Yoh Yamagatani

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Yoh Yamagatani
Personal Information
Real Name Yoh Yamagatani
Arcana XI - Strength
Nature Unawakened
Gender Male
Age 17
Birth Date October 1st, 1992
Preferred Weapon His Fists
Organization Information
Faction Unaffiliated
Teams None
Job Local Volunteer
Assignment St. Hermelin, First Year
Persona - Magni
OOC Information
Origin Original Character
Voice Actor Vic Mignogna (Mao, Disgaea 3)

"Fist, meet face!"



A kind and caring person, Yoh Yamagatani is a teenage boy whom lives on the estate of his parents in the local area of Lunarvale.Though growing up through turmoil and strife, he has retained a good deal of normalcy. A good person at heart, He strives to help those who need it as best as he can. Since his father's disappearance nine years ago, he has begun to take more responsibility than a normal teenager his age should handle as of recently, believing that easing the burden of those around him, even when costing himself is the right thing to do. Helping others is the only form of repentance he believes will serve as a proper atonement for what he did during an uncontrollable period in his life. Since his father vanished, He has tried to take his place, holding his dad's beliefs and inner goals close to him. He one day hopes to discover what has become of his father, and bring his family together again.


Where's Mah Daddy?, Fist-First Approach, Creepy Topics Are Cool, Following In His Father's Footsteps, Study Study Study!, Helpin' At The Soup Kitchen, Psychology Are Hard, YOH SMASH!, Long Cheezy Powerup Times, Shoryuken!!!, Goju-Ryu Beatmaster. The Ol' 1-2, Taking Care of Business, Hit 'Em With The Supersonic Wave Cannon!, Falcon Punches Kill People Everyday.


Yoh is a teenage boy with an average appearance. Standing 5 feet, 8 inches and weighing roughly 150 pounds, he tends to blend in with those around him, as besides his strange hairdo, he doesn't look very different from others his age. He has jet black hair, which he maintains in an unusual fashion, using gel to let half of it dangle in clumps correctly, and fashioning the rest to stick outward in strange directions. His eyes are a deep emerald green, which seem to give him an almost piercing gaze at times. He appears rather svelte, but is actually quite solid from his martial arts training.

The boy clearly goes to St. Hermelin, as he can be seen often sporting the school uniform they use. If seen during a day off, or later in the evening, he can usually be seen wearing what is in style in America. Most of the time, that consists of a pair of baggy carpenters (not to be confused with 'gangster style' pants half clinging to your thighs.) and a clean long sleeve polo shirt, maybe having a thick stripe, or some other assorted pattern. Underneath he always has a white tee, with the sleeves either ripped, cut or removed in some other violent fashion despite the weather. He usually takes off his polo and ties it around his waist when about to get in a fight. He clearly hates getting his good polos dirty. As for shoes, he seems to have a preference for basketball styled ones, believing they help the most, having good maneuverability when using martial arts, or better yet, kicking faces in.

Accessories Yoh can be seen with only consist of a silver necklace with two Kanjis, together spelling 'Gouki', and a pair of custom gloves he had made. While looking like a thicker pair of biker gloves, closer inspection shows industrial grade bolts somehow sewn / attached to it, sticking tail ends outward. The only times he is seen with the gloves actually on his hands are either right before, during, or right after someone's face got beaten in.


Yoh was born in the town of Lunarvale on October 1st, 1992 to his mother and father. At first in his life, his family was on the lower tier of living, sometimes barely getting by, His mother taking care of him when she can, being an associate college professor, and his father being 'self employed' in the area of psychology, performing as a mere therapist most of the time, despite wanting to do something more.. Thankfully a good change came at an opportune time.

Sometime in 1998, Around the time Yoh was 6, his father wrote a series of papers discussing and theorizing about the average human Ego. Later that year he was approached by a small group of colleagues who said they were researchers from an important research team, the Kirijo Group. They offered him a position among the group performing research on the psyche of the human mind. They made a very generous offer, seeing the father's potential. He was rather skeptical, but as no other alternatives were present, as well as the destitute position his family was in, he had to take it. Because of his choice, his family now was going to have a good life for the next year and a half, Yoh's family was one of the happiest ever. He became quite prestigious in his field rather quickly, and the boy's mother quit her career to take care of little Yoh full time. Unfortunately, even good causes sometimes have bad effects. Later in the year 1999, The boy's father became.... distant. Something happened that seemed to shake a man known for his commandeering presence and serenity. When inquired he would refuse to mention anything about his work for a time, muttering equations and hypotheses under his breath for long periods of time. Yoh and his mother tried their best to make the best of the time they had with him, being as work had been called off due to unexplained reasons, but he acted as if he was elsewhere the entire time, as if he had something on his mind that was unfathomable. After that point, Yoh and his mother almost never saw him anymore. Even though his job was never reinstated, he left for large lengths of time, going somewhere he refused to talk about. When asked he would never give a straight answer. He would only say things like "It is important." or "It is something I have to do.". They tried getting him to quit, to no avail. The nights he was home were restless, with him having horrific nightmares, and waking up screaming. Slowly, they saw less and less of him, until one day, they no longer saw him anymore.

