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Revision as of 22:45, 23 May 2010

A few days have gone by since Enoha and Adachi's initial promise to think about their next outing. That is, a date. Enoha's initial suggestion was not possibly at that point, as the cold weather would make a trip to the park a cold and wet one, probably draining whatever fun they might have there. Then the forecast predicted a dry, warm spell to possibly alleviate the cold snap that has held Japan in its grasp for about half a month, thus, possibly... making the idea a possibility, if Adachi was still up for it. Or if he didn't have any other possible ideas.

Except, when Adachi called, a more pressing problem came to Enoha's attention: Adachi has a cold. Or a flu. Or *something*, which Enoha feels it possibly having to do with the exposure to the cold weather Adachi had. Feelings cross her mind- concern, guilt, annoyance at him possibly not taking care of himself, sympathy. Maybe a little curiosity.

Assuming he didn't mind her coming over, this is why she's buzzing in to Adachi's apartment, a plastic sack in hand. Surely, in this case, it wouldn't be too horrible to be seen going into a man's apartment- the covered bowl in her sack should be evidence that it's just to deliver some comfort food, right?

Adachi certainly doesn't mind women coming over to his apartment. What he *does* mind is that he feels too godawful to do anything about it. It's *just his luck* that when he's sick, two attractive women visit his place. Both of them on the same day! ...of course, if he weren't sick, they probably wouldn't have come all the way there, either.

He lets her in when the buzz comes, unlocks the front door, and shambles over to the fridge to pour himself a glass of the orange juice that Mitsuru brought him. When he opens up the fridge, he's thoroughly started to see that not only is there orange juice, but half a dozen plastic cups of soup, a hearty meal in a cardboard take-out box, and a wrapped-up piece of some kind of chiffon cake, the latter two of which are marked with a note stating that they're for when he's recovered.

Adachi is pretty blown away by that.

He pours himself a glass, though, and with his coughs making his head pound even more, takes some medicine and slumps at the living room table with a box of tissues. It's a low-rise one with cushions--well, okay, *a* cushion. Adachi never anticipated ever needing more than one. And as much as he's starting to like Enoha, it's all his.

Not two seconds after Adachi takes a seat at his living room table, his buzzer goes off again. Fan-tastic.

Out at the front door, Ryotaro Dojima waits impatiently for his partner to let him in, one hand hovering over the buzzer and the other already clutching the handle of the door. From the hand on the door dangles - surprise surprise - a plastic bag.

It's uncharacteristic of Dojima to actually leave the station for his lunch break - or, indeed, to stop working during his lunch break at all - but his concern has gotten the better of him. In light of Adachi's close call with a concussion a few days ago, and now his apparent illness, Dojima has begrudgingly taken it upon himself to make sure his partner is doing alright, and is eating something more substantial than cabbage.

And, you know, hasn't accidentally strangled himself with a blanket or something.

Compared to Mitsuru's offering, Enoha's may seem paltry- but, at least, it's homemade. Well, homemade as in, made from ingredients inside the house: she didn't go make her own chicken broth or anything. ... It's a good thing she had made some the night before and had frozen them for quick meals- it didn't take too long for Enoha to warm some up and put it into a bowl while it was hot.

Giving a polite knock on the door before she is allowed to open it, Enoha walks in, placing the bowl on whatever surface she is directed towards. "Tohru-san..." She makes a worried sound. "You look horrible." At least his fridge is will stocked- she didn't need to bring any food at all, looks like! Looks like he's gotten himself well-stocked. "But at least you're eating well. I... suppose you're probably not going to want anymore soup- it's chicken noodle. Homemade, though- I just made it last night."

Then, the buzzer goes off again. "Ah, more visitors? Do you want me to ring them in for you so you can sit down?" Not many cushions- if she had known, she could have dug out some old ones for him. Is it too cold in here? Didn't he mention not having a radiator or something?

Tohru Adachi: witness Enoha's big sister complex. Well, at least, the tip of it. The rest is all underwater.

Lunch break? Dinner break? Well, it'd be lunch if it's a later shift regardless... Either way, Adachi isn't expecting his partner to show up, and frankly would never have guessed that he might, considering how attentive he is at home... even if he does have a soft spot for his little girl. Adachi honestly just doesn't think Dojima cares that much about him, no matter what other crap he spouts about them being 'partners.'

So when the second buzz comes, he's left blinking at it hazily, wondering if someone made a mistake. Enoha he'd have just called to come in when he heard the knock, and given her a bleary, but pleased, smile.

Adachi starts to laugh, then breaks into another fit of heavy coughing, before weakly smiling at her again. "I do, don't I?" he says, then adds quickly, "No, no, I do! I haven't eaten yet. Someone just dropped that stuff off for me earlier."

