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<center><b>Lunarvale - Sun Mall -  
<center><b>Lunarvale - Sun Mall - IC Time: January 7th, 2010. 7:00 PM.</b></center?\>
January 7th, 2010. IC Time: 7:00 PM.</b></center?\>
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(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))<br>
(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))<br>
Yoh nods and gives a courteous bow. "All right, I won't hold you. It was nice meeting you, Ichikawa-san." He waves to the seemingly kind lady and looks about the area. He forgot to get him he would either have to take a long way or cut through Joy Street, either of which was a bad choice. He takes out some sort of thick gloves, placing them on his hands, and begins to contemplate on which path to take. While sure he could handle most situations, he would personally rather not have any, and make this day a keeper as far as occurrences are concerned.
Yoh nods and gives a courteous bow. "All right, I won't hold you. It was nice meeting you, Ichikawa-san." He waves to the seemingly kind lady and looks about the area. He forgot to get him he would either have to take a long way or cut through Joy Street, either of which was a bad choice. He takes out some sort of thick gloves, placing them on his hands, and begins to contemplate on which path to take. While sure he could handle most situations, he would personally rather not have any, and make this day a keeper as far as occurrences are concerned.
[[Category: Logs]]

Latest revision as of 01:26, 7 October 2012

Lunarvale - Sun Mall - IC Time: January 7th, 2010. 7:00 PM.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
New stores. New locations. New everything.

Scanning most of the stores in the area, Yoh appears as if he is a tourist, or slightly lost, one of the two. Focusing on the Rose-Candida for a small time, he cannot help but ponder to himself how transferring could have benefited him at the time. While it was for the better, leaving behind everything he knew gave him an awkward feeling coming in contact with new folks. 'Hopefully I will fit in here,' he thinks to himself, and as passersby are glanced at, one could almost tell how he was feeling.

(((Masumi Hayashi poses.)))
Although she actually lives in Inaba, Masumi has a tendency to come to Lunarvale to visit the shops there, particularly the clothing stores -- although she is not typically one to follow the latest 'trends,' she has a certain appreciation for the American aesthetic, and it's much easier to find it here in this city than elsewhere. And really, any excuse to get out of the tiny, backwater town of Inaba is a good one.

The passerby which Yoh glances at is an exceptionally pretty young woman about seventeen years in age, wearing a simple but elegant black dress which stops at her knees to expose shapely and perfectly smooth legs, and a button-down sweater of a deep, rich burgundy over it in respect for the cold weather. Silky silver hair cascades elegantly down her back, reaching to her waist, and a pair of tiny but exquisite jeweled earrings adorn soft and gentle features.

She carries herself with a distinct, delicate gracefulness, but also a quiet poise that is subtly confident without being challenging or overly direct. The air about her is one of intense allure and deep mystery, azure gaze seeming to see something just a little bit beyond what most of the world sees, as if always looking just a little bit past the physical realm to something...beyond. At the same time, there's almost a sense of warm beckoning, as if she were willing at any time to converse freely with even complete strangers.

And as Yoh glances at her, she glances back, briefly making eye contact. "Hello," she greets in soft tones, apparently entirely not bothered by the fact that she doesn't know him from Adam. Quick, what do you do!?

(((Reki Kurusu poses.)))
Reki Kurusu makes his way through the mall area... He seems a bit confused, mildly out of it, as he walks... He knows something important recently happened, something terrifying, but important, but can't remember it, and he wonders if he should. Reki has had a rough couple of nights, and fears he's going insane... He does spot the familiar form of the man...woman...wo-man, or whatever Masumi is, and the other teenaged boy..

He does move closer watching the exchange, its normal...well, not really Normal but its more normal than the stuff that happened that one night, or the fact he can't really seem to remember what happened to him last night.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
'Quickly, someone is talking to you! Say something back! Now is a chance to fit in!' is all that was running through Yoh's mind. While not necessarily shy, he is soft-spoken at times, remaining reserved and stoic in most situations. A habit formed that he... doesn't quite care for.

