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(A wild Jiraiya approaches. Command?)

Revision as of 05:08, 25 July 2012

"I am the heart of Jiraiya. I shroud myself in expectations; my true self is known by few. None shall ever grasp the full breadth of our deeds..."

The gallant, young thunder: though born of nobility, Jiraiya's family was driven from their home by rivals. Desiring revenge but refusing to grovel at the feat of those who were born his equals, he instead chose the life of a bandit in a neighboring country to fund his ambitions. Gaining the respect of other freebooters with his daring and cunning, he unexpectedly found himself their leader and inspired them toward more chivalrous thievery. Tutored in the art of toad magic and shapeshifting by a mountain-dwelling immortal, he eventually mastered the ability to take on any appearance or gender, even the form of a frog. Though never able to reclaim his lands and restore his family's honor, tales of his bravery eventually attracted the attention of a beautiful healer named Tsunade who would eventually become his wife. Due to his shapeshifting abilities it's impossible to completely account for all of the mischief he caused, and few -- friend or foe -- were ever aware of his daimyo heritage.

In battle, Yosuke's manifestation of Jiraiya possesses a confounding diversity of skills that are difficult to pin down. Though a competent attacker that specializes in wind magic, the Disco Frog truly excels at confounding an opponent's ability to control the battlefield while allies take advantage of the chaos. Such uncompromising adaptability comes with a price: every action must be chosen with care, for dumb luck will not be there to catch Yosuke when he falls. The potential is there, but the wisdom to use it only comes with experience.

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