Because damn, Enoha's homemade cooking? /Do want/. "Sure, buzz 'em in," he continues vaguely, gesturing at the door. "Not sure who it is, maybe they're hitting my button by accident... Happens sometimes."

In point of fact, it *is* pretty cold in his apartment, which can't possibly be good for his illness. He's got a blanket draped over his shoulders, which probably makes him look like even more of a big kid.

Dojima's just about to start jabbing at the buzzer again - god, Adachi, what's taking so long, it's not like you're /dying/ - when he's finally buzzed in. He pulls the door open and ventures forth into Adachi's apartment complex.

It doesn't take Dojima very long to pick his way up to Adachi's apartment; compared to the other tenants of the building, like the local ska band that only does BTO covers or the Peruvian woman with night terrors, his fumble-prone partner is like a beacon of normalcy.

Less normal: when Dojima lets himself into Adachi's apartment without bothering to knock, and the first thing he sees is... a woman. The detective stops dead in his tracks, expression instantly shifting into guarded neutrality, and after a beat he takes a very deliberate step back over the apartment's threshold.

"I'm... so sorry, miss," Dojima says. Despite his expression, his shock is evident in his voice. "I must have the wrong apartment. I'll just, uh..." he trails off, gesturing vaguely with the plastic bag in his hand.

Through it all, he completely fails to notice the blanket wizard that is Tohru Adachi.

Dojima will be made to notice the blanket wizard soon, because when the door just opens up and his partner walks in, Adachi stares at him. And feels mildly annoyed when Dojima assumes, because there's a woman in here, he must've gone into the wrong apartment.

...which isn't an inaccurate assumption to make, which annoys Adachi even more.

"D-Dojima-san?" he calls, staring from him to the plastic bag in his hand. He coughs a couple times into a fist, then grabs a tissue to sneeze into. With a low 'ugh,' the younger detective adds, "What're *you* doing here?"

The sight of Adachi underneath that big blanket just tugs at Enoha's heartstrings. It's as if Adachi *planned* it. Which he didn't, because catching a cold so you can be seen huddling underneath a blanket and hacking into your fist isn't exactly anything worthy of being planned. In fact, it's a fate better avoided at all costs. "Tohru-san, you're probably freezing.... here, maybe some soup will warm you up."

But before that? Dojima-san must make his entrance! Ringing the detective in, she goes over to start taking out the large container of soup, stopping as Dojima rather unceremoniously walks in without a knock. She blinks, adjusting her frames for a moment as he stutters in surprise, then looks to Adachi. Oooh. "Ah, so you're Dojima-san!" Enoha beams. "Adachi-san told me lots of good things about you... ah, don't mind me- I was just dropping off some soup off. I'm Enoha Koinose- it is a pleasure to meet you finally." She looks to Adachi then, surprised that.... he's surprised. If they're partners.... why wouldn't Dojima check on Adachi?

Oh god it /is/ Adachi's apartment.

"I came to check on you," Dojima explains to his blanket wizard partner, evidently still kind of stunned. "I wanted okonomiyaki for dinner, so I figured I'd grab you some, too, and come see how you were doing."

It takes Dojima several seconds to do it, even after the revelation, but he does eventually step back into the apartment and close the door behind him. Okay, he reasons to himself, as he works his shoes off. Maybe she's... his sister? Yeah, that must be i-

That idea goes out the window when Enoha introduces herself. Okay, so she's not his sister. Maybe she's a cousin. Yeah, that's probably it. A cousin, or... or his landlady or something. "The pleasure's all mine," Dojima assures Enoha, the surprise finally fading from his voice as he deduces what must be the only reasonable explanation for a woman being in Adachi's apartment.

"Adachi," he continues, turning to address his partner. "You didn't tell me you had a..." He trails off, shooting a glance Enoha's way. Say 'cousin', he urges mentally. Say 'cousin'!

Man, Adachi is feeling way too headachy and miserable, even after his amazing breakthrough last night, to plan *anything*. He's wrapped up in a blanket because he's warm that way. That's all there is to it. This is why he doesn't really think before expressing his surprise at Dojima's arrival. Which... makes it awkward in front of Enoha. He really *did* say a lot of good things about him in front of her, didn't he? He wasn't anticipating the two of them meeting while he was around, though.

At the moment, Adachi is torn between being annoyed at his partner for showing up without saying a damn word--he could've had a relatively decent night with Enoha babying him--and amused that this is the third person *today* who's shown up with food for him. It isn't completely lost on Adachi that Dojima came out of his way to bring him dinner, and a small--very small--part of him is a little happy about that.