November 23rd,, 2000. Yoh's father vanished.

The family, the father's friends, and his colleagues were devastated. They had all known him as kind, caring person. Everyone had feared the worst. The boy's mother launched all sorts of investigations to try and locate him. Sadly, after three months with no leads, he was declared deceased. The family left was deeply saddened, and Yoh went into a deep depression for a long time, secluding himself to his room, only ever coming out for school and food. A a few more months after his father was declared dead, his sadness and fear of being alone in the world began to coalesce into hate. He began to become a troubled child, taking out the anger of his father dying on those around him, causing mischief, picking on the weak, and hurting those who opposed his anger. There were many people he hurt, and things destroyed during this long fit of rage. Many places banned him from returning, and he and his mother were shunned by most. He had truly become what he had hated the most in life.

Thankfully, this was not to last. Early in 2005, While salvaging what was left in their abandoned facility, Yoh's father's colleagues found a hidden room containing documentation that was unknown to them. It seemed to involve Yoh's father, and were shocked at what it seemed to contain. After deciphering the documents, they came to the Yamagatani estate as soon as possible to pass the transcript on. Upon handing over the papers, the torn family immediately read it. Enclosed it mentions meetings of a group of people several times, sometimes involving much travel. That would explain the long times away from the house, but there was something more that shocked Yoh and his mother. Some of the documents were clearly dated past the time that his father was labeled dead.

He realized that this could mean that his father may yet still be alive! His heart instantly jumped for joy at the thought. The boy and mother's hopes were renewed, as the thought of his family being together once more sounded like a dream that may come true. As time passed, he began to become more caring after that day, helping those he could, like he knew how is father would. As he became a better person, he set out to repay those he had once hurt, trying his best to spread kindness along the way. Sadly, some of the things he did were unforgivable by some. He had anticipated some would not forgive him, though trying as best he could. For each transgression he performed, for each person he wronged, he vowed that though he could not help them, he would help others a thousand fold, knowing in doing this, wherever his father may be, he would be proud to call him son. To this day, he still helps anyone in need as he goes about his life, as well as finally becoming more social, thanks to his mother's urgings, beginning to take part in extra-curricular activities after school. He can still be found on his parents' estate.


I art thou... and thou art I... I am Magni, son of Thor. Let none stop our might on the journey to Valhalla...

Magni is depicted as the son of the Norse god Thor, and the Jotumn Járnsaxa, a giantess. He was a gargantuan demi-god, believed to be an estimated fifteen feet tall, and weilding an extremely large hammer pre-Ragnarok. He was known for representing power, strength, and fearlessness. He plays an important role in a battle between Thor and the giant Hrungnir. Thor defeated the giant utilizing a blow to the head with Mjolnir, the legendary hammer. While Thor killed the giant, it's body fell on him, pinning him to the ground. Thor, nor any other Aesir could move the body. Magni learned of this when he was only three days old, and went to his father, effortlessly moving the corpse off his father.

After Ragnarok was to transpire, Magni and his brother, Modi, were to be bequeathed Mjolnir to rebuild the world and all civilization. Magni was believed to be the only god besides Thor himself to be able to use Mjolnir at all.

Yoh and Magni's Attacks
Attack Name SP Cost Damage and Effects Description
Strike Attack - Hard Knuckles 0 Strike 3 A basic attack with Yoh's bolt lined gloves.
Special - World Shaking 5 Strike 4/Earth 4, Area 2. Yoh becomes enraged, and strikes the earth under him, causing a shockwave.
Cell Breaker 10 Strike 3, Phys Cost 2. Yoh launches several hits aimed at pressure points to cripple a foe.
Skull Cracker 10 Strike 3, Mag Cost 2. Yoh throws a devastating kick to the head, trying to disorient an enemy.
Rakunda 4 Vit Down 3. Magni roars, letting off an enervating wave of energy at a person.
Deathbound 14 Strike 5, Area 2. Magni strikes the ground with his hammer, inciting an earthquake.
God's Hand 13 Strike 7. Yoh and Magni sync up to hit with their strongest punch at once.
Sonic Punch 7 Strike 4. Yoh gains a temporary speed boost to fire a punch across great distances.
Strike Boost Passive Strike Boost Yoh's martial arts training helps him land strike moves much more often.
Thunder Crush 11 Strike 3/ Electric 3. Magni summons Mjolnir to launch a devastating attack at a foe.
Zio 5 Electric 3. Yoh fires a small amount of electricity from his fingertips.
Zionga 9 Electric 5. Yoh conjures a sphere of electric power and fires it at an opponent.


Note that Yoh does not have a Persona yet, therefore no Resonance. For now.

