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12-07-2009 "Ah, thank you for the tea, Koinose-san..." The elderly Mr. Ishizaka smiles pleasantly as Enoha serves him a steaming mug of brewed tea, adjusting his spectacles as he looks up at Enoha. "Your mother has been doing well, correct? As far as you are able to tell?"

"She has her ups and downs," the young clerk says, wiping down the countertop as Ishizaka looks back to the computer screen. "Should I turn the sign around? It's past closing time."

Ishizaka hms and looks up. "Ah, is it? Please, Koinose-san... Ah, thank you. -And yes, there will be days like that, no? My sister has the same problem; her husband has been a godsend..." The conversation is quiet and casual, Ishizaka musing over statements on the computer while Enoha cleans up. The female clerk looks different from when Yuuta last saw her- she sports a scarf with a subdued checker pattern loosely around her neck despite the warming temperatures. Then again, that's been an item of fashion as of late among many women both young and old; the fact that she could be hiding a scar hasn't occurred to many except those who have watched the news and were able to pick out her name.

The sun is beginning to set outside, casting long shadows as the sky turns red-orange. Hardly anyone is out- certainly no one keeping a close eye.

Yuuta, as he did before, knocks politely on the door. As before, he is wearing an immaculate but ill-fitting suit - they just don't /make/ good suits in his size. The huge man adjusts his Trademark Yakuza Anonymity Sunglasses, and prepares his spiel. Hopefully, /this/ place of business will proceed according to his script. That would be nice.

"Excuse me, may I speak to the manager of this place of business?" Yuuta opens the door, if it unlocked...and if not, he just speaks loudly enough to be heard inside, before knocking again.

There's another new addition, as well- a 'no solicitors' sign in the window, prominently displayed. Knockknock. "Ah, a customer?" Ishizaka doesn't look up, adjusting his lenses. "I need to get these darn figures saved. Damn this computer! Koinose-san, could you get that? Would be nonsense to turn a customer away. Then again, I think the door's still unlocked anyway..."

"Ah, sur...." Enoha turns to look ahead, then freezes as she recongizes the silhouette in the doorway, having opened the unlocked door. She walks up quickly to meet him, attempting to block his access despite being only two inches over five feet. "... Please... don't do this..." Enoha presses close, whispering quietly with a desperate wince to her face. "Please, go. My boss isn't going to give in; I'm in no position to make him do anything..."

"Koinose-san, what are you....!" His eyes widen as he realizes the connotations of Enoha's body language, as well as the general aura Yuuta himself gives. "You...." Mr. Ishizaka's lips tighten, his expression changing from a sweet old man to that of a sour, stubborn force of will. "You must be from the place that bothered me and all the other businesses on this block. We don't need your kind here! Go away to your big city! We survived Junes and we'll survive scoundrels like you!"

Enoha looks worried to Ishizaka, eyes wide. "... Mr. Ishizaka...." She was afraid this would happen- and it's not like she can use her persona to flick the man away. He's a trained professional, and, if he's carrying a gun... Well, there's a way to solve this. She just needs to get to her cell phone. Damn it, why did she put it in the back...?

Yuuta looks down at Enoha. "Miss, I suggest you step back, please." He looks over at Ishizaka, and then takes a deep breath. "Sir, ou will find that I am not threatening you. My employers would like to have a business relationship with you, in the form of insurance." He moves, trying to get away from Enoha so that he cannot seem to be threatening her. Yuuta's had one run0in with a kid already, and he doesn't want another - it's not /right/.

Even if she's not actually a kid.

"Your shop is threatened by many things, but not by my employers. Indeed, they wish to bring to your attention all of the bad things that can happen to a little shop." The script is working /so far/. "All of these books, for example, are highly inflammable. A very large fire hazard in the wrong conditions. All it would take, sir, is one little spark to light a major conflagration. My employers would like to prevent all that for you."

"..." Enoha frowns, easily stepping away once Yuuta asks her. She's not going to fight the man if she can help it, but it was was worth a try to see if she could breathe some sort of reason into one side of the potential disaster about to brew. She's already spent a good chunk of her time trying to convince Ishizaka of Dojima's advice. Ishizaka has a heart of gold, but fails to understand the reality of his bravery. If he tries to do something, Enoha will be forced to intervene, if only because, between her and him, she'll be the one most likely to bounce back from a fist. .... She thinks.