After all, it means he can sucker him that much better, right? Right.

"A what?" Adachi looks at Dojima with ill but contrived puzzlement. Even in this state, he can tell where you're trying to go with that. "Koinose-san's a, uh... a friend of mine," he says, glancing at her quickly. "We met recently. She works at Yomenaido--you know, the first place that called about those guys asking about 'protection'? And we really hit it off when I stopped by." He gives her a bashful smile, flowers practically blooming over his head. "She even brought me some homemade soup! But I'm glad you brought me something too, sir," Adachi adds, smile widening. It's punctuated with another few coughs, but he manages to hold onto his good cheer. "I, ugh, I figured you'd be too busy with work to stop by. 's'not like you called ahead."

His sister? Maybe. Cousin. Landlady. Anything but....?

Unfortunately, Dojima, the worst is true. Kinda. Sort of. They're not quite sure yet. Enoha even looks to Adachi for some cue, which is not exactly... a good plan seeing as his mind is mucked up with the flu bug. But he gives her enough to go on, at least. "Yeah, we're both from out of town and came here about the same time, so... well, I guess, technically, I was born here, but moved away when I was seven or so." She smiles, embarrassed. "... We went to a movie a few days ago, and... he didn't have his jacket, so when I heard he got sick, I felt a little guilty." She adjusts her glasses and grins. "You were worried to, huh?" She looks to Adachi. "I think there's a small old radiator at my house- would you like to borrow it for a while? The weather will warm up soon, but that doesn't mean you have to be miserable in the mean time."

Adachi has friends? The very idea is enough to throw Dojima's entire worldview into chaos again, and he shifts his gaze almost frantically back and forth between Adachi and Enoha as they explain themselves. About halfway through Enoha's explanation, Dojima's eyes kind of glaze over... but, blessedly, he manages to stay something resembling attentive.

"It was sort of a spontaneous decision," the elder detective explains when he manages to fit a word in edgewise, shock having crept back into his voice. "But... it looks like I don't have any reason to be worried. You're... apparently in good hands.

"So I'll just drop this off and go." Dojima indicates the plastic bag by, once again, gesturing vaguely with it. "Where should I put it?"

Adachi is sure about what *he* wants, but knowing Enoha's shyness, he's willing to ease on the throttle a *little*. The fact that she showed interest in him first, and continues to do so, helps a lot in that regard. They haven't gone an official 'date' yet, so while what they are is sort of in limbo right now, he'll ease back in favor of 'friend.' He expects that to upgrade before too long. ...probably not tonight, even if he vaguely hopes to use Enoha's lap as a pillow. That'd be nice, with this headache, which fortunately is receding with the medicine he took. At least he's got practice in pretending he doesn't have one.

Dealing with that means that he doesn't quite catch Dojima having a panic attack over the fact that Adachi actually has a *life*. With *women*. It's been a while since you had something like that, huh, Dojima? "I'd *love* lot, Koinose-san," he says, smiling at her beautifically in spite of his red, puffy eyes and flushed face. "It gets awful cold in here, and I just don't have enough blankets. You shouldn't blame yourself, though, 's'not your fault I didn't have a jacket."

Dojima actually speaking does alert Adachi to the shock in his voice. Once again, he feels faint annoyance, though he decides he's too sick to really give that much of a damn. "Thanks for worrying," he slurs, slightly. "The fridge is fine, sir."

Man, if Dojima's shocked *now*, wait 'til he sees how full the fridge is. At least it's not 'just caggabes,' like usual?

"That's so sweet, Dojima-san..." Enoha says, with earnest admiration. "You two must be lucky to have each other, especially when things are as hectic as they are now...." She frowns. "Probably had a hard time getting away from the station as it is- if it isn't the murders, it's people preying on the town." But that's a bad topic to be talking about when one participant's brain is just about to leak out his nose.... if it hasn't been coughed up already.

"No, I want to help, and the radiator isn't that big. I just... need to make sure it won't set anything on fire if I give it to you- ah, would you like some soup now, while it's hot? I didn't think to bring bowls, but if you don't have any, a cup'd probably do too..." She's already moving over, though, she hesitates to touch anything in his kitchen just yet.

When Dojima seems likely to just go, Enoha frowns. "... No, Dojima-san, you don't have to go. You came to check on him, so..." She smiles. "The apartment will be warmer with three bodies, right? That is, if you don't have business to get back to..."

Dojima grunts something too vague to even really count as communication as a general response to both Adachi and Enoha and tromps his way over to the fridge, squeezing carefully past Enoha. He pops it open like he owns the place, sticks his gift on an open shelf at random, and just about has it closed again when he suddenly catches himself. He cracks it open a little further and leans down to look closer.

