever, to paint the night with our hopes and loves."

Strange and definitely not a happy chap, Hinata is starting to think, but all the while there is something quite intriguing about her dance partner. It doesn't help that he's doing all the right moves, she's never been swept quite like this before! She catches her breath, drinking in the words that fascinate her even more. "I'd like that." The glow to her dimpled grin is genuine, "Dreams aren't forever, but that's why you find new ones. One season may be ending, but the next one's just around the corner!" Oop. "Or so I've heard!"

"You are wonderfully hopeful." The Raven replies. "Are you the future, dear Skuld?" He chuckles, bringing her close around as the dance ends once more. Those red eyes look from the black mask, peering into Hinata's eyes as if seeking to find some glimmer within. "Perhaps one dream, then, may survive the coming winter." He walks with Hinata back to the punchbowl where it all began, and he nods. "Farewell, maiden Skuld. It has been a... fascinating evening. Choose well."

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