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Port Island - Gekkoukan High - IC Time: February 23rd, 2010. 6:30 PM.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Having Yoh in SEES was something Hinata had been looking forward to. He was an earnest, hard-working, and well-meaning young man who liked him some Karate and had the Thora Kobayashi Seal of Approval! She was kind of proud that she had helped lead him into joining her team. Perhaps she was a bit too eager, however. Yoh did need training, and the ever-helpful Itoh jumped right in to volunteer to help! Mitsuru took her up on the offer, which led to the boy asking her for a training session, which leads us to today!

Today, where Hinata is by the Gekkoukan High outdoor track, leaning forehead-first into a chain link fence. Her thoughts had run along the line of supporting Yoh through his senpai-led training regiment, not running the regimen herself! She was still a first-year, even if only for the next couple of weeks, and had only been in SEES less than a year! She had barely the faintest idea of just where to start his training! How did she ever wind up in this mess? Oh yeah, she volunteered. Way to go, Itoh.

Letting her senpais and Yoh down, however, was completely out of the question. Hinata got herself into this mess, she was going to have to lead both of them out even if it was by the seat of her pants. So she elected on starting the way she imagined Akihiko-senpai would approve. The jet black uniform of Gekkoukan high has already been exchanged for a lighter shade of track sweats and a worn pair of cross-trainers. With one last determined nod to herself, she gets to stretching out. Cue the Rocky soundtrack, its time for a Training Montage!

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh had agreed to meet Hinata up at Gekkoukan High one day this week, for some basic tutelage in the ways of SEES supernatural fighting, or something. It could be physical training for all he knew. If it was, then he would be ready for that, for sure! Either way, it was training, and Yoh was excited to get working on it!

The boy was sporting his usual black with red sections Karate Gi with a green belt, as he usually does whenever fighting or working out in any shape or form. He also had his infamous duffel bag, a large black affair which looks like it could lug around a small person in it. Why he has such a big one though, is it was durable. He did sometimes sling the heavy thing around as a weapon at times. It worked pretty good too.

After asking directions from a teacher or two, he managed to locate the field in which he was meant to go to. The boy began to become physically pumped for this, as he always does. Passing by a set of nearby bleachers, he began to look for his new Sensei in the supernatural. From this distance one could see a red cloth wrapped around his head and tied. If one inspected closer, he had made his own SEES headband with the same exact design, save using a silk sash. Why did he do this? Mostly because his hands and arms were going to be cluttered with his new weapons, The Scoring Claws.

Visiting Daidara's to see Thora about a new weapon, Old Man Daidara had pointed him to these wonderful tools displaying the art of war. They were heavy leather gauntlets, mostly black with some inlaid red patterns. Three very sharp, very large blades were on each gauntlet, anchored to the back of the hand by a metal plate attached to the glove area. The blades were made out of a strange metal. Red primarily, with black spots all over it. Even the sharpened edges were this color, and showed no silver. One of these gauntlets appear to have had a modification made to it; A gun holster attached to the back of the right one, his Evoker holstered inside. he got this done by someone in lunarvale whom made his first bolt gloves.

He took these out and began to rub them down with a cloth as he sat down, looking for Hinata.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Stretching done! Hinata's ready to run! OK, she's always ready to run, but this time she's ready to run really fast for really long periods of time! All she needs now is a jogging partner! There's someone else down track at the bleachers, and only one boy can be brave enough to wear hear and a Gi like that! But what's that in his hands?

One moment, Hinata's staring with all the apprehension of Yoh juggling grenades. The next, there's a Hinata-shaped dust cloud where she was standing. "YAMAGATANI-SAAAAAAN!"

She's a sprinter, hurdler, and base-stealer for good reason, few around could cover that amount of distance in that short amount of time! If there's any Itoh luck to be found, she'll have arrived before anyone else wandered by. Instantly, she's right there next to Yoh, throwing her sweatshirt over his blades and Evoker while breathing heavily and scanning the area for any wandering eyes. "OK," she pants, "Your first lesson." Another breath. Screaming and running totally don't mix. "The senseis here at Gekkoukan really really really don't like it when you bring pistols and sharp pointy things onto the school grounds."

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
While sitting there rubbing the gauntlets clean, he hums quietly to himself. He saw no one in the area on the way here, so figure it wouldn't hurt. And no, he didn't have the head sash on the whole way here. He only put it on after he got away from everyone. Though it sounds like someone didn't like what he was doing. It was Hinata! And holy crap she was fast. Yoh was not a fast person. He was more of the powerhouse variety despite his svelte look. If he got a hold of a thug in some fight, it would end in a couple of seconds.

As she darted across the way, the teen gave an energetic wave to the girl! "Hinata-s--" Before he could finish, she was there, and apparently throwing something over his lap. After he heard he statement, he gave her a goofy yet apologetic smile. "Sorry! Thought it would be okay after hours... but I will put them away!" Apparently he misunderstood the type of training in mind. Not a problem though!

Yoh pulled over his duffel bag and stuffed the items inside quickly. Afterward, he picks up her sweatshirt carefully and looks it over for a moment. hose blades were razor sharp; he would feel bad if it cut the shirt. Thankfully it didn't look like it. He holds it out towards Hinata. "Here! So, what is on the agenda today? I can't wait!" Perky and excited as per usual when it came to training. Anything to better himself ad others got him this way.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Hinata's more of a speed build, which nicely complements Skuld's ability to hit like a truck. This Star prefers supporting from the front! Her breath's finally caught up to her, and Yoh doesn't seem too put out by her immediate action. "Even after hours, we gotta be careful," she instructs while the toys are put away. "Senseis and other students have a habit of showing up when you least expect 'em! That's why I always keep my own Evoker stashed. And nobody ever questions me when I'm carrying a bat around!" A beat. "Unless its from class to class or inside a store. People still get nervous."

Such enthusiasm! The sweatshirt is taken back and wriggled back into quite eagerly, its still chilly out here! "OK! Today's agenda is simple! We're gonna go jogging a few miles around the track!" This is said with the eager chipper grin of a serial killer offering a night's stay at his house. "Akihiko-senpai is a firm believer in keeping in top physical shape, and so am I! And this way, we can learn more about each other!" Endurance training and team building! Hey, she's getting the hang of this already!