"Did you not notice the sign?" Ishizaka says irritably, coming around from behind the counter, no taller than Enoha herself at his stooped height. "No solicitors! The police have told us to put that there and that's what you are doing right now!" He frowns. "We already have preperations for that sort of thing. To mess with the likes of the.... organization you're from... we might as well close down the day we agree to that! I built this business from the ground up! I won't have it taken down by some man in a fancy suit sending his goons to threaten my employees. Were you the one that hurt that poor female employee working next door?!"

Enoha looks conflicted between Ishizaka and Yuuta. "... I'll.... go get some tea." Maybe, if she could at least text Dojima...

"Sir, I am not attempting to take down your business." Yuuta pauses, blinking. He thinks about his answer to the question, and then decides that lying may be the better answer. "...no. I am not the person who hurt the employee next door." It's not entirely convincing, especially with the flash of severe regret. "But I would like to note that my employers are very interested in providing services to you, and that your attitude will not make negotiations simple."

He takes a deep breath. "It would be wise to listen to what my employers have to discuss with you before denying their offer. There are many benefits that could be provided to you by a working relationship, which you may not have considered. If you would calm down, sir, we can discuss this without issue." He idly cracks his knuckles - that's part of the script. "It would be best if we could do that."

Ishizaka may not take notice of the knuckle cracking, but Enoha does. Should she look away from Ishizaka? She can't exactly trust either of the two in this situation- while Ishizaka has never flown into a rage before, Enoha's really only known him since, what, January? And even if Yuuta denies his involvement, Dojima had told her that he was, indeed, the man who hurt that girl. He even looks guilty when he says it.

It's better to assume he did for Ishizaka's sake. Enoha can't leave either of them, so she hovers in the back, worriedly.

He does, however, seem to calm down. "Please leave." Ishizaka frowns, then, taking a seat at a chair nearby, he repeats himself. "Please leave. I am not interested in your offers. We have our own preperations in place, and we're quite satisfied with them."

"...sir, are you sure this is the course of action that you desire to embark upon? IT is, if you were to inquire as to my opinion, most unwise. There are so many threats to a small business in these times, and my employers can offer you so much protection from all of these dangers." Yuuta pauses, thinking. No. No, he has not been asked to beat up old men, and hopefully when he returns with his answer, there will be another way to show displeasure. He'd prefer not to have to beat someone who can't fight back a little. It would feel wrong.

"So, I will make sure that you are set in this course of action. You absolutely have no desire to engage in a business relationship with my associates, and do not wish to be provided with protection from the numerous threats to your business that you may or may not be prepared to deal with?"

Enoha winces as Yuuta speaks to her boss. She could call Dojima, but... at this point, it'd just seem obvious. And dangerous. Best do as Dojima said, and give in to the man. She can call Dojima after the fact. She walks up to Ishizaka cautiously. "Please, Ishizaka..."

Ishizaka frowns irritably. "Don't you start with that 'police' bit. We give in once, and what then? What if that first man shows up, or a third? You think this people this man represents is interested in protecting us?" Yet, looking at Enoha's nervous expression, Ishizaka's expression loosens. He sighs. "Alright, I'll do what that detective friend of yours suggested...." He looks to Yuuta. "What're you asking for in terms of this... protection? Humor an old man. I'll warn you- Junes has not helped our profits any."

"Well, sir...for a nominal fee, of course, my employers will happily provide you with protection from criminal endeavours, from fire and other unplanned acts of destruction...and other threats." Yuuta smiles. This is much better. Much, much better. "Of course, your profits are our concern, as well. As business partners, my employers would naturally wish to see you succeed. To do otherwise would be impolite and unbusinesslike. As such..."

He pauses. "Your protections will, naturally, not extend to...competitors." Junes may have paid up as a /whole/...but the one here in Inaba? He was never asked to even /go/ there. But the script makes the offer. Maybe it'll be fine. It probably will be - the Yakuza /prefer/ small businesses. They're easier to control and manipulate. "My employers might discuss your competition at greater length, if you desire."

Ishizaka's calm. He's sitting down. Enoha feels a little safe, for now, in leaving him with Yuuta. "..... I'll go get some tea." Ishizaka grumbles a little as she leaves to go into the back, where, indeed, a pot of tea does sit. Along with Enoha's purse, and her cell phone. Quick-dialing the number she had preprogrammed into her cell earlier from Dojima.

