
From Persona MUSH Wiki
Revision as of 22:56, 20 February 2011 by Strangeshrimp (Talk | contribs)

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Due to the limited number of FCs on the MUSH, there is an expectation of a certain amount of activity with the character. Generally, we'd like to see two to three hours of activity per week for most FCs. This generally amounts to one scene of some kind. Facheads have higher activity expectations. They should be making at least five to six hours per week of activity, as well as being generally present and advancing the cause of their action.

FCs who are not logged in or fail to meet their activity expectations (and are not on vacation) will be warned. If activity does not improve, the character will be opened for applications.

OCs do not have any time requirements.

You are able to check your own activity from week to week by using the +timelog command.

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