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
After handing over the sweatshirt, Yoh zips up the duffel bag and stashes it under a nearby bleacher seat. After popping his neck, he looks up to Hinata. "Understood! Yeah my new weapons aren't as inconspicuous as my last pair. I could tuck those away in my back pocket. Will have to get used to that!" The boy grins and takes off his new head sash, and tucks it in a side pocket of the duffel bag.

After he takes a drink of water from a water bottle in a cupholder on the duffel bag (Man this thing was useful.) He stands up, hearing what the plan for the day was. "All right!" While Yoh didn't like running as much as other things, there was no chance he would turn down a chance to train! Who knows? Maybe he would get better at it. "I like this Akihiko fella's beliefs! Would surely help to stay in physical shape!" Energetic as ever it seems. The boy limbers up a moment, before making sure his shoes are tied and his Gi ties are double-knotted still as well as his belt traditionally tied. Yup, check on everything!

"Ladies first!" He says with a smirk, ready to take off with her around the track.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Ah, a gentleman! Hinata takes the offer and starts off at a fast jog. Even not at full tilt she's still plenty fast, so she finds herself having to eventually slow down behind Yoh so she doesn't keep running out far ahead of him. "Akihiko-senpai's a boxer, so he has to keep in top shape!" Someone must admire the senpai a bit, she's jabbing at the air while she's running. "I just wish I could jog with him more before he leaves for college!"

Its a troubling thought, one that may also make a good starting point. "I never did ask what you were in, Yoh. What classes do you do well in?" Oh! Even better. "What clubs are you in too?"

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh takes off after her, and catches up to her speed for a time, though it is evident he is heavily exerting himself just to keep up. Thankfully she cuts back some, and Yoh is able to stay at her pace. "Oh wow, he is?" He says between breaths. "I would love to fight him i nthe ring one day, even though I would probably get beaten." Yoh was a firm believer that when fighting in sports like boxing, losers learn more than the winners do most of the time, so there is no /real/ shame in losing. The shame is not participating if you were able to.

As he runs with the girl, he looks over at her when she questions him. "Classes? Lets see..." The boy pondered for a minute or so. "I and really, really good at Math and History. Pretty good at Science and Biology. I kind of fall behind in English or Literature though." Irony at it's finest, as that is what Yoh wanted to be best at, but it didn't come to him naturally. "As for clubs, no in-school clubs really, as there weren't many that I liked at St. Hermelin. Maybe Gekkoukan will have better! Though I do go to a martial arts Dojo in Lunarvale." Went? He half-lived there. They had gym equipment, classes, private sessions, and all the help you could want, having to do with any martial art.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
"English and Literature, huh?" Hinata is piqued now, having had both a nose for books and the helpful language influence of a mom who considered herself both Japanese as well as Vegas-American. No Lisa Silverman syndrome here! "I can help with that!" she flashes a thumbs-up as the jog along. "I'll be cramming when we're done here too, last exams before I become-" Eep. "A second-year."

Itoh-senpai. Its both alluring and spooky.

"And no clubs? No manga or movies or any sports?" This is unusual, and something she mentally notes to rectify at some point. "We do have a kendo club, but I don't think I've been there in a while. Mostly I'm in manga, movie, baseball, and track!" Blaise almost got her on the swim club, but, well, she won't be needing those water wings now.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
"Yeah, for some reason, I have never really been good at them, though I wish I was." A sigh is emitted as he runs along beside her, though he beams as she makes an offer to help. "Really? Maybe I can help you somehow in return!" He wasn't sure how, but he would find a way. He always liked returning favors. "Yeah, it is exciting, isn't it? The year flew by it seemed."

Yoh pipes up at the inquiry about clubs. "Well, St. Hermelin had so few, there wasn't much choice-wise. Though I do love clubs! I will try to join some when the school year rolls over!" The teen was always willing to try something at least once. Would be wrong to make judgment calls otherwise. "Well, if there are any you really recommend, I certainly will give them a shot. The Kendo Club sounds fun! I have seen some folks train with that in Lunarvale, by was always too busy to try."

The teen takes a few long breaths, and wipes the sweat from his brow. Running always seemed to make him sweat an unusual amount for some reason compared to other physical activities.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Oh really now. Hinata's sweating a little herself, but she's used to this by now. Track and the occasional jaunt to follow in Akihiko's footsteps have given her a little better endurance. Yoh hasn't given up, though, so she'll just keep on chugging as long as he can! "I'd love the help! Thanks, Yoh!"

"And I do recommend taking at least one sport! You'll be doing a lot of running and jumping and punching and shouting and screaming and, uh, you'll be keeping busy!" To say the least. "And sports are fun! There's nothing better than spending a beautiful day out in the sun chasing fly balls and swatting line drives!" The more she thinks of it, the more speed she starts to gain. She's already pulled ahead of her partner without even thinking of it. "And all the flowers and the smell of fresh grass... I can't wait for spring to get here!"

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh tries his best to keep up. Giving up was lame in his book, and he wasn't about to until his legs gave out! Or cramped, or broke. "Okay! Just let me know if you need help with anything. It will be rather easy once I am in the dorms!" It would be good to have study partners in the dorms, especially for those nasty semi-pop quizzes, you know, the really nasty ones the teacher gives you just one day of preparation for, and are unusually hard.

"I wouldn't mind playing a sport!" The teen was rather fond of basketball, a sport the immigrant kids play in Lunarvale. it was pretty fun! "I hear that! I got my butt kicked by a rodent the other day. I definitely need to improve!" butt kicked was an understatement. He got sent to another dimension and blasted nearly to pieces. Of course it was his own damn fault for football punting the damn thing after it attacked Hitoshi with it's Persona. He did it trying to get it away from the boy, so he wouldn't get hurt any more.

"Mmm. I do love gardening." Yoh adds this seemingly out of nowhere, the thoughts spurned from mentioning of flowers and grass. Speaking of which, he wondered how the flowers were doing at the Shrine. Or how the Shrine will hold up after he moves. Hm

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Wait. Hinata slows down, just so she can wrinkle her nose at Yoh from close-up. He got beat by a rodent? "Oh! That report Mitsuru-senpai sent out about Strega's new pets." Her nose wrinkles even further as she dismisses her bangs with a humph. "That sounds dangerous, but I've been working on a plan for those." Dimples form in a way both adorable yet totally mischievous. Don't worry, she has a plan.