Takeout... and... cake? With notes on them... he might have suspected his partner had just bought them himself, but Adachi's not nearly weird enough to leave himself notes. Dojima lifts his head out of the fridge, shoots a glance at Enoha and her offering, and then shoots a suspicious glance at Adachi.

He has... /two/ friends?

"Uh," the detective says after a moment, when his brain catches him up on everything he missed while he was busy being shocked. "I... hm," he mutters, swinging the fridge shut and lifting one arm to glance at his watch. "I can stay for ten or fifteen minutes," he offers hesitantly. "But no longer than that."

"Sweet?" Adachi repeats, raising an eyebrow at Dojima and quickly wishing he hadn't, as it makes his entire damn face hurt. Hurrrrgh, clogged-up sinuses. He laughs weakly instead. "Well, he's got his nice moments," he adds, fighting the urge to just lie very flat and still on the floor. The matter of the murders and those preying on the town goes completely ignored. Adachi doesn't feel like thinking about that right now.

"Soup would be really nice," he wheezes, smiling at Enoha. "My head feels like it's just one big *clo--" Another coughing fit. He grabs another tissue and blows his nose in it, which leaves him feeling dizzy. The used tissue he tosses towards the waste basket, and misses pathetically, by miles. Was he even *trying* to aim?

He takes a long drink of his orange juice then. It tastes vaguely like stomach acid. Maybe that's just him. "Sit a while, Dojima-san," Adachi says, giving his partner a bleary smile. "I'm happy just knowing you stopped by, so ten minutes is fine."

Meanwhile, if Enoha decides to at least take a look through Adachi's pantries, she'll find that... his possessions are *extremely* sparse. One can tell the place belongs to a bachelor, really; his sink isn't *filthy*, but he hasn't felt like washing dishes for obvious reasons. The drying rack is empty, and while there are a few bowls, they're... all dirty, as are the tea mugs. However, there are a couple clean glasses that she might use, and the utensils drawer has clean spoons in it.

Dojima, meanwhile, might realize--if the shock wasn't too much to distract him--that there's a pair of glasses on top of the fridge, next to the part of the pantry that has canned soups in it. The frames are clunky, and look like they're made out of clay. The lenses seem unremarkable, at least so far as he can tell. Dojima would not have ever seen them before.

Enoha didn't know about this second friend either, but she's not going to question it. She came up here all worried that he'd have nothing to eat and would be alone, only to find out that neither was true. It makes her feel glad; she was starting to think that she might have been the only improvement in his social life ever since he came here.

Then again, what about her?

"Good!" Enoha says in response to Dojima, nodding. "Ah, would you like some soup as well, then, Dojima-san? I have plenty." But, then again, the dishes may be a problem. Soon enough, she has the sink plugged and the water on, filling it with hot soapy water. "I'll get these dishes soaking first." At least they don't look too dirty.

Once the dishes are soaked, she goes to the glasses, spooning some of the warm soup into one (or two, if Dojima agrees to some). Carefully setting them down on the table, she turns to walk back to the sink. "The town seems to have a positive attitude towards the both of you. There were two nice young girls who mentioned you were good folk."

"No, thank you," Dojima assures Enoha, taking a few quick steps to get out of the woman's way after he notices he's lingering in front of the fridge like some kind of... fridge guy. He makes his way over to Adachi's living room table a little more quickly than strictly necessary and carefully lowers himself into a sitting position opposite his partner.

"Most people will mention us, when you ask about police," Dojima explains to Enoha, when she mentions Inaba's goodwill towards himself and Fumbles. "When people see a cop in uniform, all they see is the uniform. And the other detectives... well..."

Dojima's thoughts drift to the Andos, so called because they are both called Ando, and also because of their motorcycle club. He's never really understood the connection of the second one, but he's given up questioning it.

"You know how it is," Dojima finishes lamely. "Right, Adachi?"

Adachi takes a moment to marvel at how popular he seems to have become with women ever since he became a murderer. Shit, if he'd known it was going to be like this, he would've capped some bitches /years/ ago.

"Wow, really? Gosh! It's a real nice feeling, knowing the citizens appreciate the hard work we do," he says fuzzily, grinning his doofy grin as he accepts the glass full of soup. It feels incredibly good going down his throat, but he takes care not to drink too much too fast. If circumstances were different, he wouldn't mind making a fool of himself in front of them to keep establishing that he's an ineffectual loser, but Adachi is actually rather impatient to get well again. He puffs out a contented sigh as Dojima gets away from Enoha as she begins to do dishes (how domestic of her), feeling the soup warm up his belly. He takes another couple of sips as Dojima explains the presence they have as local officers. It's vaguely funny to Adachi that this is so, considering how new he is, but he figures it's because people know Dojima, and he's Dojima's partner. It was a pain in the ass at first, but now, it's turned out to be pretty damn useful.