Taking his time, he looks back at the passing girl, now for unknown reasons addressing him. Was she lost? Overly friendly? Maybe both... he decides to find out. "Hello there," he says with a polite wave, looking her way for a moment, before looking back up at the Rose-Candida outlet. "...Clothing store. Huh," Yoh says, seemingly to himself. His social graces, while almost always positive, was in need of work. Looking back to Masumi, he smiles. "Still getting used to this new area."

While speaking to his new acquaintance, he can't help but feel watched, though doubting it concerned him, seemingly shrugged it off in his mind.

(((Masumi Hayashi poses.)))
Masumi enjoys meeting and talking with new and interesting people, as part of her never-ceasing quest to learn and to know -- and there is such a wealth of knowledge that can be gleaned from the people of the world, each one bearing a unique perspective that may reveal something new. And while she does not normally make a habit of speaking to completely random passersby, there's something about Yoh which draws her attention specifically.

He has the Potential.

The silver-haired teen waits with apparently boundless patience to see if Yoh will simply continue walking or will in fact return the greeting, and the faintest traces of a smile play at the edges of her delicate lips when it's the latter. "Oh?" she asks softly. "Are you new to the city, or just never been to this part of it before?" The sense conveyed in her tones is not one of grating nosiness, but simply opening the door for pleasant conversation if he is so willing. There's a gentle warmth about her that is easy on the senses.

And then suddenly, her gaze moves sharply, looking over Yoh's shoulder to a person standing just a little bit beyond him -- locking onto Reki's eyes. There's an intensity there that seems to suggest she knows something's different from their brief encounter the other evening, but also mixed with a sudden terror deep in her azure eyes. The eye contact only lasts for a second before she forcibly tears her gaze away; Yoh will probably miss it altogether, while Reki will get the briefest of glimpses into it.

At the same time, Masumi clasps her hands in front of herself in what appears to be a demure gesture, but in truth does so that both hands have something to grasp tightly, to hide the soft trembling of her body as a thrill of fear runs down her spine.

Her gaze drifts briefly away from both of the other teens briefly as she works desperately to maintain her composure underneath the oppressive weight of Reki's Resonance. Underneath that intense feeling of being forcibly Silenced, unable to open her mouth...which is perhaps the enchantress' greatest fear. The inability to weave their will upon the world, to speak the words which would banish the darkness.

(((Reki Kurusu poses.)))
Unfortunately for Reki, the signals that Masumi's ill-at-ease stance send off draw him in closer... He sees someone in apparent need of help, and the sudden bit of eye contact only serves to exacerbate that... He steps closer, glancing at Yoh and then Masumi...

"My apologies for staring. Is something the matter, you seem distressed? I believe we met someplace else before? Please forgive me, but I seem unable to remember your name...or your name, Sir." The 'sir' is addressed at Yoh.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh cant help but smile at being spoken to already. After all, he had just begun getting his bearings for this area of Lunarvale yesterday. "Actually, I am new to this area of town, thank you for asking." The boy just seems to stand there for a moment, appearing either to space out, or contemplating his next move, the first being the true occurrence. "Oh! Sorry. My name is Yoh," He says before bowing slightly. As he looks up from the bow. he notices something catches her attention, though eh chalks it up to a random occurrence, like maybe a bird or butterfly. He wasn't the best at detecting emotion or subtleties of others, usually regarding happenings as not his business, or personal affairs.

As he is about to say something, Reki moved in and spoke, catching his attention. 'Another friendly person already? that was fast,' he pondered. He exchanges the same friendly smile presented to Masumi as he begins to speak. "Hi there. I'm new to this area. I am Yoh," he says, before giving him the same polite bow.