".... It's me. He's here. Please, come quickly- I don't know if my boss is going to humor him for much longer..."

Meanwhile, Ishizaka frowns, growing irritable. "And what are the -fees-. What am I going to pay for this overglorified insurance of yours?"

"That is to be negotiated with my employers. I would not expect it to be more arduous than you are capable of paying." Yuuta honestly does not get involved in that part. He makes the offers, gives out phone numbers, collects money and breaks things if things go...badly. "And, of course, there are fringe benefits as I have mentioned that make it more than worthwhile." He pulls out a little business card. "Here. You may call the number on the card when you wish to speak with my employers."

Naturally, the number isn't useful for the police - it's some disposable cell phone or other. Yuuta has yet to realize that the police have been called on him, and is still doing his little spiel.

"Hmph. You want me to play Alice, and want on further down the rabbit hole before I'm free?" Ishizaka makes a dismissive sound. "And what's to say one of your friends doesn't try to follow Koinose-san home when something happens? The preperations we have already aren't going to threaten our lives if something comes in a little late. I owe it to the few employees I have to keep them safe."

As promised, Enoha comes back out with tea, holding out a mug shakily to Yuuta, her face looking downwards. Maybe the situation will dissolve before Dojima even gets here. That'd be fine right? Except, more people will show up. Does Yuuta know she called the police on him?

Ishizaka, by now, seems far braver than Enoha. "So, if I take this card, will you go off to whatever boss of yours sent you here and allow me to get done what I was supposed to have gotten done by now?"

Yuuta frowns, but takes the tea when it is offered. He drinks quietly, and nods. "Ultimately, sir, the decision is yours, of course. My employers' wishes have been noted. If you choose not to take their offer, then...you will not be under our protection." Yuuta lets the threat to Enoha go uncommented. He certainly /hopes/ she won't be threatened. He hates having to hit kids.

"And yes, sir. If you take the card, then I will leave. If my employers do not hear from you within a reasonable amount of time, they will assume you have declined our generous offer." Yuuta finishes his tea quickly. "Thank you, miss. That was very nice." He holds the card out. "Now, sir - would you like to take the card, and then I will leave? Hopefully, we will not need to meet again."

The tea is very good- nothing at all added, thankfully. Calling the police is about as sneaky as Enoha is willing to get, even in this situation. Enoha steps away as the drink is taken, her head still looking down. Ishizaka's own cup still sits on the counter, cooling unattended.

She can't blame Yuuta, exactly. But, knowing what he did to that girl, Enoha can't look at him sympathetically either.

Ishizaka's stubborn wrinkled face studies the card, then, instead of looking up at Yuuta, he turns around, to look at Enoha, who frowned worriedly. "...." It's clear- while his pride escalated what was supposed to be a small incident, the elderly man still is thinking about the people around him. His wife isn't there, but Enoha is. Either one of them could be hurt. He then takes the card with gnarled fingers. "I'll take your goddamn card. Now leave. I don't want to see your face again either."

"Do not worry, sir. You will not see me again." Yuuta hands over the card, and then nods. "Thank you again for the drink, miss." He puts the mug down on a counter and leaves. There. Problem solved, script maintained, nothing complicated and no crazy girls with hammers trying to kill him with magic ice. /Hooray/!

And so, Yuuta turns and leaves the store. This may not be the most careful of moves, but then, Yuuta has no reason to suspect that police are coming. As far as he's concerned, he's done his work here perfectly.

Cheese it, it's the fuzz!

Yuuta emerges from the store to find not a closing net of police cruisers, but rather a single, middle-aged man, with his right hand in his pocket and his left hand clutching the suit jacket slung casually over his shoulder. He was, apparently, on his way in to the store, but he stops short when the big man exits.

The jury is still out on whether Ryotaro Dojima is better or worse than the swarm of police cars.

"Ah," the detective grunts, planting his feet and looking up, up, up at Yuuta. "You must be the guy. Do me a favor." His right hand comes out of its pocket and lifts to point at the No Solicitors sign displayed on the storefront.

"Tell me what that says."

Yuuta pauses. He looks at the sign, and then at Dojima. He looks confused, though his sunglasses hide it...badly. "...'No Solicitors'." He looks back at the bookstore, and then at Dojima. He thinks. This does not take long.