And wait, gardening? "Yeah, I remember you carting around those trees! I guess we could use some more flowers around the dorm, now that you mention it..." A hand stops pumping so she can tap her chin thoughtfully. "We never do much gardening at home. There wasn't any place around the store to plant anything!"

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
"Ergh, yeah. I went with them. It hurt." Thankfully some well placed Diarama's had fixed Yoh right up, but it was in bad shape after the volley of attacks it fired. "Well that is good. I didn't really want to hurt it, but I didn't have much of a choice. I feel bad about it now." He wanted to take the guinea pig ad cuddle it to pieces! Yoh was definitely a pet person. Save for the lazy-ass cat Michi has, Chip. That thing just SAT there on the coffee table. Everyday. LAME PET IS LAME.

As Yoh looks at the girl as she smirks, he couldn't help but wonder what was going through her head. Though he gets distracted when she speaks. "Yeah, gardening is always nice! Makes places look good, and is great for the environment. But I am sure we can find somewhere to plat something around the dorm! Can't be too hard!"

By this time, he is panting heavily. The mostly black Gi can't be helping him stay cool. But he wore black while training for that reason; to sweat more. Gets out impurities of the system. Or alcohol. Of course Yoh wasn't a drinker. Anymore, anyway.

(((Reiji Kido poses.)))
There is a feeling.

It does not matter how insensitive you are to Resonance. You can feel it.

The eyes of a predator upon your back. A sense of weight and dread in your heart, as every hair stands on edge. The acceleration of your heart, as adrenaline enters the bloodstream and every sense peaks. And a feeling of glorious regality, mixed with infinite cruelty. Watching. But from where...you know not.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
In due time, Yoh. In due time. You may even possibly get your cuddling wish!

"I'm sure it won't!" Hinata's still chugging along strong. Wearing light sweats helps, so does having her nigh unlimited energy. Eat your veggies, drink your milk (or Pocari Sweat), and stay in school, and you too can find work! Er, wait.

Its at this time that she realizes how far ahead of Yoh's she's been running and comes down to his speed. Really comes down, he's really starting to chug it. "Hey, how're you-"

The first-year comes to a full and complete stop, hand diving in to the front pocket of her track hoodie. Only this isn't her ninja hoodie, so there's no Evoker hiding in there. Uh oh. Brown eyes narrow as they scan about the track area, checking the shadow and shade of every tree and bleacher seat. "Yoh," she asks quietly, "Something's wrong."

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh pants heavily, laughing to himself. She sure was able to run! Maybe he could learn a thing or two from her. Running and agility was his weakness as far as physical tendencies went. He tries his best to staggeringly keep up at this point. "Wait up! I... whew!" Though Hinata comes to a sudden stop, as does he after a few steps. He thinks he knows why.

The tension in the air. An instinctive adrenaline rush. Yoh was all too familiar with this feeling, being in so many gang fights, brawls, scraps... Something was about to go down. He could /feel/ it. "Yeah. I can tell for some reason." Now Yoh usually felt this when something was about to break out in front of him, or something he started. How he felt it with no one else around was beyond him. It was like a sixth sense sort of thing.

The boy tensed up, ready to fight. Looking around quickly, he noticed they weren't all too far from the bleachers. His weapons and Evoker was in his duffel bag. May be best to keep a close proximity to them, if something does happen. "Lets... head over to the bleachers," he says quietly, as he begins to walk towards it, motioning her to follow. Needing breath suddenly disappeared with the rush he got. he was pretty much in attack mode, ready to lash out at someone. His Resonance in turn went from feeling like two sides charging at one another, to a full blown war.

How did he know something may be coming though? Either way, better get the claws, whether it happens or not. It is starting to get dark.

(((Reiji Kido poses.)))
Hinata's response is a good one -- but ultimately futile. Every shadow seems unnaturally thick and dark. Every shade conceals a hidden enemy. The field which a moment ago seemed so friendly and open suddenly seems intensely deserted. Alone. Isolated. No one to help you...and the distance back to the bleachers seems an eternal expanse, as the eyes of some dark predator watches from every angle. At once both everywhere and nowhere.

The bleachers are empty. The duffel bag is gone. And with it, your Evoker.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
No Evoker, no bat. That's OK, Hinata is chock full of surprises! She can... uh... run really fast! At least Yoh brought his weapons, so they're OK on that count, right? "Y-Yeah, I think we can call it a day here." She stays by Yoh's side, the buddy system has been engaged!

And boy howdy are they going to need it. "Uh." The bleachers are empty. Too empty. "Your bag was here, wasn't it?" His bag, his weapons, his Evoker, and its all missing! And she was the one who told Yoh to put them all away! "Oops." Way to go, Itoh. She'd blush in embarrassment a little more if she wasn't completely on edge. No time for disappointment in one's self now. Someone was watching them, and had yet to reveal his or herself. Someone was waiting. She has to be ready!

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
"Sounds like a plan." Yoh tries to sound calm, but he was very tense right now. Someone or something was watching them, and he didn't know who. Which concerned him. The only person he could think of that it was was that girl that tracked him down at the Okina Fountain.

The boy speeds up slightly as he approaches the bleachers, and began to panic some. He looked all around where he left it, but it was nowhere to be seen! "...Crap, crap, crap. It's not here anymore! My claws, my Evoker!" He quickly whirled around to look for someone. It was way too quiet. The light breeze seemed to stop, as if it were an ominous sign. "Someone is here, and after us."

Yoh being a drug ring member when he was younger, while he hated himself for it, it did lend some useful 'talents'. Such as, he was an amazing gambler. He was able to read people's true intentions by watching their face, and he knew when he was being followed or sought after. The last lending it's favor here. "They are closing in." He says to the girl. He falls into a combative stance, eyeballing everything in front of him. This was not looking good.