"What? Oh. Right, sir," he says loyally. "We're just the ones people see." He looks back over at Enoha, a cough bubbling in his throat but not quite getting out. "So who were they?"

Granted, it's hardly because Adachi became a murderer that Enoha became attracted to him.... or is it? Maybe not that, but some sort of magnetism between two persona users (despite one being ignorant of the other)? Maybe it would be better if it was that, than for Enoha to fall for what may just be a simple illusion.

Or is it? Where does the sweet, earnest Adachi end and the murderous, vengeful one begin? "You have a good point," Enoha says, as Dojima mentions his view. "I never thought about it that way." Wash, wash, rinse, dry. Domesticity. It seems automatic for her to do such a thing, though, in some ways, it's just a something she's used to doing, whether it be for her father, her mother, herself...

"I figure dishes are the last thing you want to do in your state; I'm used to being on dish duty," she says to Adachi, then chuckles. "Though I suppose I should have asked before I barged in. This is my first time here, after all. It's a cute apartment." Small, but cute. "Ah, the two girls?" She hesitates a second. "One was.... Chie Satonaka, and the other was... Aigis, I think her name is? I didn't get a chance to get her last name; she was picking up an order for a friend of hers. She was there when the first man came in to threaten the shop; she wanted to know what happened after that, and I mentioned the police." She smiles. "That's when they both mentioned your names."

Dojima listens politely to Enoha, watching her watch dishes... but his mind is only half there. That's because some part of him - the part of him that almost 25 years of police work has trained to never, ever turn off - is screaming at him that he's overlooking something.

Logically, he knows it can't possibly be important - he doubts there's a gunman about to strike or something - but it's still agonizing to ignore. Dojima lets his eyes drift out of focus, staring intently over towards Enoha and the kitchen ('kitchen').

After only a few second, it hits him; the glasses. He should ask Adachi about those, he decides in short order. He's almost certain his partner doesn't wear glasses, an-

Dojima recoils as if physically struck when he hears the name 'Aigis'. He was hoping, so hoping, that people naming their kids retarded things like 'Dweezil' and 'Lemonjello' would remain a phenomenon unique to the Western world, but it seems it is not to be.

The detective manages to regain his composure in only an instant, clearing his throat and straightening his shirt. "Yes, uh... about that. Have you been bothered by any more... solicitors?" he asks Enoha, using the term 'solicitors' about as loosely as it is possible to. "You did put the sign up, right?" Without pausing, he turns to Adachi, and further prompts, "You did /tell/ her to put the sign up, right?"

Where indeed?

Adachi blows his nose again and throws the used tissue in the general direction of the wastebin, once more missing completely. He seems barely to notice, though Dojima may be irritated by the lack of sanitariness. He probably shouldn't eat much more either, in case his stomach decides that all this /healthy nutrition/ is bullshit and evicts it upwards. Or... downwards. Or both at the same time. Explosively. Never fun, that.

"Aww, thanks, Enoha-san," he says with warmth in his voice. It may occur to Adachi later that he called her by the wrong name; for now his thoughts are sufficiently muddled that he doesn't even notice his own slip. "It's okay! I know I should do 'em, but..." He laughs weakly. "Just haven't been feeling up to it."

His expression twists with mild surprise and confusion. "Cute?" he echoes, looking around at the decidedly threadbare place. Seriously, there isn't really... any decoration at all--just furniture and things. There's some books and DVDs and stuff scattered about, but other than that... Well, if she likes it, that's fine. Adachi decides to just smile and accept it.

Satonaka and Aigis, huh? Adachi brightens, apparently completely accepting of crazy foreign names. "Oh, Aigis-san's a good girl. A little weird, but real considerate," he says warmly. "Satonaka-san I don't know so well, but I've seen her hanging out at Junes with Souji-kun a lot." He grins at Dojima. "Who knows? Maybe your nephew has himself a girlfriend, Dojima-san~"

The younger detective indulges a moment of personal satisfaction that Dojima finds it necessary to ask if he remembered to do something that simple. His head has mostly stopped pounding *quite* so bad, but he still tilts it as if befuddled. "Uhhhhhhrgh... D-did I? I think I did, but my memory's kinda foggy... E-Eno--err," he corrects himself, pausing just slightly, "Koinose-san?"

