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Okina City - Strip Mall - IC Time: February 15th, 2010. 5:00 PM.

(((Mitsuru Kirijo poses.)))
Sundays are, in many ways, the best days. There is no school and it's really the only major free day most high school and middle school students have. That's what makes it perfect for meeting perspective members. Word had reached Mitsuru's ears that Yoh Yamagatani had the Potential. She's been too busy to really do any follow up but now, she's called him up and asked him to meet her.

The place is a rather modest looking and modestly priced cafe in the Okina Strip Mall. A high public place for sure but the cafe is tucked far enough away that it seems to have few customers at any given time. Mitsuru is already there and had asked Aigis to come along to help her scout out this new prospective individual.

The SEES command is sipping from a cup of hot tea, a plate of tea biscuits laid out as well. She would have purchased tea for Aigis too if she liked, though she's pretty certain androids can drink tea. "Apparently Kobayashi-san ran into this boy and Hinata-san has spoken with him already. I suppose we will determine if he's suitable for SEES today."

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yesterday, Before a concert event in Okina City, Yoh had received a call from a woman with a blocked number. The young lady spoke of a meeting that concerned him that was important. The boy had been expecting something like this from Hinata-san, though the phone call was more cryptic then he cared for. For all he knew, this was that strange blond girl who seemed to take great interest in him from out of the blue, using her Persona to ice over the fountain to get his attention. She knew his name before it was spoken, so she probably had his phone number as well. Either way, he had to follow this through. So many questions needed answers, and a path needed to be revealed.

Much has happened in the space of a little over two weeks, since Thora put in the word to SEES. A recent, somewhat forced excursion into Mikage-Cho had turned out to force a manifestation of Yoh's Persona, Magni. Whether this was the intended purpose of the trip or not, has yet to be determined. Yoh had also accidentally blundered his way into the twisted 25th hour that existed in Port Island, thankfully without incident. Of course, if Shiori-san didn't happen to find him, things could have gone terribly wrong.

The teenager himself is fairly easy to spot; He wears a ridiculously bright orange polo shirt all the time. And the strangest shaped hairdo ever. As he walks down a sidewalk in the crossroads of life, known as Okina, he peers at his phone. It is a rather high end model, possessing many a feature, one of which was GPS. As he stops in front of the cafe, he looks up at the sign. The phone flashes onscreen, 'DESTINATION REACHED.' This was the place. Time to find out what this is all about hopefully. He takes a deep breath and enters the door.

To other Persona users, his resonance is flaring up from tension. He does not know how to control it. Yoh actually has no idea it exists either, though he can feel them ever so slightly already. He begins to look about the seated for a woman with 'red hair'.

(((Aigis poses.)))
Aigis will let Mitsuru get tea for her. She has no JERB unless you count certain things to be JERBS like fighting shadows and basically doing everything she did before except without the KirijoCorp symbol on her back. She considers this to be important work. But now of course her pace is her own, her work is her own, it is not precisely the same as before--especially since she'll have to be more careful. They probably won't be so ready to rebuild her at KirijoCorp if she gets shattered to bits. But some maintenance is readily available so long as she is careful.

She really needs to do a report about that. But Aigis, as usual, is considering and reconsidering her words as she ponders on that.

She is presently examining a tea biscuit curiously but when Mitsuru asks for her attention she turns her head to her senpai.

She nods to her. She is conflicted about bringing people into SEES because it puts people in danger, even if it's necessary and all. But she adds, "Do you think he would be even interested? I am always surprised by the number of people who do not mind pushing for such activity."

Aigis is blind to resonances (and is, similarly, pretty difficult to pick up herself). Instead she spots Yoh and swings an arm at him. Not by removing her own arm and waggling it, of course, but a simple wave.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Aigis taking her own arm off and waving it would've been wicked metal. It also would've spooked everyone else at the cafe, so it's probably a good thing she kept it attached.

