Cutscene: Very Dark

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Characters: Minako Arisato
Time: Midnight, November 2nd

It's very dark here.


It's very dark here.

Somewhere in the hallways, she lies, unmoving.


It's very dark here.

She twitches, an unconscious movement, like some last sputtering of the brainstem.

Shadows slip past without a second glance.


It's very dark here.

The Shadows swarm over her, sliding across her body.

She shifts, as if dreaming.


It's very dark here.

She stirs, in the gloom and dust.

Red eyes open, blink blearily, and close.


It's very dark here.

She stirs, opening her eyes to stare upwards towards what surely must be a ceiling.

She rolls over onto her side, curling in on herself, knees pressed against her chest. Her eyes close.


It's very dark here.

Very dark when she rises from the floor at long last.

Very dark when she stands.

Very dark when she wanders down those hallways, Shadows trailing eagerly in her wake.

It's still very dark here as she silently descends the Tower...


...and emerges at last into a world drenched in green moonlight.

"I'm home."

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