Her mind derails at the sound of her first name, but then, she continues, the direction of her face helping hide the helpless smile on her lips. "It's no problem. If I was that sick, the dishes would be piling up too." She places the dish she was rinsing in the rack, using the edge of her sleeve to nudge her glasses. "The apartment's a nice size." Especially for a bachelor, she realizes, seeing the rather spartan surroundings. Just enough room for the basics of modern life.

"Satonaka-san is a very helpful girl," Enoha then continues. "We've been having a bit of petty thieving here and there, and... she helped me with one boy." She scrubs at a stubborn spot on one dish. "Most of the time I'm able to handle them myself, but... she was very useful there. I offered her and Aigis some hot cocoa." And, well, the rainy day special, but she omits that part.

"No, not anybody since then..." She trails off, blinking at Adachi's words. Adachi can't remember? Something seems to be odd with how Adachi answers Dojima, but... that could just be the cold. "Yes," she says, nodding, "You did. It was one of the first things you did when you came to check on me and Mrs. Ishizaka- they've put signs up since." She finishes the last of the dishes and drains the sink.

Helping herself to her own bowl of soup, she sits down at the table. "I don't know if that will help with that first problem, but it was probably something we needed to do anyway."

Dojima seems positively relieved at yet another piece of proof that his partner isn't a /complete/ incompetent, nodding his approval first to his partner and then to Enoha. "There's not a lot we can do about it unless you have a sign," he explains to the woman. "Or the person physically attacks you, but... protection racketeers don't last long if they're that sloppy."


"It's strange, though," the detective continues, "We've never had problems like that out here before. We'll get these guys as fast as we can, Koinose-san, so you shouldn't worry."


Dojima, unable to take it any longer, clears his throat and lifts a hand to point at the fridge. Abrupt subject change, GO!! "Ah, Adachi, it looks like somebody forgot their glasses."

"It is?" Adachi looks around at his place. On top of having incredibly Spartan furnishings, it's rather small, which a kitchen pretty much right next to a small living room with no more than a small table and a TV nearby, and a hallway around the corner leading to the single bedroom and tiny bathroom. It's pretty small, by his standards... but then, he guesses it's okay enough for a single man living alone, even if it's a little cramped with three people here.

"Oh, she did? That's good to hear," Adachi tells Enoha, a bit muzzily, when she talks about Chie running off some punks. Hmm, maybe he should actually try striking up a conversation with Thunder Thighs sometime. He vaguely notes Enoha claiming she can deal with them herself--he'll ask her about that sometime when his head doesn't feel like one big congestion. At least the soup helped with that some.

"Oh, good," he says, relief evident in his voice, when Enoha tells them what Adachi already knew. "It's the cold, my thoughts're so scrambled these days..." He pauses when Dojima points out that there are a pair of glasses nearby. ...oh. Right. Crap, the pair Teddie gave him. He felt so godawful when he got home last night that he just took them off as he was putting away groceries and apparently forgot to move them. "Oh, those," he murmurs muzzily. "Those're mine, actually. Someone kinda shoved them on me. Not sure if I'm gonna give 'em back or what."

Brrr. The young detective pulls his blanket closer around him. The wind is howling pretty bad at the window. Wasn't the weather supposed to be calming down a little? "Is it just me, or did it get a lot colder in here?" he remarks, glancing towards the window.

And seeing a blizzard.

Adachi's jaw drops.

"It's probably just people who became attracted to the town due to all the coverage. Vultures always come where they sense an easy meal." She smiles lopsidedly. "I think the police will scare them off, however. Show that we're not an easy target." She turns as Dojima indicates the glasses, making her squint. "Ah... they're different." She grins. "Maybe someone thought you would look good with glasses, Adachi-san."

The mention of how cold it is brings to mind another concern- it really *is* getting colder in here. "... I think it is." Enoha furrows her brow, then looks up from her soup. "I thought it was going to get warm.... er...." She trails off, noting the blizzard outside. "..... snow...?" She gets up, moving towards the window to look outside. ".... It's all white outside...." She trails off, amazed at this factoid, then, quickly, snaps to reality. "Hold on. It wasn't snowing like this when I came in... uh. Give me a second." Panic flares in her eyes as she moves over to her purse, having been placed by the soup when she came in. After some digging, she produces a phone and hurriedly calls a number, moving to the other side of the apartment to speak.