A couple weeks back, Hinata had tried to give Yoh a primer on all things SEES and Shadowy. At least as much as she felt she could tell someone who at that point was a karate kid without a Persona. The rest she felt was better left to her senpais. A meeting with SEES leadership did sound like a good idea, there was just the problem of how a first-year arranged these things. Fortunately, Mitsuru-senpai took the bull by the horns and there was to be a meet-up in Okina. Whew!

Hina, however, felt that in leading up to this that Yoh was partially her responsibility now. This is why, even as Chisaki is leading a search party for Akatsuki, she still tossed on something fashionable and took the train to Okina. She wanted to make sure her new friend had someone familiar there to help him through what might be a difficult conversation. Not to mention that it would help take her mind off of that last call from her senpai. She didn't need his scream in her nightmares last night.

As Yoh approaches the table, so does Hinata, racing along with the rapid clip-clop of shoes racing on tiling. Ha! She made it on time! The android's wave is met with an energetic one in kind. "Hey everyone!"

(((Mitsuru Kirijo poses.)))
Don't worry Aigis. Mitsuru will find an alternative for you. She'll find a way to keep you in good shape, even if you get smashed into bits. "Perhaps. Perhaps not. We will see. If he's willing to lend us his strength and he is a good fit, I will not turn him down." And speaking of Yoh... She can sense his resonance the moment he steps through the door and her eyes go directly to the door. She's about to say something when Aigis is already waving her arm and then Hinata comes bursting through the door.

She'll wait politely for the two to get to their table and take their seats before she begins. "Good afternoon Yoh, Itoh-san," she replies calmly and puts her cup down on her saucer. "Please, sit down. Make yourselves comfortable. We have quite a bit to cover." She looks at the young man, "I am Mitsuru Kirijo. You have met Hinata Itoh and Aigis I believe?"

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
As Yoh looks about the place, he sees something moving out of the corner of his eye. Turning, he sees... several people, most of which he knows somehow. He strides over, trying to appear cheerful, despite how serious this meeting may be. After he reaches the table he looks about the group, and gives a courteous bow. "Hello!" he says energetically. "Aigis-san, Hinata-san. Good to see you both again! And..." the boy turns to Mitsuru. "Nice to finally meet you in person, Kirijo-san." Whew, it wasn't that creepy girl. Potential situation averted! Of course the boy feels their resonances as well, save Aigis, which one doesn't seem to come from her. That he can feel, anyway. The feelings kind of jumble up and just create confusion for now.

Brushing off the mixed senses, The boy nods to Mitsuru, and he snags a seat, making himself comfortable. "Indeed I have!" Yoh responds to Mitsuru's inquiry. "Aigis-san at Paulownia Mall, and Hinata-san, at several places!" At the moment, he raises a finger, and catches a waitress' attention. Whispering a quiet order of a drink to her, he turns back to the group. "So! How are you all today? Figure I would start on a good note since this is all kinda serious and stuff." Yoh can be pretty bad at trying to act casual sometimes.

(((Aigis poses.)))
Aigis looks at Yoh, then turns to Hinata and waves towards her. She's such a nice girl (with terrible taste sometimes) but still a nice girl. She already feels a small amount of dread in her papillon heart as she thinks up all sorts of stressful scenarios. Well no, she shouldn't worry just based on some poor experiences. Instead, she avoids looking at Mitsuru, still a little embarrassed over the prior shenanigans. She just... said flat out everything, and-- gosh it's embarrassing!!

She says, "How have you been? I heard you have gotten into no small amount of trouble, Yoh."

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Hinata can't quite feel resonances like Mitsuru can, but the moment she slows down she can tell there's a certain tension in the air. Perhaps Yoh is just incredibly nervous! As fast as events have been moving, it wouldn't be too surprising. There's a polite nod towards the heiress before she takes her seat at the table and then one of the biscuits.