(((Reiji Kido poses.)))
The shadows around the field shift and move like things alive, possessed by some great and powerful will. Even as you watch them, they grow impossibly deeper, thicker, darker. You feel like they could swallow your very soul -- and they are everywhere. There is no escape from them, as they creep ever closer. A feeling of overwhelming darkness.

And as Hinata and Yoh stand ready, they find themselves faced with the question: how do you fight something which has no form? How do you defend yourself from something which does not exist? Your physical prowess means nothing as the living shadow draw inexorably closer, closer. And the bleachers cast so many shadows...you were already surrounded before you even realized the danger.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
This had gone from weird to spooky to downright frightening. It wasn't even the Dark Hour, there shouldn't be this many shadows creeping in closer! Hinata's rational sense is abandoned quickly by her survival instincts, each and every one is telling her to grab Yoh and make a break for the gates while she still can.

Yet, her similarly defenseless partner is standing his ground. The smaller girl finds herself backed up against him, and she glances over her shoulder in wide-eyed surprise at how ready he is to confront the darkness. He's so brave! Then again, didn't he summon his Persona that first time without using an Evoker? Who would she be to run and leave him behind? Its time to show the new guy the form of her courage! "I-I guess we don't have much choice, do we?" she grins back to him, straightening up a little as fists are raised in defense. "I guess this is lesson number two: Expect the unexpected!"

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
The shadows moving in looked like those from Tartarus, but different. Either way, it may be one in the same, as everything in Tartarus differed so much from floor to floor. Even if he didn't know how to fight a near intangible enemy, he sure as hell would try! Yoh never ran. Ever. He knew he summoned Magni the first time without a Evoker, but Kirijo-san said it would take training to master it, as that is the time the Persona had the most chance to go berserk and disobey. He honestly didn't even know how to without the gun, though the only two times he used an Evoker, Magni was already out and standing before he shot the gun. Not that he has noticed this yet.

As the shadows seemed to coalesce further and move inward, he found himself backed up against Hinata. "I've been in rougher spots!" he says this to try and make her feel better. Not sure whether several guns in your face, or evil shadows moving in trumped one another, but it was close either way. "Nope! Looks like we will have to wing this one!" An almost sinister sneer crossed his face, as it often does when he gets in the mood for fighting. Not a sign of fear was on his face. "Hah! I expected that when a guinea pig sent me flying across a large room in the tower! Thanks for the heads up though, Hinata-sensei!"

As a handicapped cop on an American cartoon sitcom would say... BRING IT OOOON! BRING ON THE PAIN!

(((Reiji Kido poses.)))
The impossibly alive shadows continue to advance. Closer. Thicker. Darker. Coalescing together, becoming what feels like a singular portal to hell -- looking at it is extremely discomfiting on an intensely visceral level. Tendrils of darkness move and writhe within the blackness, whispers of another world playing in your mind. They are fear. They are terror. The light of the February sun grows dim.

And then one of those tendrils reaches out and brushes against Yoh's leg. An almost soft caress, terrifyingly cold...and in that moment, raw pain explodes inside his head. It is enough to drive even a grown man to his knees in agony, every sense washing out from the overwhelming intensity.

Hinata is strangely spared, and for this reason she will be able to watch as, a short distance away, Reiji Kido steps out of the darkness. Raw power and predatory intent roll off of him in massive waves, and a dark, chilling intensity in his eyes as he stares directly, wordlessly at Yoh. He is a giant among men, and it goes far beyond his towering height. Behind him, stands a mighty figure clad in purple that is at once glorious regal and infinitely cruel. Every little feeling they have experienced up to now grows to overwhelming intensity as Reiji strides forward, invincible.

The storm is here.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Fear and terror are one thing. One would be a liar if they said they never felt afraid. Darkness was Hinata's mortal enemy, to see it slowly encroaching in on her sent shivers down her spine. She could admit it, she was shivering. She was scared. But she also knew that true bravery came from conquering those fears. Once you build up that head of steam, nothing can stand in your way.

It also helps that she has a partner who is as equally determined to hold his ground as she is. There's a tiny dimpled smirk at the mentioning of tougher spots, which comes with a nod of her own, "Me too." He's really starting to grow on her, even if that sneer has her a little anxious. This could be where her influence comes in, and a gentle hand reaches for the boy's shoulder. "Be careful and stay strong! I know you can do this, Yoh!"

And then, finally, the intruder makes his presence felt. Wait, did we say intruder? Let's go for Silent McBarechest and his Persona Pal. Who, it seems, is far more interested in her partner than her. Glances are exchanged between the two males before something finally connects.

With a head full of indignant rage, Hinata stomps her way towards Reiji. No Evoker, no bat, no problem. No room for backing down here, she has something important to do. Her path will take her right up to the delinquent's face if he doesn't stop her first. She's read this manga before! "Lemme guess, you don't think I'm worthy 'cause I'm a girl, is that it!?"

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh squints at the ever approaching shadow. This would surely be an interesting fight. Hopefully he could do something to save the both of them. As well, he has never fought something like this. But, it would happen eventually he figured. Might as well be now over later. he was already worked up and ready to fight.

But before he could do anything, a terrible writhing pain struck him out of nowhere. Yoh cries out in pain, taking a knee and almost falling over. It felt much like the supernatural pain he felt when the Bicorn struck him with some sort of rune from the ground. He stays there for a good minute or so, barely able to watch the newcomer, whom was surely the cause of this. Hinata seems to confront the person, whomever it is.

There wasn't much Yoh could do. His senses were completely overloaded. Until a gruff, loud voice echoes in his head. It was in a language he didn't understand, but he knew what it was saying.

'Get up, runt! Show some backbone!'

The boy felt the pain slowly drain away, seemingly converting into sheer rage. Though shakily, he made himself to stand through force. He begins to speak through weighted breathing. "I don't know who you are... but I am SO going to kick your ass for that."

(((Reiji Kido poses.)))
The thick shadows part around Hinata as she stomps forward. At first, she is ignored, as Reiji continues to stare at Yoh with an intensity at once deeply chilling and and otherworldly, black pupils dilated inhumanly.