Enoha is conflicted. Something about Yuuta makes her feel guilty when Dojima shows up right as the yakuza member starts to leave, even if she is at the same time glad that Dojima showed up just in time, with no fuss. No police cars, no mess. But Yuuta... he's the one who gets the fall each time someone pulls a fast one on him, when his employers just go ahead and send someone else.

Ishizaka, however, seems surprised and yet pleased to see the detective. "..... Huh. Must've been patrolling." Ishizaka sits back in his chair. "If I had known someone was coming I would have kept him a while. And yes, I told him about that sign at least once, but he wouldn't listen."

"Correct," Dojima says, lowering his hand to his side again. He pauses briefly, shifting his eyes past Yuuta to look into the store, in the general direction of Ishizaka.

Apparently, he's satisfied with whatever he sees; his gaze shifts back to Yuuta after a few beats, and he continues, "Now what, exactly, would you describe what you were doing in there as?"

"Delivering a message that failed to get delivered previously, on behalf of my employers." This part is scripted. Stepping off script is hard for Yuuta, it means he has to actually use his own words. He's not so good at that. He pauses, looking back at Ishizaka, and then at Dojima. This can't go well.

Enoha obscures a ready view of her face by looking down, hiding the guilty expression creeping through that nuetral mask like water through cracked concrete. "..." And what if this goes horribly wrong? There was a sense of relief when she realized Dojima was here, but all that's gone when she realizes that Dojima and Yuuta would at least be on equal footing in terms of fighting ability.

Hopefully, this situation will only improve.

For several seconds, Dojima just squints at Yuuta. Maybe it's because of how recited the statement seemed, or maybe it's just because of the carefully evasive wording. Who can say?

Eventually, the detective explains, "Some people'd call that soliciting. I hear you've been doing a lot of it lately. Does 'Daidara Metalworks' ring any bells?"

Yuuta breaks script here. "Oh man, /that/ place. The attendant there is /crazy/! She /jumped/ me! With a hammer!" Yuuta shakes his head. "Man, she tried to /kill/ me. I swear, she was nuts! I tried to talk her down..." Yuuta pauses. Should he really be saying this? Well, he needed to tell /someone/. If it's a bad idea...well, he'll end up paying for it like all his other bad ideas. "But she just wouldn't listen. Wouldn't stop until she couldn't /move/. But...man, I felt really bad about having to do that. So I paid her hospial bill - I mean, she tried to kill me, but she was just a kid, right?"

"..." Enoha blinks as she listens to Yuuta's story, immediately noticing the change in tone as he goes from being completely rehearsed and rigid to something... far more truthful. Seemingly. How could a girl overpower a- wait. Hammer? Enoha blinks. It couldn't have been that one girl, on the bridge that night, could it...? She has yet to, of course, realize that the girl on the bridge is Thora, a name she's heard on the news as having killed someone. Or not. It was confusing.

She just keeps her mouth shut, going mute as Ishizaka gets out of his chair, walking over to get his mug of tea, his shakey hand the only thing betraying his otherwise calm mask.


The sudden and free flow of information - and the demeanor change - take Dojima entirely off guard, and although his carefully neutral expression never so much as flickers, he does rock back onto his heels, as if buffeted by an extremely powerful wind.

Again, he doesn't say anything for several seconds after Yuuta finishes speaking. When he finally manages to claw back some presence of mind, his right hand disappears into his pants pocket again, and comes out holding... a badge!

"My name is Detective Dojima," he declares, presenting the badge like the beacon of authority it is. "I'd like to ask you a few questions about your recent activities in town, and your altercation with Thora Kobayashi." It seems a little late in the game to say it, after that outburst, but...

...yep. Bad idea. /Really/ bad idea. Yuuta blinks. He looks at the badge. He looks at Dojima. He looks at the badge. He looks at Dojima. "...uh." He takes off his sunglasses. This does a lot to reduce his intimidation value - he's still huge, but his face is surprisingly childlike. "...um." He thinks back to what he's been told to do if arrested. Oh, right - cooperate, wait for bail and say nothing to incriminate anyone else, the lawyers will fix things. "...sure."