She's in between nibbles of the cookie when she answers, "I, uh, I'm well!" The first-year props her cheer up with a boost from Yoh's enthusiasm, but truth be told she's had better days after Valentine's. So it helps when Aigis mentions the T-word. "Trouble, huh?" A querying eye finds the robotic senpai, before turning its curiosity onto their special guest. "I'm not surprised. Trouble keeps finding Thora!" Or is it the other way around?

(((Mitsuru Kirijo poses.)))
Mitsuru looks over Yoh for a moment, her dark eyes sizing him up. She's not surprised he seems to tense. She waits quietly, letting the others speak for her first. Yes. Trouble. "Trouble has a habit of finding all of us," she states quietly. "Especially those of us with certain talents." She pauses for a moment to sip her tea. It's not particularly in her nature to 'beat around the bush' when it comes to certain things.

"Have you... experienced something odd in the past few weeks Yamagatani-san? Perhaps sometime in the evening after midnight, everything seems to have shut down or witnessed strange creatures that could possibly not exist in this world." She looks quietly at Aigis and Hinata, as if indicating that they can speak up too to aid in the quizzing if they wish.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh sits there, looking rather comfortable and relaxed. His resonance has lowered in intensity to reflect this. "That I have!" the boy responds quickly to both Hinata's and Aigis' questions. "Some very unusual trouble. Trouble that a normal teenager wouldn't dream of getting into." His drink arrives, and he hands the yen over to the waitress, turning back to the group and taking a long drink before continuing. "Thats' good to hear, Hinata-san! And thanks for the phone call as well," he tacks on swiftly at the end.

The boy quietly listens to Mitsuru speak. She was rather well versed, and had a drawing aura about her. "Several things that fit into that category, Kirijo-san." Yoh turns an eye to the ceiling, and all around temporarily before beginning to speak of anything. Had to make sure no one was eavesdropping after all. "At midnight, in Port Island. I am sure you are aware of that as well. I didn't think it would be something like that, despite the warnings." He taps his chin for a few moments. "Time seeming to repeat January 31st multiple times. During that, I thought I was going crazy until informed." Yoh exhibits another moment of silence. "A strange place in Lunarvale I was taken to. It was like Lunarvale... but it wasn't. And I saw, and fought, what looked like demons from some sort of video game. I have also seen people fight in a method I thought was only dreamed about." Yoh's tone had grown rather serious, but still maintained that ever-so-friendly sound to it that he seems to have even when he is angry.

(((Aigis poses.)))
T-t-t-trouble. Aigis, being allied to the KDA, sometimes sees bizarre things in postings. She tilts her head at Hinata but does not explain further since, well, she basically has already gotten it. One way or another.

Aigis's player takes a moment at this point to freak out at a closing post. After he's done, Aigis continues.

"So you have been noticing these things for some time." Aigis lowers her head. "I see." She finds Yoh's nature disconcerting. He is being friendly, but serious? That's possible, but it doesn't seem to really click quite right to Aigis's sense of human operation.

"So these events just happened to find you?" She asks.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Hinata's player may have done a Picard facepalm at the same closing post. Take that, fourth wall!

Back in the game world, Mitsuru has a very valid point that has Hinata dutifully nodding along in agreement. Its really not a Thora-centric problem. Where Personae go, trouble follows! Or you could just wander into the Dark Hour and find trouble there too.

Or the Endless Eight. Or Mikage-Cho. The ponytailed first-year nearly chokes on her biscuit, swallowing hard before leaning wide-eyed across the table. "Whoa!" In that same moment, she remembers that she's in public and in the presence of the implacable Mitsuru. With a blush of embarrassment, the first-year sinks back into her chair. Her excitement remains, but her voice reduces to a hush, "You've seen a lot, Yoh-san!" And he's lived to tell about it!