".... Yes? Mom?" A pause. "Oh good, you're inside?" Another pause, and her face pales. ".... Hold on." She lowers the phone slightly. "Could one of you turn on the TV?" She furrows her brow. "... They didn't say anything about a blizzard this morning or I wouldn't have left Mom alone..." She returns back to the phone. "Yes? ... ah...." Her voice goes to a whisper as she turns away. ".... No, I don't think he'll be coming home today. Please, can you stay next to the radiator? There's soup on the stove if you need it. I'd come over, but... I don't think I'd be able to go back on foot. Just sit tight." A pause. "I love you, Mom. Stay warm." She clicks the cell phone off and sighs, turning back. "Doesn't make much sense... I could try and run back, but... Mom seems to be be sitting tight. I was just scared she might wander out- she hasn't done it since I came home but..." She chuckles nervously. "I guess I'm stuck here."

But that means Dojima is too. "... I'm sorry, Dojima-san. If I hadn't insisted you stayed a bit, you could have been at the police station by now."

"Someone just gave you a pair of glasses?" Dojima asks incredulously. Inaba has some characters in it, but that's pretty weird. "You should probably give them back, before someone jumps on you for accepting bribes." As always, Dojima's delivery is too deadpan to tell if he's actually joking or not.

Dojima's attention drifts to the impromptu blizzard about the same time Enoha's does, but his reaction is much more in line with Adachi's; he just stares, mouth hanging slightly open, frozen in the middle of starting another sentence. It /never/ snows this late in spring.

"Global warming my ass," Dojima mutters, as he gazes upon the wintry wonderland outside.

He stays there, staring, until Enoha makes her request about the TV. He shoots a glance at Adachi, quickly determines him to be far too lazy/sick to do it himself, and shifts onto all fours with a sigh, crawling the meager distance to the TV and turning it on.

'lo and behold, 'tis the /weather/. Dojima shifts from staring at the world outside to staring at the TV, still dumbfounded. It hit... /everywhere/? "Hell of a coldsnap," he says, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck.

He stares right up until Enoha apologizes to him. He looks away from the TV and shakes his head at the woman. "No, it's fine," he assures her. "It's coming down pretty hard, but... if we leave now, we can probably make it to my car before it gets too bad."

Finally, out of curiosity, Enoha takes the shades down from their spot on the fridge, then, taking off her far more light-weight glasses, puts them on. "..... Well, they're not prescription or anything." Ironically? While those shades might repel the fog, they'll probably not repel... well, the horrible eyesight Enoha has had since she was little.

... She and her brother had her father to blame for that little bit of inheritance. Her mother had perfect eyesight. ... Would the fog affect someone who doesn't have the proper eyesight to see without glasses....? .... Okay, supernatural fog'd probably give her a headache before trying to see without her glasses will. But that's a discovery for another time; she doesn't even know the TV World *exists*. ..... Well, okay, she doesn't know it's *real*, rather than some distorted dream she managed to foggily (ha) remember from her childhood. Switching the shades for her proper glasses, Enoha gives a sigh of relief. "They're different. Maybe a new style?" She places them back.

"We probably should go, if it's going to snow like this. Will you be okay, Adachi...?" He has a cold and lives in a cold apartment, yes, but... she can just see her mother just get up and begin to walk outside, due to some ill-concieved notion that stuck around in her head. She looks distraught- she could take Adachi with her, but... how would he take that...? ".... I don't like the idea of leaving you here either, as cold as the TV says it's going to get." Maybe Dojima might offer to take him in...? Does Dojima have family he needs to check on? Adachi mentioned a nephew, but he didn't specifically say that nephew was staying at Dojima's house.

If the still-decreasing temperature in the room is any bother to Dojima at all, he makes no indication of it. Not that this should come as a surprise to anyone; he's nothing if not stoic. That doesn't mean it escapes his notice, though. "She has a point," the detective admits, frowning thoughtfully. "I don't want you getting frostbite or something."

Dojima shifts his weight back and forth for a second, obviously in contemplation, before he offers, "If you think you can make it to the car, you can come stay with us until this blows over, Adachi. We at least have a kotatsu." And someone who can keep an eye on him.

Speaking of which... "Think about it," the detective continues. "I'm going to call and check on Nanako." Out comes the phone, and Dojima turns his back on Enoha and Adachi, fiddling with his phone for a moment before lifting it to his ear.

Adachi says nothing about the glasses having a prescription or not. He knows what they're *really* for, and he figured they were useless in any other situation, seeing as they didn't seem to affect his sight save where the fog was concerned. If they're meant for people to see more easily in the fog, though... ... ....... yeah he'll think that through when he can brain better. "I'll deal with 'em later, Enoha-san. Not much I can do with 'em now," Adachi mumbles.