It is only when Hinata draws close that Reiji breaks off that single-minded intensity, and in the same moment, the constant infusion of exploding pain abruptly ceases from inside Yoh's head. He will still have to struggle through what he has already suffered, but the assault upon his mind ceases. The intensity rapidly fades from the giant teen's eyes as he finally looks to Hinata, pupils returning to normal size. Perhaps the spell merely required too much focus to spread out over two people. Perhaps she is about to be the next target --

Reiji is suddenly terribly close, murmuring right next to her ear, in rich, seductive tones. "Not at all," he murmurs. "It is obvious to me that you are very worthy. Powerful, even. But you see, I am merely here to reconcile a small debt. Perhaps we can fight another time, if you truly wish..."

And then just as suddenly, the barechested teen is striding towards Yoh. He laughs openly. "Of course you are," he says afterward, tone patronizing. And to prove just how much of a non-threat Yoh really is, Reiji reaches inside his open jacket, and tosses the younger teen the stolen Evoker.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Yoh! Hinata was about to turn about and race to his side, but its too late now, she's almost there and hey why is the darkness parting around her? Oh, now she sees it, she's just this girl and they're too important and

Oh hello there, now you look more normal Reiji but seriously dude shirts are your friends. The young girl freezes, whoa did he clear that distance quick. She listens to what he has to say with growing eyes and, yes, even a faint blush. Worthy? Powerful? How dare you ruin her preconceptions with flattery!

OK, fine, she'll let it pass. This time. There's a mystery to be solved here, as she gives Reiji a quizzical tilt of her head. "Debt?" A debt for an honorable fight, he's even giving Yoh his Evoker back! "Oh!"

And with that, she pitches a seat on the ground to watch on intently and maybe give Yoh a few words of encouragement if it seems he's losing control! "You can do it, Yoh! I believe in you!"

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh sways a bit in place, having forced himself upright. Who was this guy, and why did he want to do this to him out of the blue? This is so strange. He has ever seen this guy before in his life. He thinks anyway. There was a brief familiarity about him. But overall had no clue whom he was. Still, the pain he just caused the teen was uncalled for.

Of course, why the heck did Hinata-sensei just sit down and cheer him on? The heck was this all about? She must know something more than he does about this guy. Either way, Yoh steadies himself as... his Evoker is tossed to him? Ugh, so confusing. This guy must think he is full of himself. Or maybe he is? Whatever he just did was debilitating.

The boy picks up the Evoker and holds it in his hand. "The hell are you, and what do you want with me?" A small pause. "Actually, just screw it! Magni, come out!" The boy puts the Evoker to his head, but hesitates a good ten seconds before pulling the trigger. By the time he does it again, the feelings of anger and fury have already caused Magni to manifest behind the boy. He still pulls the trigger, but nothing happens when the energy hits him.

Magni is a rather impressive sight. Standing fifteen feet tall, made entirely out of muscle and anger, he wields the biggest dang hammer most people have ever seen. The giant lets out a stifling roar, almost seeming to shake the air around the area. Yoh points at the man. "Attack!"

Magni of course charges forward, brandishing the hammer wildly, coming in to deliver a strong blow.

(((Reiji Kido poses.)))
Shirts in fact may be Reiji's eternal and undying enemy, outranked on the 'favored enemy' list only by Kandori himself. So no, very much not his friend.

Reiji watches with a hawkish, predatory intensity as Yoh hesitates for a good ten seconds -- if the bigger teen had wanted to, he could have already seriously turned the tides of the fight against Yoh in that long space of time. But he doesn't for the same reason he gave Yoh the stolen Evoker yet: he's here to prove a point, in order to complete a small favor he owns for someone. And so he waits.

Finally, the gigantic Magni appears, far larger than even the giant Bres, and rushes forward with a warhammer easily the size of Reiji himself -- and the shadow it casts seems to blot out what little sun which the shadows do not seem to have already dragged down into their depths. The cocky teen just sneers, and for a moment Yoh will probably feel a thrill of victory as the impossibly huge hammer comes crashing straight down on Reiji with enough force to shake the earth. Small, hairline cracks appear beneath Reiji's feet as he roars.

And then...shoves back, forcing the hammer away. Unharmed. He didn't...no way. He didn't... He stopped it with his fist!?

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Let this weirdo choke on Magni's hammer! As the giant charges, he figured he had this in the bag, though the opponent clearly had a Persona of his own. Yoh shoots Hinata a sort of 'Why are you just sitting there?' look. But there must be a reason she is doing this. A large grin crossed Yoh's face as the giant closes in for the blow ad is... repelled?! Holy crap! The teen could only stand wide eyed as Magni, from counterbalance of swinging the hammer and it stopping so abruptly stumbles backwards a few steps before catching himself, each step causing the ground to shake.

"Do something else!" Yoh yells to Magni. He obviously didn't know what Magni could do quite yet. Of course the Norse demi-god still listens. The massive man slams the hammer down on the ground, and crimson electricity begins to course to his fingertips. The giant points his hands both at Reiji, and unleashes several bolts of pain towards the shirtless thug.

"I don't know who you are, but if you pick a fight with me, I will fight back!" Yoh roars aloud. This guy had some nerve to just come at him for no reason.

(((Reiji Kido poses.)))
Time seems to suddenly hang in the air for Yoh as Magni begins to draw up psychic energy from its wielder in order to generate that crimson electricity -- a moment in which the dark whispers from before begin to play within his mind again. The pain is much less intense than before, but it's so difficult to focus, so difficult to maintain a proper hold on those energies. The electricity still builds up within Magni, but it's a terribly inefficient process, those dark whispers only compounding the weight of Yoh's inexperience. Mental power bleeds out into the air as free energy, dissipating rapidly without any will to guide them.

The first bolt comes raining down, and Reiji moves, the hairline fractures beneath his feet growing larger from the sudden exertion of raw force. Supernatural strength and power course through his body as he moves in a wildly erratic pattern, each bolt of lightning crashing just behind him. "If you had any sense at all -- " Reiji begins with another sneer, suddenly just appearing in front of Yoh. "You'd be running!"

Reiji's fist suddenly explodes out towards Yoh's chest, so fast and powerful it sounds like a gunshot going off.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Hinata, meanwhile, is just staring in wide-eyed disbelief. Since when did Persona battles become this /epic/? She may have to take Reiji up on his offer, if only to see if she can pull off some stunt dice of her own with Skuld. "You're getting too careless, Yoh! Be care-" Wince. That's gotta hurt. "-ful!"