(((Mitsuru Kirijo poses.)))
Mitsuru looks at Hinata with a small look of alarm, ready to administer first aid if she did indeed choke on that biscuit. But when the other girl starts talking, she relaxes a bit and lapses back into a more thoughtful silence. She lets Aigis take the lead for questioning at the moment, content to listen and here what he has to say. Trouble does have a funny way of finding Persona Users and those with potential, one way or another. But he's been to Mikage-Cho and fought demons. She blinks. Does it mean he's awakened?

She pauses, "When you.. fought the demons, we call them Shadows, what did you use to defeat them? Were you alone?" His attitude is also a little disconcerting and she's not entirely sure how to react to that.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh turns to Aigis first, presenting her with a small smile before speaking. He wanted to try and remain as friendly as possible during this. "Well," he began, with a bit of a sigh attached. "Yes. for about a month now, counting the repeated days I suppose. They have found me. It was strange. At first when I became involved unintentionally, and I tried my best to avoid all of it, using advice given by others. But I somehow kept getting in the midst of it somehow. I got tired of running and hiding from all this, and made a decision. That was probably when you were contacted by Kobayashi-san."

The boy looks over to Hina, and nods swiftly. "Oh gods yes, Hinata-san! It has been a rough few weeks. Meditation at the shrines as been the only thing keeping me from going bonkers. Thank goodness for them!" He chuckles quietly.

Finally looking back to Mitsuru, he tilts his head, and squints his eyes. Not at her, but as though he were looking through her at something, trying to picture just what happened on a blurred canvas. "Well, I am an experienced martial artist, so that lent much needed help to fighting it. It was called a Bicorn I believe." The last part is said quietly. Yoh reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a single glove. It is a thick leather glove, that has seen much use, wearing in some parts. On the location of the first knuckle, is a steel plate, curved and following the contour of the other knuckles it covers. There is barely seen extra layers of leather underneath, giving padding for when punching. On the plate is soldered four very large bolts, usually used in construction of huge buildings. This was Yoh's standard weapon of choice. Other than his bare fists. "This helped too," the boy says as he points at it. He normally had another, but the steed he fought bit right through it and into his hand, ripping the glove itself apart. "As for alone... for the most part yes."

After a moment, the boy continues on with his story. "There was a point where I was nearly killed. But... time froze, and a little girl appeared before me, and challenged me to do something about the near death situation. A moment later, I found myself shouting a word, and a giant appeared, and crushed the Shadow, as it were. It looked back to me and nodded, then disappeared if I recall correctly. The day is rather fuzzy."

After Yoh glances about for a moment, trying to think, he says one last thing. "I remember it's name. It seemed to ring out in my head. It was Magni, I believe. I could be wrong though." The teen takes a deep breath and let it out. it was relieving to talk about it with people that apparently know about all this. Hopefully they can provide some insight for the distraught child.

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
Not far from the merry little group, a familiar canine resonance can be felt approaching. No, it's not Koromaru.

Thora strolls up from behind Yoh, hands in her pockets and shoulder slouching. Just as she comes within earshot, she hears the word 'Bicorn' uttered and freezes, her eyes widening.

Well crap. Aigis would have read that post anyway (unless she doesn't read anything that Shiori posts anymore, which is not too farfetched to think) so she would know the true nature of that event. From what she could tell, Mitsuru hadn't learned yet. But at this rate...

Slowly, Thora takes a step backwards.

(((Aigis poses.)))
Well, this ... this actually seems reasonable but Aigis is not immediately convinced!! She has been around the persona user slash awakened farm before, she knows they can be pretty tricky, those folks! That's for sure. But Yoh continues. And continues. (and continues). And soon he is gabbing about how a little girl appeared before him and told him to yadda yadda yadda. Now, naturally Aigis has no idea it is Yoh's grandmother. But she does know of the little girls running around there and causing trouble. "Something really ought to be done--" She is not sure if the Mikage-Cho demons and shadows are really the same or not, they seem a little...weirder than Shadows, but maybe that's just a matter of where they come from. Ethnic Shadows.

TOO LATE! "Ah, Thora-Chan." Aigis smiles, bobbing her head to her. "I didn't realize you came with Yoh-san."