Yoh's resonance is powerful and direct in nature. The sounds of war seem to abound on both sides. The marching of soldiers, clanging of metal on the bulwarks of the frontlines, and the battlecries of those instilled with the courage of those they care about seem to abound everywhere. The scent of blood and heated steel, both shed to fight for a due cause abounds. The sounds seem to rise to a culminating point, then dissipate as quickly as they came. The feeling that, even set against impossible odds, to stand and fight for what one believes in with honor, is better than to die a coward.

Social Statistics

Expression: 2 ~ His fists tend to emote more than him.

Knowledge: 3 ~ He has decent knowledge, save in literature, but he is working on it!

Courage: 4 ~ Almost never falters, save against seemingly innumerable odds set against him.

Understanding: 3 ~ He tries to understand others, but still makes bad decisions.

Diligence: 5 ~ When given a task, it WILL get done.


Everyone needs a good theme!

Joe Satriani - If I Could Fly - Youtube (Main Theme)
Dark Cloud 2 - Time is Changing - Youtube (Used in CS 1)

Battle Themes:
Mega Man X3 - Zero's Theme - Youtube
Dark Cloud 2 - Battle For The Future - Youtube
Sonic The Hedgehog X360 - Crisis City - Youtube
Disgaea 2 - White Tiger - Youtube
Exile - Indestructible - Youtube

IC Music Favorites
Music Yoh can be found listening to on his Cellphone/MP3 player ICly.

Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away - Youtube
Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists - Youtube
Fuel - Won't back Down - Youtube
Korn - Twisted Transistor - Youtube
Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc - Youtube
Finntroll - Trollhammaren - Youtube
Sick Puppies - You're Going Down - Youtube
Cage The Elephant - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked - Youtube
Paul Stanley - Live To Win - Youtube
Trapt - Headstrong - Youtube


First Day In Town ~ IC Time: January 7th, 2010. 7:00 PM. - It is Yoh's first day checking out the unfamiliar side of Lunarvale, and already he meets some... interesting folks. (Lunarvale Sun Mall: Masumi Hayashi, Reki Kurusu, Wataru Hoshimoto, Chiaki Ichikawa.)

Smoke On The Water ~ IC Time: January 8th, 2010. 9:30 PM. - Beginning to check out new areas around where he was going to start going to school, Yoh finds himself around the infamous Okina Fountain, and stumbles upon a strange and foreboding meeting. (Okina City Fountain: Takahisa Kandori, Shiori Hibiki, Hitoshi Taniguchi.}

Explosive Encounter ~ IC Time: January 10th, 2010. 5:00 PM. - Visiting Inaba for the first time, Yoh finds himself in a rather scary situation, coming across a collision between Reki Kurusu and Thora Kobayashi. (Inaba Commercial District: Shou Hamada, Shirou Sekigawa, Thora Kobayashi, Reki Kurusu.

The Magic Glo-Fish ~ IC Time: January 12th, 2010. 6:00 PM. - While exploring Inaba, Yoh runs into some familiar faces once again, and also sees something that no one would believe existed. (Inaba Flood Plain: Chiaki Ichikawa, Kurou Emihara, Shou Hamada, Wataru Hoshimoto.)

Reality Shattered ~ IC Time: January 14th, 2010. 5:00 PM. - The day began with purchasing a Love Charm from the Samegawa Shrine, but then things take a turn for the worse, and Yoh sees something that will most likely change his outlook on life forever. Afterwards, he meets a few familiar faces in the nearby food court whom reveal some disturbing information. (Inaba Flood Plain: Thora Kobayashi, Akimoto Nagamori, Megumi Mushikabe, Takahisa Kandori.) (Junes' Food Court: Shiori Hibiki, Hitoshi Taniguchi, Shou Hamada.)

It's All In Your Head ~ IC Time: January 15th, 2010. 3:00 PM onwards. - After an unfortunate encounter with Thora Kobayashi in Inaba, Yoh tries to let the whole fiasco from yesterday sink into the back of his mind. Unfortunately, the two groups he runs in to make it seem like he isn't meant to forget it! (Okina City: Ichiya Chigiri, Rise Kujikawa, Shirou Sekigawa, Shou Hamada.) (Inaba Commercial District: Aigis, Reki Kurusu, Shiori Hibiki.)

Tying Up Loose Ends ~ IC Time: January 21st, 2010. 6:00 PM. - After receiving a call from Shou Hamada, Yoh heads out to meet him at Okina City. Naturally, he bumps into more folks he knows when he arrives there, and meets a new face: Tohru Adachi. (Okina City: Shou Hamada, Shirou Sekigawa, Tohru Adachi, Shiori Hibiki)


True Strength ~ IC Time: January 14th, 2010. 10:30 PM. - After learning a dark secret about the world, Yoh heads home, only to find himself plagued by a strange dream, involving a woman in a blue dress that looks oddly familiar.

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