He coughs into his fist, sniffling, and so almost misses his future girlfriend and his partner showing concern about his health and well-being, staying in a cold apartment while sick and lacking in blankets. When he does, he doesn't quite grok it at first, staring at both of them blankly. Adachi, as a boy, grew up with pretty much whatever he might want save for parental warmth and presence, so while he can understand someone stopping by with nice things, dropping them off, and leaving again--even if it is sort of bizarre to do that for someone like how he is now--he has to stop and really *think* at the concept of someone inviting him, sick and drippy as he is, into their home. This is convenient, considering that Dojima takes a few moments to phone home and talk to his little girl, though perhaps Enoha may worry about that long, dumb silence from the younger policeman. By the time Dojima returns from it, Adachi has managed to get most of his wits back in working order.

"If I stay at your place, Dojima-san, I'll probably just end up getting everyone else sick," he protests, thinking of how crowded it would be in that tiny house with three other people. Granted that Souji will probably be off doing his own thing, and Dojima is ever the workaholic, though... It'd be just him and Nanako, most likely, and that wouldn't be too bad. She's... inoffensive. A good girl. And it wouldn't be a bad idea to have Souji see him in this state. Someone as wretched as this couldn't *possibly* be suspicious, right? So even if it might be more crowded that he cares for... it could have some pretty tangible benefits. Not like he can do much with his Persona or Shadow right now anyway.

"If you're okay with that, though..." he concludes, a smiling creeping across his face, "I'd be honored, sir."

At Dojima's words, Enoha's shoulders relax. She looks to Adachi as Dojima goes to call his home, offering him an apologetic, genuine smile, taking Adachi's dumb look as perhaps sinus-encrusted befuddlement. "I'd offer you to come to my house, Adachi-san, but... with my mother the way she is, she'd probably get confused. And, if she's in a bad mood, you'd be miserable. Plus, her immune system isn't that great." Enoha's shoulders sag. She wanted to save that experience as something she could gentlely guide her mother into- gentle reminders often seem to stick better than abrupt changes. That, and she didn't want her mother's first impression of Adachi to be him shivering and snot-nosed underneath a blanket. Her rather ordinary eyeglasses-wearing salaryman dad got lucky in catching the eye of her mom, but that doesn't mean her mom will be as relaxed with her choices in men.

...... Then again, her mom might not... do anything at all. Enoha's never sure; her mother was always distant to her when she was growing up. Nowadays, she can't tell if she's a daughter to her or a nurse her mother happens to call 'Enoha-san'.

She looks back to Dojima as soon as he's off the phone. "Feel free to take the soup with you, Dojima-san. There's plenty, so if your family wants some, you don't have to worry about dinner." No idea who's present there, still- Nanako could be anything from his wife, to his girlfriend, to his cousin, daughter, etc. "How far away is your car?"

Dojima isn't on the phone for very long. "Nana-chan? It's me. ... I just wanted to make sure you were home safe. ... I'm fine. I'm at Adachi-san's right now. ... Okay. Is Souji-kun there?" Judging from the detective's grimace, the answer is 'no'. "... alright. Try to call him, okay? ... Yeah. Okay. I'll be home soon. ... Bye-bye."

Dojima hangs up, and is already rejecting Enoha's kindness even before his phone is back in his pocket. "No, no, it's fine. I'm sure this'll only last a day or two, and he needs all the real food he can get for when he's back here," he insists, jerking his head in Adachi's direction. "And it'll be fine," he assures his partner, "Just don't go coughing on everything."

"I'm parked a few blocks away, but the walk shouldn't be that bad yet," the detective continues, already walking back towards the door and his shoes. "If we're going to go, though, we need to go now. The longer we wait the worse it'll get."

"Oh, no, no, it's okay," Adachi reassures Enoha, smiling beautifically at her in spite of... well, being all puffy and flushed. "It'd be difficult enough for you taking a man home to your parents. If you're going to introduce me to 'em, I'd rather it not be when I look like a total mess."

Wait, what exactly is he trying to imply there? But then, if Enoha had been talking about taking him to her place... Blame it on the cold, maybe. He rocks up to his feet, nodding muzzily to Dojima. "Thanks, sir. And you're right. We should get going sooner. Lemme just get some stuff an' I'll join you..."

He'll wander off down the hall, then. Oddly, it takes him maybe five minutes to come back with a bag of clothes. Must not be much of one for picky packing, or maybe he just doesn't have a lot of stuff. Or maybe he had a bag pre-prepared. He's also dressed more warmly now, considering he pretty much just had baggy pants and a loose shirt on before. Still no jacket, aside from one of his suit ones, but what can he really do about that? Either way, he's got several layers of socks on, and begins the process of unlacing his boots and shoving them on. And once he does, well, it shouldn't be *too* much of a process getting to Dojima's car, right?

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