(((Wataru Hoshimoto poses.)))
There is yet anther person wandering the streets of Lunarvale. It is often that the boy made his way to the place. Why? Well, there was the Augustus Tree quite a ways within the town. That is why the boy is currently wandering the streets. Currently, he isn't wearing a business suit. Instead he is wearing a homely, unbuttoned red shirt with his cargo pants. Wrapped around is arms are two plush: A Jack Frost plush and a Dr. Bunny plush. The young boy looks over towards the streets, noting few of the people about.

The eyebrows furrow as he does not recognize them. However, there is a draw. A Potential.

However, hearing someone say 'Yoh' actually.. stops the boy. The eyes turn to face the stranger, and he actually beelines his way. Big brother?

(((Masumi Hayashi poses.)))
Masumi's breathing is slightly labored as her gaze remains adrift, keeping the two boys from seeing the paleness in her face or the deep terror lurking in the back of her azure eyes. Her hands remain clenched together to stop the shaking as she tries desperately to regain her control and her composure, the skin along the back of her neck crawling sharply enough to be painful. She is only distantly aware of the other two speaking to her.

Focus, Masumi, she silently tells herself. Reach out through the darkness and reaffirm your center -- but she feels chained, bound, unable to effectively do anything. Breathe. Inhale slowly, feel the cleansing of the pure air, circulate it through your body, your mind, your soul; draw up the tainted energies and release them with each steady exhale. But it's difficult, so difficult, the drawing of each new breath seeming to be a new and laborious struggle. Focus. Focus.

"I'm...I'll be fine," she finally replies slowly to Reki's first question, though her soft tones are strained and labored. "It's just a..." but she trails off, perhaps indicative of some sudden physical spell or ailment which she is reticent to speak of.

With time and concerted effort, Masumi manages to slowly recover herself even under the renewed pressure of Reki's oppressive Resonance, finally finding some level of focus in summoning from the depths of her psyche Yaksa's bright, guiding light which shines a path forward. Thoughts of Hinata fill her mind and spirit, and she clings to them, to that light which so characterizes her closest friend.

"Masumi," she introduces herself softly to both of the other teens at once, finally looking up; her expression is still slightly strained. "It's a..." The silver-haired girl stops briefly to inhale slowly, steadying herself. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you," she says in gentle, faintly lilting tones, and there's an undertone to her words that conveys the fact that she genuinely means this, rather than it merely being an empty formality. Her soft lips turn slightly upwards with the whisp of a soft smile.

"But I don't think I caught your name...?" she says to Reki, her tone faintly questioning.

(((Reki Kurusu poses.)))
Reki Kurusu nods, "I beg your forgiveness, honored person... I am Reki Kurusu, middle school student, I principally hail from Inaba." He looks at Yoh and blinks, "I am pleased to meet you, Yoh-san, I hope that everything is finding you well on this evening. I hope that you are well. Is there something you require of me?"

He looks back to Masumi, having not yet noticed Wataru, "...and you do see somewhat...ill at ease, if I may humbly contradict you. Perhaps you are unwell, do you wish for me to find you something to drink, a doctor, or something similar?"

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
'Wow, this newcomer is well mannered,' he couldn't help but think. "Well, at the moment I am just getting used to the area of town I will be in frequently now, since transferring to St. Hermelin. I suppose any mention of nearby attractions would help greatly!" About about this time, Yoh couldn't help but feel something strange going on. Of course, being as it was him sensing this, he continued to disregard it, as it probably didn't concern him. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well," He managed to say before Reki began to present his advice to the girl. While not very perceptive of others around him yet, he could tell when someone may be on to something. Who knows? Maybe something was plaguing the girl. For a lack of better words, he merely chimes in after Reki, saying, "Yeah, is there something you need help with?" before tilting his head slightly in curiosity.

(((Wataru Hoshimoto poses.)))
The boy is noting the feeling with the Potentials. It actually makes the boy quite happy to see... people. Unlike his former demeanor, it actually feels good to meet new people now. However, his attention is placed onto Yoh. That boy is approaching the taller teenager, looking over towards the youth. His head lifts up.

He gazes and scans the features of this 'Yoh'.