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh begins to feel drawn to think about Magni's action, which doing so somehow augments the process. Though something begins to assail him; keeping him from doing just that. It was a malign voice, verbally assaulting him with an unknown language. Losing concentration made the ability fall off it's mark, and wasn't nearly as effective as it could have been.

The teen grits his teeth. This person was getting under his skin quickly. Before can retort at what Reiji says, he is /right there/. Looking at Reiji, he squints. "I never run." The boy seemed to have a sixth sense reaction, managing to put up an X guard in front of him before the punch, but it helped in no matter whatsoever. Reiji's fist just goes right through it, and floors the kid, sending him flying backwards. Yoh skids on the ground backwards, face down have coming to a stop. He tries to get up, but has difficulty doing so. He is able to at least get on his hands and knees though.

Ugh. So strong. His abilities seem so familiar though... who was it that wielded such darkness before...?' Yoh could only think this right now while he caught his breath. Magni had since faded from existence by now.

(((Reiji Kido poses.)))
Reiji comes to a sudden halt, a billow of air whipping briefly around from behind him as he does so; unruly hair and scuffed jacket blow in the sudden wind. He does not appear to be especially drained after the exertion of supernatural prowess, breathing accelerated from the adrenaline in his veins, but in no way appearing to be short on breath. Bres stands behind him, a mighty and regal warrior-king. He holds a glorious greatsword in one hand, and a darkness bleeds from his eyes as he watches with the impassiveness of a great king surveying his domain.

"Get up," Reiji sneers. He does not press the offensive, but instead strides forward towards Yoh at a steady pace. There is an invincible confidence in every step, a sense of power and danger rolling off of him in continual waves. "You think you're strong just because you have a Persona?" he sneers further as he draws inexorably closer. "You think it'll protect you from any danger?" Still sneering. "You know what really happens to people that are too stupid to 'never run?'"

The darkness flickers. Reiji is suddenly standing in front of Yoh, yanking him up painfully by his collar. "They die."

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh manages to get to a point where he is in a kneeling position. This guy was strong. Supernaturally strong. Why was he still after him though? The only people he could think of that would want him out of the picture is the supposed Strega member in Tartarus the other night, and... Of course. That MUST be who it is he represents.

At Reiji's calling, he tries his best to stand, but cannot seem to muster the strength currently. This guy knocked like, everything out of Yoh with that one hit. Yoh begins to speak with heavy breathing. "I was strong before I got involved in all this! My fists have been getting my out of danger all my life!" Of course it looks like not this time.

He is hoisted up by his Gi collar, held up with ease by Reiji. "Better than to... die a coward, idiot," he manages to cough out. "You were sent by Kandori, weren't you? He finally got... fed up with me... getting involved... didn't he?"

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Now he did it. Hinata stands up, dusts off her sweatpants, and jogs over before Reiji walls her student and we're off in yuri-land. Or something. "He's right, Yoh," she nods to the shirtless wonder, "Personae are pretty gosh darn powerful and we can take a lot of punishment, but sometimes you have no choice but to run. Magni," she hopes she got the name right, "can do a lot of neat things, but he can't tank a bullet."

Now that's an interesting name to drop. "You know Kandori-san?" The teen is rather suspicious at this, a glance stolen to Reiji, "If he was that fed up, why did he throw you your Evoker back?"

(((Reiji Kido poses.)))
"Tch." The sound is sneering, mocking, as Reiji hauls the other youth up a little higher. He doesn't even seem to be straining. There is a very faint flicker in the shirtless teen's eyes when Yoh mentions Kandori, but it's almost impossible to decipher what it might mean -- he has far more control than to lose his cool over some cocky-ass nobody dropping the name of his hated half-brother.

"You really are an idiot," Reiji continues in those same tones. Suddenly and without warning, he slams his free fist into Yoh's stomach. A few moments are given for the youth to recover his senses before Reiji goes on. "Relying on your fists?!" he barks sharply right in Yoh's face. "/Don't make me laugh!/" A fist is slammed into Yoh's stomach again.

"You wanna' hold to raw brute force? There's always someone stronger than you!"

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh strains to talk from Reiji's grip. He doesn't seem to react upon mentioning of Guido, so it must be wrong. But who else would want Yoh out of the picture? And why wasn't Hinata helping?! She was just giving advice as the guy held him up! "Do... Do something..." He sputters out. Was this arranged? He figured Hinata would have at least tried to do something.

"I... am told that I am a bit... of a hard head..." he says as Reiji insults him. Another fist hits Yoh, unprotected in any manner this time. A look of sheer pain crosses the boy's face as he clenches his teeth tightly. At his comments, he speaks up one last time. "Third rule... of the arts code... could have told you that..." As the second fist collides with his chest, it is accompanied with a sickening pair of CRACKS; an old injury having had negative effects in this particular encounter. While Reiji had not struck the ribs directly, the force was just too great for them to stand up to it. Two ribs have just been fractured again. They had first broken long ago when slammed with a lead pipe by some fool in an opposing gang.

The look of pain grew worse for a few moments. "Damn you..." Yoh ekes out before passing out from the pain, becoming limp. And Yoh usually had such a high pain threshold. I guess things have limits though.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Do something? "Uh." It wasn't part of the training, but Hinata really couldn't find it in herself to interfere. McShirtless was imparting very important wisdom! It wasn't planned, but it makes for a good lesson! Besides, its not as if Reiji's really hurting him.

Ooh, that's gotta hurt.

Ooh, that really has got to hurt. Right, time to do something has arrived. "H-Hey!"

Being small and female has its advantages, Hina ducks under an outstretched arm to put herself in the path of the next incoming fist. "Stop it!" she shouts, sweeping arms out in the official body language of 'no mas'. "You're hurting him!" Er. "/Really/ hurting him!" There. "I was working my way into teaching him into being a smart fighter! How am I supposed to do that now if he's laid up in bed!?"

(((Reiji Kido poses.)))
"What the hell?" Reiji swears, seeming to be surprised by this sudden cracking. He doesn't seem to have any intention to punch the youth again, even before Hinata moves in the way. He in fact seems slightly irritated with himself, grunting under his breath, "Tch, fuckin' sloppy." Yes, he intended to lay down the pain and some amount of injury. He did not quite intend to put the kid in the hospital.