Maybe some of Enoha's guiltiness has to do with just how... innocent the man is, aside from, well, being a member of the yakuza or something and having beaten down a girl. Well, okay, said girl seemed like she wanted to kill him, but. His reaction to the badge, his behavior after being surprised by something he or someone else didn't plan for, and... well, everything else, just serves to make Yuuta look... slow. Not stupid, as no one could be stupid in that yakuza and survive long- at least, that's what Enoha suspects- but... slow.

His size clearly makes up the difference. Maybe the yakuza were the only ones who *would* hire him. Walking quietly over to Ishizaka and looking him over to see if he looks alright, she looks up and gives Dojima a small but no less thankful smile. Today could have gone a lot worse if not for Dojima's influence, and, well, his actuall arrival at the very end of the visit.

Handicapping the intimidation factor doesn't seem like too bad an idea with Dojima; if he's scared in the slightest, he hasn't shown even a hint of it. It could be that he's just good at hiding it... or it could be that he just isn't scared. The bigger they are, et cetera, et cetera.

"Tell me your name," Dojima prompts, slipping his badge back into his pocket. "And explain to me what, exactly, happened at the Metalworks between you and the girl."

"My name is Yuuta Kanmori. I went to Daidara to deliver a message to the owner of the metalworks from...my employers. I was polite, like I'm supposed to be..." Yuuta is shifting on and off-script as he goes, pausing and thinking and in general having a hard time of it. "An' she said she would take me to see him. And then - she took me out back behind their shop, and she tried to hit me with this gigantic hammer."

Yuuta takes a deep breath. "I /don't/ hurt kids. I don't. It's not right. But - she kept trying to kill me, and she wouldn't stop - I asked her to stop, I told her she was making a mistake and that I'd have to fight back..." He shakes his head. "But she wouldn't stop! She was /crazy/. So - I had to fight back, so she wouldn't kill me with the hammer...and, well, she kept getting back up." Yuuta decides /not/ to mention the 'magic brain powers', that could get...awkward. "She just kept getting back up and trying to hit me with the hammer...I didn't like doing it. Really. But - finally, she didn't get back up again. So...I picked her up an' I carried her to the hospital. She was just a kid, after all...and, uh, I paid the bill for her."

Probably a good idea to not mention the magic brain powers- while Enoha'd latch on immediately to what Yuuta is getting at, she won't be in much of a better position to enlighten Dojima. "...." So, her initial impression still held- Yuuta doesn't like hitting kids. He.... just won't hold back if said kid goes after him. This is probably a situation where the blame can be shifted either way. Was is the girl's fault for attacking, or was she doing a commendable thing, taking matters into her own hands? Is Yuuta just defending himself, or is it his fault for being the proxy that pushed that girl this far?

It's really making it hard to even *dislike* the guy, even if she could, personally, see it from the girl's viewpoint. What if she had fought back, that night...? Is it fair to blame a girl for fighting back? She frowns- she doesn't know.

Oh, Thora-chan.

"So let me get this straight," Dojima says, slowly. "/She/ attacked /you/, so you defended yourself. You subdued her, and then took her to the hospital." It's... honestly, not that unbelievable. It plugs the holes in Thora's story quite nicely, and 'mercy' doesn't seem too far out of character for Yuuta.

He's either the weirdest Yakuza that Dojima has ever met, or a very, very good actor.

"Why didn't you contact the police? If she attacked you with a hammer, that's aggravated assault. That's a very serious crime, Kanmori-san."

"..." Yuuta pauses. He gives Dojima a look that says, basically, 'are you /kidding/ me?' He rolls up one sleeve, revealing an upper arm loaded with tattoos. "Well, sir, I...uh, kind of..." He looks at the arm, then at Dojima, and then gestures at his tattoos with his other hand.

Dojima's eyes lower from Yuuta's face to his tattoo-covered arm. It's an admission, if an indirect one, of what the detective was already pretty sure of... but technically, having a lot of tattoos and soliciting people for 'insurance' does not mean you are, without fail, a Yakuza.

If only technically.

"You don't want to draw any attention to yourself," Dojima offers. "You don't want any trouble." It's a perfectly reasonable desire, certainly. It's one that Dojima can empathize with... and more!

"Well, I don't want any trouble, either," the detective explains, lifting his eyes back to Yuuta's. "But there's a problem, there. You see, Kanmori-san, this town and its people are my responsibility. It's my job to protect them. They don't want - or need - your 'insurance'.