Wataru shakes his head. "Not my Yoh. Not my Yoh. My Yoh gone. My Yoh gone." He tilts his head over looking over towards the other two. The older man and woman are gazed at by the strange child. He hugs onto the Jack Frost and the Dr. Bunny plush closer.

or those who can sense the resonance, there is a quiet, stoic presence about him. At the same time, one cannot help but feel that stoic presence loom over them. The gaze is rather unblinking, as the quiet child scans the strangers. After a moment, he tucks his head against the plushes, then he lifts his head back up.

"Hi. I am Wataru."

(((Masumi Hayashi poses.)))
Given that he only displayed the Potential a few days ago when she encountered him last, it's evident to Masumi that Reki is extremely newly-Awakened, and very likely knows nothing of Resonance or the more subtle points thereof yet -- beyond the simple fact that discussing any such matters in the immediate would be complicated by the presence of someone not bearing the Power. And also beyond how terribly...rude it would be to essentially tell him that he was the one causing such a reaction. Clearly it is merely a brief spell of some physical malady.

The silver-haired girl opens her mouth at first to assure both Reki and Yoh that she will be fine, that she just needs a few more moments to collect herself; the thought of actually accepting such an offer from someone that is basically a complete stranger makes her feel intensely vulnerable. She doesn't like that. But as another hidden quiver of fear runs down her spine, she realizes that it would at least offer a brief reprieve from his Presence in which she could more fully recover herself and erect mental walls against the oppressiveness. It's...so very difficult right now, with that constant weight of the heavy chains about her mind, about her spirit.

"Water would be..." Another slow inhale to steady herself, seeming to gradually be recovering but still strained. "Lovely, if it is no trouble," she finishes, expression at once appreciative of the offer and seeming to genuinely not wish to put him out of his way, along with perhaps the very, very faintest traces of feeling vulnerable by asking a near-total stranger such a thing. But in addition to the aforementioned reason, she actually does suddenly realize that her mouth is painfully parched.

Although the exact chain of cause-and-effect is surely lost upon the uninitiated, Masumi actually does begin to recover a little more quickly when Wataru approaches them -- that sense of quiet, stoic calm providing a welcome counterbalance to the oppressive fear and terror of Reki's aura, even if it does seem to loom over her. Perhaps she can even actually appreciate on some level such a Presence looming.

"Hello, Wataru-san," she says, tones soft if still slightly strained, swallowing heavily but offering a faint but genuine smile to the youth as he approaches the small gathering so directly. Her own Resonance is one of soft, gentle light and warmth, as the first gentle rays of the morning dawn, but also the intense allure and deep mystery and mysticism of the enchantress. She breathes in deeply, then says further, "I am Masumi."

(((Reki Kurusu poses.)))
Reki Kurusu nods, "Water, yes." He then looks at the new arrival and bows slightly, "Hello, Wataru-san. I am Reki Kurusu, middle school student." He then looks back to Masumi, "...I will go and procure you some water, Masumi-san." At that he heads off, moving quickly, but with a certain sense of older decorum towards the nearest vending machine or drug store...

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
'Yet another friendly person! This new part of town is turning out great! I should come here often!' He casually thinks to himself. "Greetings Wataru-san. My name is Yoh. Pleasure to meet you." He gives Wataru a polite bow, then nods to Reki has he heads to fetch water for Masumi before turning back to the girl and newcomer. "This part of town sure seems friendly. I am glad I am transferring already." Despite stating the sentence with an upbeat tone, Yoh couldn't help but feel worried about Masumi, though it was probably just her losing her breath for a moment, and probably wasn't a cause for alarm. He glances over the girl once more before turning his attention back to the shopping area.

(((Wataru Hoshimoto poses.)))
The eyes turn to face Masumi. His head tilts over with curiosity her way. He can feel the strange, enchanting aura. Wataru blinks towards her, his eyes shut as he take in the warmth feeling. "...You're nice, Masumi-san." The boy re-opens his eyes, looking over towards Masumi. He lifts his arms up, revealing the Jack Frost plush and Dr. Bunny plush. "Frosty and Dr. Fuzzy say hi."