Yoh passes out. Hinata suddenly moves in the way. Reiji exhales loudly. "Yeah, yeah," he grunts, a little annoyed, before moving around Hinata in order to lower Yoh down to the ground. "Look," the shirtless teen begins a little forcefully, turning his gaze back towards Hinata. Bres meanwhile vanishes back into the darkness, and the shadows suddenly snap back to the normal state. The stark contrast is a little startling. "He had to have some old injury that didn't heal right. So tune it down."

Reiji's eyes suddenly gain an intensely sharp look, narrowing. A sculpting green wind blows around him, before the Kusi Mitama resolves within it. Green energies dance in the area of Yoh's fractured ribs, but perhaps it's just as well that the youth is passed out at the moment -- there is none of that soft warmth that often accompanies healing spells. It is simply a feeling of intense correctness, clinically snapping the fractured ribs back into proper place.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh is out like a busted light. The pain of breaking bones was just a bit too much for him to tolerate. He looks like a crumpled mess in a Gi now. Laid on the ground, he doesn't move, though clearly breathing and such.

As the precessed is reversed strangely enough by his assailant, an almost equally sickening cracking comes from the boy's chest as the ribs are repaired. Who knows? Maybe there are a bit stronger now. The ribs before healed naturally, but was told they wouldn't ever be quite as strong. Supernatural healing may be better to some scale.

It looks like Yoh is starting to stir, but does not quite wake up yet. He was still pretty drained from just the three real hits he received.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
She can go with sloppy. Hinata also tunes it down, watching Reiji fixing what he accidentally broke. Yeah, his healing magic doesn't quite have the Ran/Masumi-touch, but it works! And never mess with what works. "Sorry 'bout that," she adds in a little embarrassed now. "He's my charge, so I don't want to bust him up too bad!" Another beat. "Not yet anyways. Its only going to get tougher from here, y'know?"

(((Reiji Kido poses.)))
Reiji exhales measuredly, then releases the Persona back into the depths of his subconsciousness. He's not a terribly gifted healer, but can draw up a couple Personae that will do in a pinch, if only through dint of experience. You pick up some things after a few years, even when they don't come naturally. "Pft," the giant teen snorts as he comes back to his feet. "Don't envy you your job -- tough don't even cut it."

But then there's smooth, seductive tones again as he glances at her appraisingly. "But I'm sure someone as strong as you will do just fine."

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh finally manages to come to, slowly opening his eyes. He still aches quite a bit, though his bones are no longer broken, ceasing that pain. He squints at the figure looming over him. The teen half thought it might have been a dream. After growling for a moment from the pain of movement, he leans up on one elbow, rubbing his head with the other. His chest was still sore, a throbbing was still occurring in his mind, and his throat hurt.

"Nngh. What is this all about, anyway?" Yoh tries to say as calmly as possible, but he is still clearly pissed. Of course he doesn't have the energy to do anything but lay there. "I didn't think I had made anyone mad at me but that guy in the tower and Kandori... Did I do something to make you mad at me?" He asks, his anger level lowering. Before jumping to any more conclusions, it may be wise to get some answers.

"Who are you anyway? I don't think I have even met you, though you do look familiar..." He looks up at Hinata as well. Why didn't she help him? That question still lingered in his mind. Maybe she arranged this after all. It did look like they were talking on a much more formal level than Reiji did with him.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
"Hey!" Not only did this guy have the gall to beat up her student, now he's mocking him in front of her? She believes in Yoh! She knows he'll be just as strong and smart as the senpais someday and hold the bus is this guy hitting on her? Hinata freezes right in place, cheeks coloring in shock and surprise and awe and its not everyday someone finds you attractive-

Nonononono. The ponytail goes flying as a hand is raised. "I know I'll do just fine, because I know Yoh will do just fine! I believe in him!" He might not be believing too much in his sensei, however, that wasn't quite the expression from him she was looking for. "You- You don't know him, Yoh? But he said he had a debt to repay!" Another glance is given to Reiji, and the blush comes back, but her determination is unwavering. "I thought he was here to settle an old fight, so I thought it might help with your training!"

(((Reiji Kido poses.)))
Yoh is likely going to feel this for at least a good couple of days, if not longer.

Reiji grins with wolfish seductiveness as Hinata freezes and blushes, being for his part completely and effortlessly confident. He shrugs a little. "You ask too many questions," is his reply to Yoh, without even really looking at him. But after a moment, he turns towards him and squats casually down to be on a more comfortable speaking level. "Your pretty sensei seems to have a lot of faith in you, though, so I'll offer a free lesson. Shut your mouth and pay attention, cause goddamn did you just fuck up."

The shirtless teen raises a single finger. "First, you just told me who your enemies are. I mean, really. What. The. Hell. Forget ships, loose links will get you fucking killed." Then a second finger. "Now, let's think for a moment. Guy comes out of nowhere and beats your ass without telling you why. You really think he's going to tell you afterward just 'cause you asked nice?" Then a third finger. "Or tell you who he is? If you're lucky, making demands like that without something to back it up -- not even a good bluff -- will get you laughed at. More likely, it's gonna' be a lot more painful."

Then a fourth finger. "Now, let's think<i> for a second. Someone sends a guy out to beat the hell out of you because you've pissed him off -- dontcha' think he might just pass on a hint? You know, so you'd avoid pissing him off in the future?"

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh leans on his elbow, just trying to come around. Reiji knocked him senseless. He doesn't really say anything to the other person, just giving Hinata another glance while he half-lays there. He looks back to Reiji as he kneels, and begins talking to him for whatever reason. He sure has an attitude problem.

The boy just listens and stares blankly at his... opponent? He really didn't know what to call him, whether it was dizziness or just plain confusion. He began to spew out gruff advice that I guess was supposed to help him? Yeah, like any of that advice would have just helped him in that scenario.

Yoh finally had enough of it, and after the fourth nugget of wisdom, speaks up, albeit groggy-sounding. "And how would any of that help in what just happened?" Yoh pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to get a hold of himself before speaking again. "And let me guess, you are the 'Beat people up and give life changing advice' fairy? Because if so, it isn't working. At all. It is no way to get people to take you seriously."