"So I think it would be best... for both of us... if you stopped trying to sell it. Otherwise, there might be trouble that neither of us want. Do I make myself clear?"

"...I got a job to do, you, uh, you understand, right? I mean...I can't go tell my bosses I'm not gonna /do/ my job." Yuuta pauses, thinking. This policeman is being significantly nicer than most policemen he deals with. Most policemen he deals with are scared of him and take it out on him with nastiness...or just hate Yakuza. Or they're dirty cops, and those don't really count as /cops/.

"But...uh...I /could/ go back and tell them what you said, an' tell them that...insurance sales are being, uh, watched. Closely. So..." Yuuta is not that great this 'dancing around the subject', but habit has at least /helped/ the big lug. "That could work. But - well, I can't just /not/ do my job. S'the only job I've got."

"Tell your bosses that I have aggravated assault charges that the DA would /love/ to press," Dojima says bluntly. "The investigation of which would require your extensive cooperation. And as much as I'd love to see how deep that rabbit hole goes, I'd love to have you out of my hair even more.

"So here's the deal. You tell whoever you want whatever you want, but you stop harassing people in my town. In exchange, I forget the entire Daidara incident ever happened.

"It's the only offer you're going to get. Take it or leave it, but if I ever see you again we're going to have problems." Dojima jerks his head to the side, in the general direction of the train station, even if it is way over yonder. "Now get out of here."

Hm. On the one hand - people will be upset. On the other hand - all of these people outrank Yuuta, and he is a legbreaker. He will not have to care. He just has to do what he's told, and everything will go fine. Hopefully. Usually. Probably. Sometimes. On the third hand, he can't come back to Inaba and be seen by Dojima. But if he gets told to come back...well, he'll do what he has to do.

"...okay. Hopefully, uh, I can /keep/ to that. Might not be able to. But I'll try." He scratches the back of his shiny bald head. "...thanks, uh, sir." And with that solved and the big mental maze handily averted by the logic of 'pass it up the line', Yuuta turns and heads for the station.

As the conversation goes on, Enoha grows more and more surprised- so much so, that when the deal comes, she's almost directly on the same path of logic that Dojima himself seems to be on. To Enoha? It's perfect. Arrest and punish Yuuta, and someone else'll take his place- someone meaner and stronger who won't take no for an answer. Yuuta is at least down-to-earth- he took no joy from the fact that he clobbered a teenager, no matter what the circumstance.

"That's enough excitement for me, now." Ishizaka hmphs, adjusting his spectacles as Yuuta walks away. "I'm just glad he didn't knock some bookcase over- I'd have no one but Koinose-san to pick that up."

Enoha, meanwhile, breaths a sigh of relief, coming out from behind the counter to face Dojima directly. She bows."..... Thank you." The clerk hesitates, almost wanting to hug the detective on the spot out of gratitude, but, instead, relegating it to a smile, sniffing as she rubs her eyes. "This situation could have become so much worse, and now... the business and... well, Ishizaka-san came out of this okay." The latter phrase she lowers, even if Ishizaka doesn't seem likely at all to hear it. "I didn't know what was going to happen, but... we followed your advice and everything went okay."

And, in a weird way, it may have worked out for Yuuta too- Enoha couldn't have thought of any other way he could have told his side of the story. While it doesn't change the facts, it does make the story no longer a 2D cariacature of a big bad yakuza going around hurting teenagers. Just ones who fight back.

Dojima watches Yuuta go, frowning all the while. On some level it doesn't sit right with him to just shoo off a Yakuza, but... it's better this way, he's sure. Besides, he didn't seem like that bad a guy. Not that appearances can't be deceiving, of course, but... hopefully he finds himself a new job.

The detective only looks away from the departing Yakuza when Enoha comes out to thank him. "Just doing my job," he explains to the girl, with a weak smile. "He shouldn't be back to bother you.

"I need to get going, though. I've got more work to do. Unless there was something else you needed...?"


Weird, how all this worked out. When Dojima smiles weakly and replies, Enoha nods, straightening. "No, nothing I can think of." She shakes her head. "Thanks for coming on short notice. We'll be fine- if something else happens, we'll call the station. I'll be accompanying Ishizaka-san home, so."

She then pauses. "..... You want some fresh tea to go...?"

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