His eyes drift from Masumi to Reki. "Hi, Reki-san." The boy tilts his head over, then he shifts his gaze over to see Yoh. "...Hi, Not_My_Yoh-san." The newly fourteen year old tilts his head towards the three.

"...Interesting. All of you. Interesting."

(((Masumi Hayashi poses.)))
Masumi dips her head appreciatively as the younger youth moves off to procure her a bottle of water, immediately feeling the weight starting to life from her mind and spirit as he moves out of her fairly limited range of detection -- even if once again the chain of cause-and-effect is not especially obvious. Recovering herself just becomes easier and a quicker process, seeming to gain momentum as she pulls out of whatever spell she was just suffering from.

Breathing coming easier, Masumi begins to focus herself consciously on the stoic calm of Wataru's Resonance, using it as a mental anchor as she calms herself. Inhale slowly, circulate, exhale. Trying to strengthen her center and raise those mental walls before Reki returns, and with him, the fear of his oppressive aura.

Masumi does not seem put off by Wataru's distinctly odd and unusual mannerisms, immediately and easily adapting herself to them. "Thank you," she responds warmly to the compliments, her soft smile deepening. "Hello, Frosty, Dr. Fuzzy," she offers to stuffed animals when Wataru raises them up and says they say high, offering the pair a small wave. There is absolutely nothing patronizing in her tone or body language. Then, "What brings you out here, Wataru-san?" she asks pleasantly.

(((Reki Kurusu poses.)))
Reki Kurusu stands, waiting as he purchases the water... He returns from a small convience store, carrying a small satchel filled with various forms of water. Normal water, sparkling, flavored...

He makes his way back towards Masumi, offering the bag, "Here, I procured the water you needed." He is still not quite sure how to appropriately address Masumi, given the apparent...issue.

(((Chiaki Ichikawa poses.)))
Ah, one of those days.

Chiaki slipped out of Judgement 199, her handbag just a bit lighter than she'd walked in with. Of course, she'd stayed away from the house-rigged casino games that were available, and simply grabbed a free table for a round of friendly high-stakes Mahjong with a few colleagues.

Unfortunately, all the hands she'd gotten were crap.

So, as such, she's in a rather bad mood. Probably best to avoid her today... but then again, she appears to be walking towards the group on the way to her car...

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Listening intently to Wataru returning introductions, Yoh looks around at the approaching darkness, realizing he has lost track of time. Not that it was a very big deal, he can usually handle himself in some situations. His attention was grabbed as Wataru returned the greeting he gave. 'Wait... did he say... not my Yoh-san? What does that mean?' he pondered, lost in thought for a moment. Maybe he had heard it wrong. He chalked it up to a fluke for now, now paying attention to the conversation between Wataru and Masumi.

Yoh cracked a smile at the return of Reki, meaning Masumi may receive some amount of relief, hopefully, but the boy couldn't help but notice another person approaching from behind Reki, wondering who it could be.

(((Wataru Hoshimoto poses.)))
"Tree. Look for tree." Wataru notes about the Augustus Tree. "Find little sister. Find little sister." The boy tilts his head over, then he turns to face the direction that leads to the trees. "...Fourteen." His eyes shut, hugging the plush close to him. The young boy turns around to face the direction that the others went to.

In fact, the boy is starting to break away. "...Find little sister." He turns to face the three, walking past them. The child makes his way towards the path of the trees. He faces the group. "Bye bye... Bye bye Masumi-san. Bye bye Reki-san. Bye bye Not_My_Yoh-san."

He beams, the plush are held together, waved around before the boy turns to face the direction that the Augustus tree hangs at. Wandering along... it is a beautiful day.