(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Whoa. Those are some knuckles! "That's why I bring along my baseball bat!" Hinata's still keeping herself hushed, who knows if the other tables have any girls with rumor radar. Sumaru has enough problems as it is. "That must have been some fight!" Even so, it wouldn't have been much of any fight if he didn't have help. There was something about his story that didn't add up.

Not until he filled in the last blanks. There was a moment of shock at Yoh's reveal, she hadn't expected it to manifest that quickly! Once he's finished, however, she's already leaning over the table again. "That word you called out, was it..." Another suspicious glance around before she whispers, "Persona?" It wasn't Hinata's power word of choice, she preferred to be on a more personal basis with her summons. "And the girl, what did she look like?" Was Mai helping boys fulfill their Potential now? Aki? Alice?

There's one last question that's put on pause for Hina to follow Aigis's greeting with a wave towards their backpedaling guest. "Hi Thora!" Now where was she. "So, Yoh, when you said you were taken to Mikage-Cho, who took you?"

(((Mitsuru Kirijo poses.)))
Mitsuru sips slowly at her tea and watches Yoh relate his adventures. Only a month? That's.. not a lot of time. But then again, wasn't Junpei a relatively short bloomer too? Her eyes flicker to the appearance of the Bicorn and she nods. Another boxer then? She's seen Akihiko use similar things. Hmm. But she appears to be a little startled at the mention of a little girl and shouting a word. Then another. Magni.

She looks quickly at Hinata. Persona. That's undoubtedly the name one uses when one first summons their Persona. "Yes.." She begins slowly but then people draw her attention to the sudden presence of Thora, who is quickly attempting to step away. She can see that look of panic on her face and suddenly she's fairly certain just who too Yoh to Mikage-Cho.

"Hello Kobayashi-san. We were just speaking with Yamagatani-san here about his experiences and adventures during the past month or so. Please, join us." The look in her eyes appears to broach no argument nor give Thora any polite way out. She'll have to turn and leave, thus behaving rudely or comply and sit.

She turns her full attention to Yoh then and nods. "It seems that you have had a rather traumatic experience but a valuable one nonetheless. The thing you summoned is called a Persona. They are a part of you, a power hidden deep within that manifests itself when it is needed. That strange time you encountered here in Port Island is called the Dark Hour, it's a hidden time that appears right at midnight. Only those with the potential are awake during that time. Other humans sleep through it and cannot be made aware of such a time. There are things that lurk during the Dark Hour. Shadows. Only Persona Users can defeat the shadows. Do you follow so far?"

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh nods in Hinata's direction. Yoh never left home without those gloves, even before this strange stuff happened. He always found himself getting into fights, whether it was to fight opposing gangs during his fallen period, or to help folks, as of more recently. "It was. It was unlike anything I had ever done before," he says as he puts away the glove in his back pocket, a portion of the metal sticking out. The teen nods to Hina at her questioning of what the word happened to be. He finally begins to speak about just who took him to the alternate Luanrvale. "Oh, well, it was... Th-Thora!" He sort of blurts out at spotting the girl after being brought to his attention that she was RIGHT BEHIND HIM.

"K-Kobayashi-san! Good to... erm, see you!" Yoh again felt tense at her resonance clashing in a sense with his own, and his went nuts again. Hopefully she was okay with talking about this.

Yoh then, somewhat nervously, turns to Mitsuru to listen to her. She seems to reassure what he figured and was hinted to what was the case. So, it was his Persona. But how did he summon it? "So... it was mine... I had no idea how I got it..." He says this quietly as to not interrupt her too badly. He had been informed well of the Dark Hour itself, through alluding to an anonymous danger, and seeing it himself with Shiori. Of course that massive as all get-out tower, he had nothing on. "Yes," Yoh says, as he slowly shakes his head. This part was easy to understand from what info he has gotten so far. But surely it will get much more complicated. The teen gives one last glance to Thora. This was the meeting that ended up after she relayed the info, so maybe she knew about it.