The teen just shakes his head as he rubs both hands on his face. This was hella awkward.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Hinata would have been listening and taking notes if her brain hadn't stopped functioning after hearing herself called 'pretty'. Someone was laying on the flattery pretty thick. While she had no intentions on dating someone who failed the Lucky 7's 'no shirt no shoes no Strega no service' policy, it was still something very very very unexpected to hear. From Masumi and Blaise, sure, but from a random stranger who came out of nowhere to beat up her student?

Oooooooops. "Uh." A flash, and she's down and kneeling next to Yoh as a very doting sensei. "Yoh, uh." This is going to be awkward. How best to talk him down from getting sackbeat again while pretty much admitting that Reiji was right? "What you did just there was incredibly brave! But bravery isn't everything." Her inner Kamina snorts. "Sometimes. Sometimes ya gotta be crafty, y'know? You've already seen Strega get crafty, we can't let 'em outsmart us!"

(((Reiji Kido poses.)))
At Yoh's response, Reiji just throws back his head and laughs -- it's a sound born of that effortless, completely unassailable, and perfectly invincible confidence that characterizes every action, every word. He does precisely what he feels like, precisely when, how, and why he feels like, and does not have to answer to anyone as to what drives him. "Nah," he says, flashing Yoh what could best be described as a dangerously predatory grin. "Usually I just settle for the beating people up part."

Coming back to his feet, he gestures at Hinata. "See? <i>She gets it." There's a moment in which he's suddenly leaning down, once more murmuring seductively right in her ear. "Powerful, beautiful, and smart. It's such a terribly rare combination." And then he's back on his feet again, already walking off in that invincibly confident half-stride, half-swagger of his, like he owned the world.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh quirks a brow at Reiji. This guy was nuts. So, he just beats people up because he feels like it, huh? Tch, a backstreet punk with powers, then. Once he got stronger, he would have to make sure to return this 'favor' one day. "Yeah, see if that gets you anywhere in life." The teen adds smugly.

"I suppose so," Yoh says reluctantly to Hinata. Whether she was wrong or right in his eyes, it didn't matter. She was his sensei now, and he had to follow her way as long as she remained so. So he had to accept it. Not that he didn't feel there was some truth to it already. He had seen what Strega could apparently do. If they could conjure up pet animals that could kick people's asses, imagine how tough they are by themselves?

As Reiji walked away, he watched him go. What was the point to all this? Yoh laid back on the grass, letting out a sigh. He spoke up, but didn't look at Hinata. "I guess you organized this as a test of random chance, Hinata-sensei?" Mitsuru did say training wouldn't be easy in any aspect.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
OK, enough is enough. Hinata shoots right up, dimples flustered but with a head full of forced indignant rage. It is a terribly rare combination, and it feels so good to be thought that way, and wait no she's not supposed to be fawning! "I don't know who you are or what you're doing here beating up my student, but flattery will get you nowhere!" A beat. "Even if I am really flattered by it!"

Gah. This was a wreck of a training session, and it was her first one! Already poor Yoh looks beat in more ways than one. "I thought he was someone you knew, Yoh," she answers, her dander descending straight into apologies. "I'm sorry, I should've done something, but... I thought you two were gonna settle old scores and- and it'd be good training, y'know?"

(((Reiji Kido poses.)))
Reiji is not in any way phased by Hinata's outburst as he continues walking off. Well, aside from turning his face slightly so she can see him once again grinning with that wolfish seductiveness, when she so obviously struggles with indignation against being flustered. But otherwise, it's like the waves crashing against the side of an eternal mountain. He knows exactly what he's doing, and why he's doing it -- which is probably not for any of the reasons most people would think.

But then he stops briefly, turning and tossing the previously-stolen duffel bag over towards Yoh. It's strangely difficult to see where he got it from. "Someone burned a favor 'cause they thought you needed to learn something." He grins wolfishly. "Might wanna' figure out what it is 'fore they decide the lesson needs repeating." And with that, he turns back around, and shortly thereafter is gone.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Leaning up once again, Yoh look rather shocked. "I... I thought you did this? I have no idea who that was! He sure did whip me though..." Yoh tried his best to make it to his feet. After a few unsuccessful attempts, dropping to his knees, he finally manages to stand upright, though rather shaky.

"Yeah, I didn't know that guy," he reiterates. Yoh now is the one laughing some. "Ehehehehe... I suppose it was good training, though I did fail pretty badly. Ah well, at least I gave it all I had." Though it wasn't shown easily. About the only thing Yoh seems to be managing is summoning Magni without the true use of an Evoker. Though Yoh is not aware of this. Magni has manifested before Yoh pulled the trigger three times now. While only those with well trained eyes would probably notice this, at least it shows possibility of him doing it.

With a smile towards his sensei, he speaks up, though looking rather beat still. "Anything else planned for today, Hinata-sensei?" Looking back over in Reiji's direction, he spies the young adult tossing over his missing duffel bag. He does lend an ear though as Reiji seemingly explains himself. He gives the person a half-assed wave as they leave. Well, okay, he was partly wrong about Reiji. Though who would do something like this? Actually, he already had a few ideas.

The boy trots over with some effort to his duffel bag and opens it. Nothing missing, the Scoring Claws resting on top of the things contained within, unmarred. Guess this was really just some sort of lesson. Or Reiji was bored. One of the two.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Both? Hinata watches their new friend depart, oddly curious as to just where the duffel bag came from. Or where Reiji went to. And the creeping shadows? That's some power he's wielding there, and he seemed fully in control of it. Which may have been the scariest part.

This sensei was never one to dwell on her fears. She's about to lend Yoh a hand up when he pops up on his own. "That you did! And I'm proud of you for never giving up!" Even if you should've thought of a smarter way of handling your opponent. Hina's not going to dwell on that either. Let's positive thinking! "I think that's enough for today, we've got exams to cram for! Being smart means being school-smart, and Mitsuru-senpai doesn't like it if we do badly in our exams!" No cram sessions for this Itoh! "We'll... pick it up later and hope nobody else owes anybody else favors!"

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