(((Masumi Hayashi poses.)))
Masumi would probably appreciate being addressed in the feminine form, having gone through all the troubles to pass flawlessly as a young lady. In fact, Reki wouldn't have any cause for confusion at all if it hadn't been for the brief encounter the other day -- or more specifically for the gender-specific pronoun forms which Shirou used a couple times during that brief encounter. Perhaps it was just a slip of the tongue, even? Hinata certainly had used feminine forms to address and refer to her, and though 'Masumi' can be a unisex name, it is much more common as a girl's name...

Masumi offers a small, appreciate nod when Reki returns. There's a faint but perhaps noticeable quiver to her hands as she unclasps them in order to accept the proferred bag, reaching in and taking out one of the bottles of unflavored, purified water. The cap is opened with delicate fingers, and then she quickly drains the contents. The slight shake of her hands slows, then ceases as she draws energy from the pure water, eyes briefly closed as she allows the cleansing energies to touch every part of her being.

"Thank you," Masumi says after finishing, with tones of soft but deep appreciation for his chivalrous gesture. She breathes in deeply one final time before opening her eyes once more, and afterward seems very much recovered. She can still feel Reki's Resonance at the edge of her perception, trying to wear down her mental walls, and though it's faintly tiring, that's more something she'll really feel later, after an extended time. Continuing to focus on Wataru's Resonance goes a long way towards helping.

Afterward, she pulls out a small coin purse and extends to Reki the proper amount of money for the bottled waters.

Masumi continues to take Wataru's odd mannerisms in stride, inwardly slightly surprised by the sudden departure but adapting readily. But then she frowns slightly, gentle features expressing concern. "Wait, is your sister lost?" she asks in soft, concerned tones before he can get too far, unsure if it's his unusual style of speaking and he's merely meeting his sister at the Augustus Tree, or if there's something...more to it.

Meanwhile, Masumi has not currently noticed the approach of the TEACHER OF DOOM. Or more accurately, being extremely aware of her surroundings, she has noticed via peripheral vision, but is hoping that if she doesn't draw any attention to herself, Chiaki will just pass on by without incident.

(((Reki Kurusu poses.)))
Reki Kurusu waves his hand, "No...there is no need for repayment, but thank you regardless..." And yes, it's those pronouns that leave Reki questioning, and politely dodging around any references to that sort of thing what-so-ever...

He does blanch slightly when a thought crosses his mind and he checks his watch. This results in him suddenly developing a somewhat reserved, but unmistakeably terrified expression, "...I-I had best get going."

(((Chiaki Ichikawa poses.)))
Of course, Masumi is perhaps not so lucky.

The thing about being in anime-land, is that having odd-colored hair is one way one can distinguish one person from another. Having silver hair, for example, is a start, not to mention recognizing the vaguely androgynous voice attached to it. Chiaki quirks an eyebrow once she realizes that she, is, in fact, a he. A he that she knows. And, of course, she approaches Masumi and crosses her arms. "Well well," She says, "Enjoying your winter break, I see?"

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
He had heard it again! Wataru did indeed say, not my Yoh-san. He knew he heard it right that time! Sadly, it appeared as though Wataru was heading somewhere. Yoh made sure to make a note to himself that next time he had to ask about that.

He then turns and listens for a moment to Reki and Masumi's exchange of words, but then is taken back by Reki's change of demeanor. It was almost as if he was struck by fear, possibly scared of the dark approaching? He was not sure, and was about to ask him if he was alright now, rather than Masumi, but then noticed Chiaki reaching the group, and addressing Masumi. Not knowing this newcomer, he remained quiet and courteous, just presenting the adult with a small smile.

(((Wataru Hoshimoto poses.)))
Wataru is about to leave...

However, his attention falls on Masumi, who asks him about his sister. There is that calming, enchanting aura that she has that draws the boy. Tilting his head over at her with curiosity. Then, he smiles while the recollection of memories flow in his mind. "Little sister here. Little sister far away." It is really confusing as to how to interpret the boy's message. However, the child bobs his head. "Will find her. Will find little sis. Love her. She loves me." That the boy says. Then, he frowns, "...Little sis may still be mad at me. Maybe mad at me. Want to be there for her. Love little sis."