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
Thora always had terrible timing. Case in point: this.

It's far too late to retreat now though. Aigis notices her, Hinata greets her, and Mitsuru gives her a rather flat look that made Thora wonder if the SEES leader really did know, but had been keeping it to herself. It wouldn't be unheard of for Mitsuru to keep things to herself, after all. Then Yoh all but blurts out a greeting/confirmation of guilt. "Uhhh...hey everyone." she says warily, lifting a hand in a half-assed wave.

Sidestepping, Thora places a big hand on Yoh's shoulder but she does not sit. She still wanted the option to flee available. "The power awoke inside you when you were close to bein' killed. Same thing happened to me. You did hear the words, right?"

(((Aigis poses.)))
Aigis presses her lips together as she examines Thora O. Kobayashi. Maybe the system needs to be adjusted if it is leading to these sorts of problems. Her left hand spins around in a circular motion with a faint 'whirr' as she ponders this troubling matter.

"It is nice to see you again." She says, and she even means it. "Actually I have to tell you something, too." She has a feeling Thora would be interested. Even so, the arrival of Thora has distracted her from Yoh for the time being, the others can probably pick up the pace, her own queries being answered to her satisfaction anyway. She seems to be thinking very hard about something, something important, but perhaps unrelated? What could be going on inside that mind of hers?

.oO(I wonder if Mitsuru and Thora will have a motorcycle race over this~)

(((Shinjiro Aragaki poses.)))
Abruptly, for those who can feel Resonance, another presence tugs at the edges of perception. The owner must be strong, because he's detectable long before he actually comes into sight... implying that his presence has quite a radius. That impression of wild, barely-restrained force draws ever closer, before the personage associated with it finally turns the corner and approaches the little gathering.

The tall, severe form of Shinjiro Aragaki looks like a mere passerby street punk-- up until he approaches Mitsuru's chair from behind with the unflinching directness of familiarity. "Got you that shit you wanted," he addresses her, very astonishingly-- such language! And no surname and honorific! Who does he think he is to the great Mitsuru Kirijo?!

He's the guy making her her weekly bento, with the groceries hidden in the bag he's referencing. That's who.

After that short comment to Mitsuru, his gray eyes lift away from her to scan those assembled with a discerning and intense gaze. "...Meeting turned into a fuckin party here," he observes. His eyes move last to Yoh, and rivet there. Apparently, despite his scruffy appearance, Shinjiro is Somebody; he has to be in order to have license to stare like that. "You're Yamagatani?"

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
Well that explains it! Hinata remembers Yoh telling her that he had made his decision and that he was going to confront whatever may come. Only it turns out that whatever may come had an assist from an Oni from Inaba. "Uh." On one hand, every fiber of common sense in her is shrieking about how Yoh could've been killed! The other hand just smiles, throws on a cape, and tilts its oddly-shaped sunglasses approvingly at Thora.

Before either can reach an agreement to run off and punch evil in the face, the edges of Hinata's senses tingle with a familiar resonance. She mentally prepares herself, then completely loses all that preparation when something starts whirring next to her. A hand finds Aigis's, Hina frantically nodding her head to the nearest muggle as if indicating this is a No Robot Antics Zone. "Hey, Shinjiro-senpai," she nods respectfully as he approaches the tea gathering with all the manners of a Marine drill sergeant.

He's going to make an awesome addition to the family.

(((Mitsuru Kirijo poses.)))
Yup. Yoh totally just gave you up Thora. There's nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. Especially not with Shinjiro suddenly appearing behind her. She stops in her grilling of the young man to look up for a moment and then nod in acknowledgment. "Thank you Shinjiro." She turns back to Yoh, waiting for a moment to see how he will react to Shinjiro's presence before pressing on.