Of course, it looks like Masumi has another bit of company. A glance is given towards her company for a brief moment. The gaze remains unblinking for a moment. Turning away, the child waves his hand, "Bye bye..." Then, he turns away and walks towards the path of the Augustus tree.

(((Masumi Hayashi poses.)))
Masumi seems reluctant to take back the money when Reki refuses to take it, not especially wishing to feel beholden to someone that is once again still a near-total stranger. It just doesn't feel right -- but any argument she may or may not be getting ready to make is cut short when the middle school-er suddenly demonstrates what could best be described as raw terror.

Thinking back to what he said during their first brief encounter, Masumi quickly identifies the source of the fear and offers him a gentle but encouraging smile. She then leans in closely and murmurs softly, reassuringly into his ear, "The Dark Hour does not exist outside of Port Island; there is no need to be afraid." Because she can very much empathize with the fear of such a hell, but thankfully it is easy enough to avoid by 'not being in Port Island at midnight.'

After that, she turns her attention back to Wataru, but honestly finds him to be inscrutable in this case. Normally very gifted at understanding the thoughts and emotions of other people, she finds herself left with a feeling of vague confusion -- still unsure whether he needs help or not in finding someone that is missing, or if like his reference to the Tree, he merely needs to bridge the distance separating them. Masumi is in fact about to inquire further when --


For a moment, her blood runs cold and a bitter, metallic taste appears in the back of her mouth at being discovered by a teacher in such a manner. But...no. She isn't going to fall into that trap of allowing the pressures of other people to dictate how she lives her life, how she walks the path that she believes is set in front of her. "Hello, Ichikawa-san," she greets respectfully with a slight dip of her head, her tones soft and feminine. There's a quiet poise about Masumi that is neither challenging nor defensive. "I am," she replies softly to the question.

But this is Ichikawa. Something bad is going to happen.

And then she realizes that Wataru is already almost gone. "Goodbye, Wataru-san," she says, a little thrown off by the distraction of TEACHER OF DOOM, offering a small wave but unable to ask any of the pertinent questions in time.

(((Reki Kurusu poses.)))
Reki Kurusu blinks at Masumi... The reassurance seems to confuse him, even if it does seem to somewhat cause him to relax.. "...I...I should be returning before my mother misses me, in any case..." He respectfully indicates his departure to the others, bowing... He then turns and begins moving off, not frantically, but hurriedly, "..."

(((Chiaki Ichikawa poses.)))
Chiaki nods with a slight smile, trying to recall what was the Zessei Bijin's grade was. Being her first official class, it was difficult trying to memorize everyone's names, and even now did she need a copy of her attendance sheet to keep track of all her students' little quirks and behaviors.

But of course, some people are just that memorable.

"That is good to hear. Breaks are meant to be enjoyed. They are a reward for hard work and success from the previous semester." She casually brushes an errant strand of hair from her eyes. "Well, I certainly hope you have been studying for the spring term, however." She says, her voice having turned as cold as the weather, "Because come next semester, I will not be so forgiving." Wait, so she considered herself 'forgiving' for the winter semester? This certainly doesn't bode well.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Another of Yoh's new acquaintances now heading out, he turned to him and shouted, "Good-bye, Reki-san!" all the while waving. Pulling a pocket watch out of his, well, pocket, he checks the time casually. Not that Yoh had a curfew of any kind, mind you, He just hoped Reki and Wataru will get home before and nefarious figures begin to take to the streets late at night.

Turning his attention back to the back-and-forth taking place, Yoh couldn't help but listen in. A rather awkward moment indeed, to be confronted by your teacher at this hour. "Do you happen to teach at St. Hermelin?" he asks politely when a moment is present, giving a warming smile the teacher's way, hoping that maybe she won't be quite as mean to him as it sounds she is being to Masumi.