"Usually your Persona will awaken when you experience a moment of stress or in a moment of extreme danger. This power manifests itself and acts to protect you. Summoning your persona outside of these moments will require practice and training and must be handled carefully lest it goes berserk and injures others." This last bit is said more directly towards Hinata and Thora along with Yoh. It's a lesson that Mitsuru had learned with Shinjiro and she won't let it happen again with anyone else.

"I am not sure exactly how much Itoh-san has told you about us but all of us here, with the exception of Kobayashi-san, are members of SEES. We are, on paper, a student organization. In reality, are a group of Persona Users dedicated to fighting Shadow and eradicating the Dark Hour." She pauses for a moment to let that sink in, "I would like for you to lend us your power. In exchange, we will teach you how to harness it."

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh looks up at Thora as she rests the hand on his shoulder. He could feel the rage from Garm in his mind again. Though this time it is not as bad as before. He nods to her, giving her a bit of a smirk. He wouldn't say it aloud unless asked, but he has Thora to thank for his newfound powers. While it was a rather reckless experiment, it ended in success, despite Aki's meddling. Or rather, maybe because of Aki's sudden involvement. Who knows what could have been.

While Aigis tries to get Thora's attention, he does hear that whirring, but chalked it up to a nearby vibrating cellphone someone has, as it sounded quite similar. He was about to ask why Hinata had a strange face on, but is suddenly hit with something much more fierce that Garm's presence. A much more primal rage. During this meeting he would definitely have to ask about those, as they somehow seem involved with all this. Every time someone with a Persona was near, how he felt seemed to alter. Yoh quirks a brow at the newcomer. Quite the badass aren't we? Cursing in front of a lady. Course he had no room to talk from his past. The teen gives Shinjiro a rather stoic look. After a moment he nods and responds. "I am. Nice to meet you," he says kindly.

Turning back to Mitsuru, he listens intently. She answers question after question as she speaks, as though she had done this often. "I see. Yes, Hinata-san told me there was a group for this, but I didn't know the details in any manner." He is taken aback by her asking for his assistance. "I... I don't even know how I summoned Magni, if he was indeed mine. But... if you can show me how, I will gladly help. That was one of the reasons behind my decision." Thora knew just what he meant, but no names were brought up about who the decision was given to. "I wanted to make a difference somewhere, and maybe... make it all go away someday." While the latter part may never happen, it is something to wish for.

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
A familiar smell pops up on her radar and Thora tenses just slightly. She knows Shinjiro's arrival before he says anything, his presence effectively cutting off any escape routes Thora had at the moment. Slowly, she glances over a shoulder to meet Shinjiro's eyes for a few brief seconds before turning back. Aigis's words distract her and immediately Thora assumes it's related to Aigis's current need for a new job.

Now Thora chooses to steal a seat for herself, sitting clumsily, leaning forward with her elbows propped on her knees. "I work with 'em though. SEES that is. Sometimes. I don't live in Port Island so it ain't always convenient." Thora doesn't really protest the offer though, knowing full well he'd be better off there than with Kandori. She'll have to have some words with him about it though, especially along the lines of WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T UNDERSTAND THIS EARLIER.

It was something to remember for the next time, if there was a next time, to give her 'victim' a better explanation of their magical head monster. "...go away someday?" she says skeptically, not exactly believing Yoh's conviction on that little bit.

(((Shinjiro Aragaki poses.)))
Shinjiro drops a short nod to the respective greetings sent his way, but he doesn't say much. Especially as he seems to have arrived just in time for the cautionary note about how Persona summoning requires training and careful handling-- lest it go wild and injure others. His expression doesn't change, save to harden a little, but rest assured-- he felt that one.

He says little more, having already formed a favorable first impression of Yoh by his politeness. He inclines his head in answer.

It's then that he feels Thora watching him. He watches her briefly, his idea of a hello, before returning his attention to the meeting at hand. As might be expected, he doesn't sit, remaining standing behind Mitsuru's chair with an almost bodyguard-like demeanor. Mitsuru likely is used to this.

(((Aigis poses.)))
So long as Aigis doesn't have to update any shipping walls, she can get through this. She is a little worried by Shinjiro's presence. She almost spilled the beans! ACCIDENTALLY! It's a good thing she remembered before she left any serious clues, otherwise he'd be so upset! Nobody must know, she resolves, not even Koro-Chan. ... except Koro-Chan already knows!! OH NO! Will she have to...


Koro-Chan somehow? :/

Nevertheless, she asks as Hinata takes her hand and prevents a robotastrophe, "Make it go away?" She asks, looking towards the muggles for a moment before blinking, very distinctly, at Yoh.

(((Hinata Itoh poses.)))
This was what Hinata had been hoping for. Her enthusiasm bridles over into a broad dimpled smile at Mitsuru's offer, the youngest Itoh almost exploding out of her seat. Another happy enthusiastic recruit! She'll have to thank her senpais appropriately later. For now, though, she knows what she must do next. "Mitsuru-senpai," she nods respectfully to her senior, "I'd like to help with Yoh-san's training if its possible. I've had a lot of experience these past few months, and it might help if I learned a few things as well."

Now what did Yoh mean by making what go away? This question will have to be answered without the presence of the ponytailed girl, who finds their tea pot is suddenly empty. "Oop. I'll be right back!" A last wave, and she dashes off to go find a waitress. They're out of tea!

(((Mitsuru Kirijo poses.)))
"Make it go away?" Mitsuru echos the question, blinking once. Does he mean Persona? Shadows? She appears thoughtful and nods, "That is what SEES's primary objective, making the Dark Hour and Shadows go away. If you are willing to lend us your strength..." She pauses and glances at Aigis for a moment. Shinjiro's reassuring presence helps her as well. "If you are willing to lend us your strength, then come to the SEES dorm after school tomorrow and you will be given further instruction."

She blinks after Hinata when she suddenly gets up to refill the tea. Hmm. "You will be given the tools and the lessons to summon and control your Persona. As Itoh-san has indicated, she will be charged with your lessons and any others who wish to as well. You will be given probationary status and if you fit in, we can arrange to have you transferred to Gekkoukan High School and to the SEES dorm if you wish. Or other arrangements can be made." The thing about secrets can come later. The question is, will he agree?

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
"Erm..." Several people seem to take an interest in his choice of words concerning his personal goals. "I figure it will never truly go away, but I mean like... come to a point where it does not need to be worried about anymore. Or something like that. Anything to help people live safer lives." The teen looks over at Thora, feeling better now that she has reassured him on their position. Looking over to Hinata though, he gives her a wide eyed stare. "Well.. that is thoughtful of you. I would be honored if you did train me." Another sensei! Save this one is in the supernatural. Always good to learn how to fight.

After a quick glance to Shinjiro, he looks back to Mitsuru after waving to Hinata as she takes off. The offer sounded great to him. Though his mother may be saddened that he will move away to go to a school, the possibility to help others on a grand scale resonated with him deeply, and he could not resist the call of a hero. "I see. Well, my mind is made up at this point. You all seem friendly, and good people. You work towards a respectable goal. And you wish to help others!" He starts to become his usual self, getting rather energetic. Almost like Hina herself. "If you good folks think that it is possible to teach me to harness my powers that I apparently have now, and I can use them to do good, helping your group... I will join." He gives Mitsuru a sincere smile.

(((Aigis poses.)))
"It is...nice that you wish to do good with your powers, Yoh, but... We are--well, we should accept the limitations in how much good we can do. Sometimes doing what is right is a difficult decision, or sometimes it isn't clear and multiple people have different ideas as to what that is." She shakes her head. "It is well that you wish to do good, but trying too hard to be good. ... It can be harmful."

She sets the biscuit down that she has been playing with, watching Hinata depart for the tea. "But even so, we should all try not to misuse the power we are given, whether it be Personas--or otherwise."

Or rocket fists, for instance.

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