(((Masumi Hayashi poses.)))
Masumi slowly averts her gaze away from Chiaki as she starts in on her, not for the first or last time bristling internally at one of her teacher's arrogant manners, though there's no external signs of it -- she wouldn't even need to rely on supernatural methods, she could completely tear apart the older woman's life if she so chose. She has the right skills, knows the right people, has access to the right resources; that feeling of control that the teacher holds over the members of her class is almost laughable when applied to Masumi. To her it is given the power to shake the earth itself, and how dare --

Masumi breaks off this poisonous train of thought abruptly, inhaling slowly and letting the negative energies flow out of her.

Instead, she nods softly and noncombatantively to Chiaki, apparently not intimidated by the cold, harsh words, but equally giving them the attention and weight in her mind that she deserves. The truth is that she actually freaked out a little over the grades she received on the last round of exams, which were 'barely average' on everything except the science and mathematics tests, which were 'virtually perfect.' But still, as much as school is nothing but a hindrance and a distraction, she /needs/ those grades to get that damn piece of paper from a college someday she'll in turn need to actually have a career approaching 'halfway decent.'

However, it is getting late, and Masumi would like to finish her business in the city and then return home before it grows excessively so -- she /really/ isn't in the mood tonight for 'educating' the seedier elements that frequent the streets in the darker hours that she's not nearly the soft target she appears. This particular dress carries a lot of deeply sentimental value, and she has little interest in having it ripped in the ensuing scuffle.

"I will keep your words in mind, Ichikawa-san," she replies respectfully. A glance is given at the quickly-darkening sky. "But I must be on my way before it grows any later." Once more, speaking respectfully, and offers a small bow in addition. She then glances at Yoh. "Goodbye, Yoh-san. It was a pleasure meeting you." And with that, she heads towards the nearby Rosa-Candida, before disappearing inside.

(((Chiaki Ichikawa poses.)))
Chiaki Ichikawa glances to Yoh, "Ah, no, I teach at Yasogami High. Second and third-year English." She looks back to Masumi, her arms crossed and her lips curled in a bemused smile. "Have a nice evening, then, Hayashi-san." She says, watching the student hurry away into the nearby storefront.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Seeing as Masumi was in a rush, he bid the new friend a good night. "Bye, Masumi-san!" he says aloud, waving to her as she goes. Yoh then turns back to Chiaki. "Oh, my mistake! I am transferring there, and I figured I would ask. Would be nice to find some folks who go there." He said, his voice trailing off as he looks off in the distance, something random drawing his attention for a moment.

(((Chiaki Ichikawa poses.)))
Chiaki Ichikawa returns her attention to Yoh. "Ah, really? I assume you are heading into your first year?" She asks, setting a hand on her hip. He probably wasn't that young, but it was worth a shot. After all, might as well have a little small talk.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
"Actually, I am in the middle of my first year so far. Grades are alright, well, if they carry over for the small school I went to decently. Some schools do seem like they have different standards." Yoh, after saying that, looks around. He had lost track of just how late it was getting, night tine in full swing. As he stood there, he couldn't help but wonder what his school would be like, since talking about grades now brought the subject up.

(((Chiaki Ichikawa poses.)))
Chiaki Ichikawa nods understandingly. "Well, unless your old school was known for being a pushover when it comes to grades," mused Chiaki, "I doubt you will find any problems with transferring marks." She looks up as well, also having lost track of time. The teacher takes a deep breath and looks around. "Well... I suppose I should be off. I've got a train to catch."

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh nods and gives a courteous bow. "All right, I won't hold you. It was nice meeting you, Ichikawa-san." He waves to the seemingly kind lady and looks about the area. He forgot to get him he would either have to take a long way or cut through Joy Street, either of which was a bad choice. He takes out some sort of thick gloves, placing them on his hands, and begins to contemplate on which path to take. While sure he could handle most situations, he would personally rather not have any, and make this day a keeper as far as occurrences are concerned.

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